Chapter 7: Pan

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Years flew by quickly as Y/n made a deal with the new dark one, Rumplestiltskin. She retrieved something for him in turn she got a ring to change her gender. Y/n's body changed to a males body. Changing her name to B/n (boy name) she didn't go back to the village until her son, Felix was a teenager. B/n and Koby befriended Felix and taught him what they know.

It wasn't long until B/n earned the nickname Pup due to the fur hat with ears he wore. You would have thought everything between them would be fine, but Joan's son and his friend found a way to ruin it. Their names were Brew and Adrain. To B/n, Adrain wasn't a bad kid. He only wished to please his mother and fit in.

His mother became a millers daughter and she was having another child. Another boy who was going to be a father to a future queen named Cora. That was all according to Koby. Adrain's fate was unclear to him though. All Koby knew is that a piper or Peter Pan was going to take theses boys to Neverland in a few days at least.

As Felix and B/n used to 'swords' against each other, Koby sat back and waited calmly for Adrain and Brew to make their appearance.

"Hey, B/n! Felix!" Koby called.

B/n haltered for a moment turning towards him. Felix took this change think he could finally beat his best friend, only B/n turned and disarmed him. Restraining him, B/n turned back to Koby.

"What is it?" B/n asked as Felix struggled to get out of his hold. "Someone or something coming?"

"Yeah, the two that always try to ruin your day," Koby spoke calmly reading out of a spell book. "Oh and duck."

B/n and Felix did so as an arrow flew over them. Turning around they saw Adrain with Brew next to him holding a bow.

"Hello Pup. Felix," Brew smirked.

"Hey Brew. What brings you two here? Want another fight to lose?" Felix asked.

Adrain glared at Felix before turning away. Fighting was useless. Everyone knew that B/n and Felix were the best fighters in the village.

"No, I wanted to ask you two a question," Adrain answered. "Do you know who your mother is? Like your real blood mother?"

Felix froze at the question while B/n tensed.

"Dead. My mother is dead as has been for a long time," B/n snapped. "Felix's real mothers where bouts are unknown. Why do you asked?"

"My mother has suspected that you two were the sons of Y/n. A wench and slut bag," he smirked watching both boys faces turn red in rage. "Why are you mad Felix? I mean if she really loved you she wouldn't have given you up."

B/n growled pinning Adrain to the tree with a deathly look in his eyes.

"Your mother is a cow. A whore that grew jealous because Y/n got the best boy in town," B/n seethed. "Your just a son of a miller. Your no better than us."

Shoving Adrain aside B/n stormed away. Koby and Felix soon followed behind leaving Brew and Adrain. They followed B/n al the way to the cherry blossom tree that he sat at with Malcolm making flower crowns, laughing, making memories. Tears fell from B/n's remembering all the times Malcolm comforted him. All of that changed due to that wolf that B/n was determined to skin.

B/n snapped out of his thoughts of the past as Felix placed a hand on his shoulder. Turning around B/n embraced Felix burying his face in his shoulder. Koby understood the situation on why B/n hugged Felix. It's hard to let go of a child. Felix was hesitate to hug back.

It wasn't awkward to Felix's surprise. It felt comforting and loving, like an unknown bond. B/n pulled back, to soon for Felix's liking, wiping away the tears that fell. This was the first time Felix witnessed B/n crying. He saw him as a strong brother like figure. He never thought he'd see the day that strong figure would cry.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...Thanks Felix's. I'll see you tomorrow," B/n mutter before leaving.

When B/n did walk away, Felix felt lost and lonely. It happen often with B/n felt. Koby placed a hand on Felix's shoulder as B/n left.

"I promise, that feeling will all make sense one day."

Felix blinked and looked over at Koby.

"What do you mean?"

"That feeling when you two were hugging. That unknown bond," Koby explained. "Trust me, this little montage will make sense in time. You just have to be patient with B/n. He'll open up to you."


Night came quickly. To quickly for Koby's liking. Tonight was the night father and son were to meet yet again. The Dark One going to save his son from Malcolm, well Peter Pan or piper as some call him. It wasn't long until music was heard.

It went threw the air like a gentle breeze. A familiar melody hit B/n's ears. Koby, however, didn't hear it. He wasn't lost or lonely. He wasn't a lost or unloved child. Just an angry one that soon felt loved from B/n.

When he felt that he was not long a lost boy. He had B/n and as long as B/n was around, Koby would never be lost. When B/n got up to investigate, Koby followed beside him quietly. They stayed hidden in the trees while the boys played and danced by the fire were the piper played. His playing was stopped by the Dark One, who snapped the pipes in half.

When the piper spoke, the voice was all to familiar to B/n. He recognized the voice as his friend, lover... It was in fact Malcolm's voice. They exchanged word and the Dark One took his son away from the boys. It wasn't long until until Pan took the boys to Neverland with him.

B/n and Koby slipped with the group in with the boys, going to Neverland. When arriving, Malcolm spoke a few words.  

"Welcome to Neverland, my name is Peter Pan. You will be know as the lost boys. You should know that their is a deadly plant on this island and you should try to avoid it," he informed, making some of the boys uncomfortable. "Now, I would like to know who you boys might be."

Each boy introduced theirselves to Pan. Adrain, Koby, Rufio, Felix, and other villager boys. When B/n was the last one to introduce himself, he felt nervous and anxious.

"Who might you be?" Peter asked.


Peter smirked at him slightly once it felt seconds later once he saw a chain on his neck. Pulling the necklace out of his shirt he found a pan flute pendant. The same necklace he had given to his first lover, Y/n, back before he became Peter Pan. When he glared at B/n coldly, Felix and Koby grew slightly anxious.

"Where did you get this?"

"What's it to you? I've had for as long as I could remember, Malcolm," B/n glared back.

Peter stepped back from B/n, confused on how he knew his name. Anyone that did know his real name was surely dead by now or to old to come to Neverland.

"It's Pan to you, B/n. Or should I say thief?"

B/n sighed and put on a fake smile to hide the hurt. Lending forward, B/n whispered something in his ear so he would be the only one to hear it.

"Let's make this a game friend. You can try and figure who I really am. Three guess and if you don't get it right I'll reviled my true self before I leave."

"No one leaves with my permission," Pan growled.

"We'll see about that Pan."

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