Chapter 8: Guessing

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A few days past and Felix and Pan slowly became friends. Rufio and Felix became friends rather fast. B/n befriend Elliot and Koda. Elliot had dark brown hair that was short and light brown eyes. Freckles ran across his checks and nose. He was fifteen years old.

Koda was fourteen years old. Black hair that was thick and rested on his brows and dark blue eyes. Koda has a scar running down his right brown down to his eye lid. Brew and Adrain stuck close together and befriended many of the lost boys. Peter did favor Felix due to him somewhat reminding him of his lost lover.

He had sent the showed out to find her but to no avail. Shadow did start bring more boys. Koby was right, he was breaking part family's. This only made Koby laugh though. Fiona stole baby boys as Peter took the unloved boys. Due to Fiona being parted from her son and Malcolm, or Peter Pan, abandoned their son they just took in other kids.

B/n picked up on this all due to finding out about Fiona threw Koby. They weren't much different in the slightest. For some reason this broke b/n's heart. Back when he was known as Y/n, he remembered all the times Malcom and her shared. Dancing on the beach, the necklaces, the tree, the flower crowns, and when they told each other they loved each other.

Leaning against a nearby tree, B/n and Koby watched the boys challenge each other with wooden swords. Rufio, Not think much of it, decided to challenge B/n. He was better than the rest of the boys. Peter noticed but he also noticed Felix. Felix fought just as good and he was physically stronger as Rufio was cunning and clever.

So in Rufio's mind, he thought it would be a good idea to challenge B/n. Standing on a rock and getting everyone attention he smirked.

"I've faced all but three people on this island. From what I heard from a little birdie, B/n as a skilled fighter," he started. "I want to know if that's true. I challenge you B/n!"

B/n frowned standing up grabbing a wooden sword. Holding it in front of him he constrained hard and believing. Reopening his eyes the wooden sword became a real one, making the boys gasp. Pointing it towards Rufio, who was awe struck, held a dangerous glare. Peter was impressed that B/n was able to use the magic on the island.

"What? You were challenging me weren't you?" B/n asked.

"That's a little unfair isn't it?" Rufio asked.

"Life is unfair," B/n smirked. "So are you going to fight me or not. If not, then go play with the other boys."

Peter moved from the tree he was lending on a picked up a wooden sword with it materialize into a real sword in seconds.

"Here you go Rufio, this would even it out," Peter smirked.

B/n glared at Peter and sighed. He honestly didn't want to fight him. All B/n wanted was to make sure Felix didn't get to beat up. His motherly like side never left him which scared him. If he shows and feminine side he will be exposed and things will not end well.

Handing the sword the Rufio, he got in his stance. B/n got in his and waited for Rufio to make his move. Watching his eyes he noticed how they were on his left arm but the glanced to the right gave away his strike. B/n blocked the blow and shoved him back a step. Lashing the sword to the side, Rufio moved quickly to block.

B/n didn't give Rufio time to make the next blow, instead B/n's sword went upwards, nicking his head. Rufio flinched slightly as B/n took a step back with his sword ready to strike or block. Glaring at B/n Rufio slowly circled B/n. Following his movements B/n watch his gaze. The boys hoot and holler, cheering for Rufio.

Only Koby, Koda, and Elliot watch them fight with worry. Glancing towards Peter who was in fact cheering on Rufio, made B/n's stomach drop. Falter just enough for Rufio to drive his sword down, cutting B/n's collarbone and down his torso. Coiling back in pain B/n used his left hand to hold his wound. While blocking Rufio's next attack.

Shoving B/n back with the sword he fell to the ground with a groan. His shirt was slowly becoming soaked in blood. Rufio point the end of his sword at B/n's neck. Before he could declare victory, B/n swiped his leg under his, making Rufio hit the dirt. Gasping for the air that was knock out of him.

B/n drove his sword into the dirt, an inch away from Rufio's head as B/n kicked the other away. Rufio sighed in submission and declared B/n victorious. Offering a small smile, B/n help Rufio up, but felt his strength giving out. His shirt covered in blood and dirt Koby was by B/n's side. Pulling him aside Koby removed B/n's shirt and conjuring up a bucket of water and needle and thread.

Cleaning the wound Koda and Elliot rushed over to make sure B/n was okay. Felix soon joined in.

"This is going to hurt," Koby warned B/n.

Threading the needle, Koby carefully push it threw B/n's skin. Bitting down on his hand as Koby weaved the needle threw his skin. The point causing small blood spots as the thread held his skin together. The wound wasn't as deep at his chest thankfully. But the collarbone looked pretty bad, but didn't need stitching. The stitches were from B/n's torso to his hip bone. Wrapping B/n's collarbone Koby looked up at his half sibling.

"You okay?"

"Just light head. I'll be fine," B/n smiled.

Felix smiled and patted B/n's uninjured shoulder. Rufio walked over to make sure B/n was alive. Along with the other Lost Boys.

"I'm fine. I ain't going to hell yet," B/n joked.

Rufio smirked punching B/n's shoulder.

"You ain't bad," he smiled.

Peter noticed a few things from a distance. Not only was that something Y/n did when she fought, keeping an eye on their eyes, but she laughed off her injuries like it was nothing. Fading memories of him cleaning and dressed her wounds when she got hurt fight with the village boys. Thinking back on it Peter ponder it being Y/n, but that wasn't possible. Y/n was a girl so B/n and Felix her children? He was so deep in thought Be didn't realize that Koby was beside him now.

"Y/n did have a child but she only had one," Koby spoke up making Peter jump. "She is alive but she isn't herself."

Peter glared down at Koby.

"How do you know so much?" Peter asked.

"I'm a seer Pan. I see all and I know many things. I know you'll meet Y/n again I promise," Koby smiled.

He knew if Y/n was to be with Peter then his heart wouldn't be as cold as it will be in the future if she leaves. The loved he had for her never faded. Pulling out the acorn necklace that Y/n had giving him before they parted ways. Holding it tightly Peter looked over at Koby to see him watching B/n. This did leave Peter guessing. Who was B/n? Feeling of being watch crept on B/n as he looked up to see Peter and Koby watching him. A smile formed on B/n's lips as he noticed them I bit away from the crowd boys. Many day went on with B/n and Rufio being to strongest ones here, well besides Peter who Rufio challenged and lost. He tried to take on Koby but he just gave up and said Rufio was winner before leaving back to his spot. Peter figured it would be best to add more sport to the island and assembled a hunting party. B/n, Felix, Rufio, and Pan went out to hunt. Catching an elk and two rabbits, Pan sent Rufio and Felix back to camp leaving him and B/n alone.

"So, who are you really?" He asked B/n.

"If I told you that would ruin the game," B/n smirked.

Peter glared and towered B/n by an inch. Feeling a little intimidated and getting butterflies B/n glanced away taking a step back only hitting a tree. Blocking his path Peter glared into what felt like B/n's soul. A blush appeared on B/n's cheeks making Peter very confused. Not really want to resist and lose this moment, B/n found it a good idea to kiss Peter to confuse him.

When B/n's lips hit Peters it felt somewhat familiar to Y/n's kiss. When B/n felt Peter falter he went to leave, leaving an confused and scared Peter. Days continue but B/n and Peter were constantly avoiding each other. Peter ended up talking to Felix and Rufio more than the other boys. Orders were laid out and bonfire party's happened every other night with Peter playing his pipe.

Only one thing bugged him. When B/n kissed him, it felt like Y/n kissing him. Why was that? To many questions ran threw his head and he felt a spark when B/n kissed him. A very long forgotten spark that he desired to feel once more. 

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