Chapter 1 - Promises

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Out in the Enchanted Forest, a young girl at the age of five sat by a nearby cherry blossom tree next to a meadow, were deer and bunnies hopped and pranced about. The birds filled the air with their songs of spring. The suns warmed the atmosphere around the young girl as she made flower crowns of the fallen flowers. Her small tattered brown shirt was lose on her frame. The lose black pants were slightly covered in dirt while she sat on the ground.

A couple of bunnies came by to greet her as she worked on her flower crowns. She only gave them blossoms to eat, which they gladly eat from her hand. Their fuzzy mouths tickled her hand and they eat it. It was peaceful until an arrow was shot. The bird became silent as the animals ran in fear back into the woods for shelter.

The young girl knew all to well who it was. The trio that always did there daily trip to ruin the peaceful environment around her. The leader of this trio was a young girl name Joan. She wasn't much old than the young girl they messed with. Her big brother Jasper was the worst of them though.

Always trying to pick fights and 'putting people in their place' as he says. Now Percy, the youngest, wasn't a really bad kid like Joan and Jasper, no. He only did as they said and followed them because he wanted to be their friend and a loyal friend he was.

Walking across the meadow, the little girl continues her flower crowns. Seeing this made Joan chuckle as she now stood in front of the innocent girl.

"Look at what the peasants is doing," Joan smirked. "Looks like wittle Y/n is making little crowns."

Y/n only faltered for a moment before continuing. This made Joan angry on how Y/n ignored her. Joan ripped the unfinished flower crowns from Y/n's little hand and held it above her head so Y/n couldn't get it back. When Y/n tried to jump for it, Jasper pushed her, making her small thin body hit the hard ground. Dirt rubbed against her thin arms and shirt.

Y/n didn't let any tears shed. She wouldn't give them that satisfaction. Not now and hopefully not ever. Joan inspected the flower crown before ripping it to pieces in front of her. Y/n said and did nothing in response.

"Your nothing more than a little peasant girl with no friends," Joan spoke with smugness, dropping the torn crown in the ground. "Nobody really likes you."

"Not even your Papa, I️ mean why do you think he left you?" Jasper spoke in. "Your an ugly nobody."

For this going on for so long, something final snapped in Y/n. She stood up and shoved Joan making her stumble back. Percy quickly steady her while Jasper looked to make sure his sister was okay before glaring at an angry Y/n.

"My Papa loved me. He will come back!" Y/n yelled in determination.

Jasper took a step forward, being stopped by Joan. Joan took one stride in front of Y/n and shoved her on to the ground and placed one foot on her stomach. Y/n struggled to get the foot off. Joan put more weight leaning down to Y/n face.

"Your Papa isn't coming back. He never will and you know why? Because your a worthless little brat," she spat in Y/n's face.

Removing her foot the trio left the young girl gasping for air. Sitting up against the cheery blossoms tree, Y/n curled up in a ball letting silence tears fall. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her fathers old pan flute. He always sat by the cheery blossom tree of by the beaches to played for Y/n while she made flower crowns or shell necklaces. The bird would stop and listen or sing along.

The Pan flute was the only thing from her father that she had. He had taught her to play a few song and melody's. Only Y/n never played them after he left. She found no need too. It wasn't until later she heard soft foot steps coming towards her. She thought nothing of it and figured it was just Joan and her friends coming back to bump water on her, only it wasn't.

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