Chapter 19: The night

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Roy sat at the table in Riza's small apartment, where she lived now in Central. Riza looked at him with a determined look. "Do it." She said. "Please, do this for me. I beg you." Roy shook his head. "I can't. I have hurt you enough. I don't want to hurt you anymore." Riza said: "This isn't about hurting me. This is about safety. There is always a possibility, that I will get captured. If some alchemist finds out the secrets of the Flame alchemy, he will be able do destroy this country. You know the destruction the Flame alchemy brings. I have seen it, too. I know the secret is safe by you. But I doubt it is safe by me. I guess no one can imagine, what would happen if it gets to a wrong person." Roy nodded slightly. "You are right. It is a very dangerous art. But I don't want to be the one, who will do this to you. I have hurt you enough. I have brought you here. I have pulled you through all of this. I just can't." Riza came closer to him. "Roy. You are the only one person I trust enough to do this." Roy shook his head, out of arguments. "Alright. I will do it. But please don't ask anything similar of me anymore." Riza nodded slowly. "I promise."

Riza stood with her naked back turned to Roy. The tattoo covered the most of her back. Roy had to destroy it, so that nobody could find out, what the secret was. He thought hard. He had to decide so, that there was no important information left. On the other side, he didn't want to hurt Riza more than necessary. When he found out, he asked: "Riza, are you really sure of this? It will hurt a lot. And the scars will remain there most likely forever." Riza turned her head a bit to Roy. "Yes, I am sure. I do not fear the scars. I have worse on my mind. Just do it. If I pass out, continue until it is done. Promise me that." Roy shook his head. He couldn't believe, what he was about to do. But he said: "Yes, I promise."

Roy put on his gloves. Before he could snap his fingers, he lowered his hand. "I don't want to do this. I will never forget myself." Riza turned her head again. Roy could see sadness in her face. "I don't like it, either. But this is the only possibility. Please, Roy. Don't think about me now. You said you want to protect the people of this country. Do this for them. Maybe it will save many lives." Roy nodded. "Alright." He took a deep breath.

"Three. Two. One." Roy snapped his fingers. The pain was much worse than Riza expected. She cried out, but stayed there without moving. Another flame came. Roy's ears were cut by another scream. With each scream, a part of his soul died. He was hurting the woman he promised to protect. There was only one part left. He snapped his fingers. This time, Riza couldn't stand it anymore. She collapsed to Roy's arms. Roy took a blanket and covered her. He tried not to touch her back. With one arm, he held Riza. He touched her face with the other hand. "Riza! Riza, wake up!" Riza's lids shook a bit. Then she opened her eyes. Tears ran down her face. She smiled. "Thank you, Roy. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Roy shook his head. "No. I am sorry. I hurt you again. I am sorry." Riza looked up at him. He had a broken look in his face. "Roy... I am so sorry you had to do this." Then she passed out again. Fear went through him like a bolt. It was worse than he thought. "Riza!"

"Riza!" Roy sat up on his bed. He looked on his alarm clock. It was 3 o'clock in the morning. He put his hands on his face. "Why did I hurt you, Riza..." He whispered. He went to the kitchen to  make some tea. Then he sat down in an armchair in the living room and stared into nothing. Pictures ran in front of his eyes. The first time they met. The first time he saw her cry back in Ishval.  Riza laying in her own blood, even more blood coming from under her hand on her throat. Riza falling against him. He recalled the mission with Barry the Chopper. They were calling, then Riza didn't answer. He feared she was dead and stormed onto the battlefield. He was so glad to find her alright. It was in the last moment, though.

Roy sighed on the thought, how much was Riza through because of him. But she never complained. She always looked straight forward, no matter what happened. She was the most amazing subordinate one could wish. But for Roy, she was more than just a subordinate. He stood up and went back to his bedroom. He looked at his phone. What if...?

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