Chapter 46: Behind the Wall

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Riza and Havoc stood in  front of Roy's desk in his office. Roy said: "I called Dr. Knox. He  should come in a few minutes." They just spoke about Riza's mission.  There was a heavy atmosphere.

After a few moments of  silence they heard knocking on the door. Dr Knox entered the office.  "Who is dying again?" he asked instead of a hello. Roy stood up. "No  one. We are planning one mission and we need your help in that case."  Dr. Knox gave Roy an angry look. "So you are planning to nearly get  killed and you are expecting I will save you." Roy nodded slowly.  "Basically. The Captain is going to a special mission. We need to  infiltrate very deeply into the enemy's organization. There is a possibility  that she will get an order to kill someone of us. As you can imagine, I  am not willing to sacrifice anyone's life. So I need your help. I need a  way to kill someone without killing him really. He will have to  convincingly look dead. But there must be a way to get the person back  to life." Dr. Knox looked shocked at Roy. "You are crazy." Roy smiled. "I  think I would be crazy if I wanted to kill any of my subordinates. And not  only that. I can't order the Captain to do so, either." Riza gave him a thankful smile. Dr. Knox said:  "You want to be the President with such a kind heart? Even if you could reach  the top, your will to save everyone will cost you your life one day!"  Roy shook his head. "I don't think so. I am uncompromising to my  enemies. I don't hesitate to kill the people who want to kill me or someone I care about, or who  want to destroy this country. But I will not lose another subordinate."  Dr. Knox watched Roy and thought about what Roy just said. "Maybe it  does make sense after all."

"Is there any  solution for the problem?" Dr. Knox nodded. "Of course. The alchemists  and also the non-alchemists who work with drugs have done a lot lately.  We have medicine for many sicknesses and also many discoveries on the  way there, which the scientists want to stay unnoticed." He turned to  Riza. "How accurately can you shoot?" Riza answered: "I am absolutely  accurate without a deviation as little as one millimetre until the distance of fifteen meters with a simple hand gun."  Dr. Knox looked surprised. "You know, my team consists of the very  best," Roy explained, not even trying to hide his pride and amusement over Dr. Knox's fallen jaw.

Dr. Knox overdid the  surprise. He asked Riza: "Did you take the anatomy class in the military  academy?" Riza nodded. "Yes. Every sniper had to take it. We learned  the exact position of every life-important organ and how to hit it. We  also learned the positions of many arteries in the body to use it as the  last possibility." Dr.Knox looked satisfied with the answer. "That will  be enough. In the bottom part of the heart, there is only muscle...." Dr. Knox continued talking in medical terms. Roy got lost instantly, but Riza obviously knew exactly what he was talking about. "But you have to be careful also about the speed of the bullet. It shouldn't come through. The the patient will be  bad enough already. It could only add many complications." Roy and Havoc  exchanged looks. Both of them remembered very well the feeling of being  pierced through and they didn't want to experience it ever again. Though the  thought of being shot right into the heart wasn't very nice, either. At  least when Riza shot they could be sure it will be perfectly accurate.

Riza said: "But hitting  that part of the heart can lead to death anyway. A slow death." Dr. Knox  nodded. "Yes, if you hit too high. Above the corner, there are nerves.  You mustn't hit them." Riza nodded slowly. Dr. Knox continued: "It will cause a strong bleeding  anyway, but not as strong as if you would hit the chamber." Roy said:  "Based on what you said, the wound will not be deadly. Then how do you  want to reach the state which can be considered by an enemy as death?"  Dr. Knox answered: "There is a drug which can do that. It has been  discovered about ten years ago. During the past regime, it had been  tested in the research institutes. Only a small amount of it is enough.  You can dip a bullet into it before you use it. You can do that even a  few days before."

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