Chapter 4: Time

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Y/n shivered as the autumn wind blew against her wet clothes. Stumbling towards town, Y/n made it as far as the cherry blossom tress with its pelts falling to the ground around her feet. Cold, numb, and tired Y/n sat at the tree wrapping herself tightly in her wet cloak. She sat there quietly, trying to stay warm as a two girls approach her. One of them was Joan as the other Y/n was unfamiliar with. Her hair was a dark brown along with her eyes. Little Y/n know, this was the girl that was going to bare Malcolm's first born child.

"Well, it seem your falling on hard times and to be beaten by the weather," Joan glared. "You might as well go drown in a lake. Everyone thinks your dead and I think it better if continue thinking that."

Y/n stood up shaking giving Joan a hard glare.

"I don't care what you think, I'm going to fine Malcolm," Y/n snapped.

Slowly but surely, Y/n made her way to Malcolm's home. Knock three times, his mother answered the door and gasped in shock. She pulled Y/n inside, wrapping her in several blankets.

"Where's Malcolm?" Y/n asked.

"I sent him outside because he wouldn't stop grieving and locking himself in his room," she replied.

Y/n nodded and shutter, still cold. Malcolm's mother took her to Malcolm's bedroom to rest. Once Y/n head hit the pillow, she was out like a light.


Malcolm walked in the woods until he came up to the cherry blossom tree, spotting someone under it. Thinking it was Y/n, he quickly made he way over and called out Y/n name, but it wasn't. The girl turned to him and he soon realized it wasn't her. Sighing her mutter a sorry to the girl and sat down on the other side of her by the tree.

"It's quite alright. I'm Fiona," she beams, holding out her hand.

Malcolm glanced at it before taking it.

"Malcolm," he replied.

The two talked, learning a bit about each other. He even cracked a smile, temporarily forgetting about Y/n. They ended up talking until the sun started to set. Seeing this they both stood up, getting ready to apart ways, but little did either of them know, they were being watched. Y/n woke up only a good half hour ago.

Holding a small acorn necklace, in her hands she watched them. Fiona lend for and kissed his cheek and gave a small goodbye, leaving Malcolm blushing and  holding the cheek she kissed. A small smile crept on his lips as he mutter a small bye, heading home. Y/n bit her lip as a dazed Malcolm made his way to her slowly. Stepping from behind the tree Y/n hid behind Malcolm's daze broke into joy and shock.

Embracing Y/n he held her tightly burying his face into her neck. Pulling back both of his hand held Y/n's face as tears brimmed in his eyes.

"Y/n, what happened?" He asked.

Y/n frowned and gentle shoved him back. Malcolm's face twisted in confusion and hurt.

"Y/n-n?" His voice cracked.

"Here, think of it as a parting gift," Y/n spoke softly.

Placing the acorn necklace around Malcolm's neck.

"W-what? Why?" Malcolm reach for Y/n's hands.

Y/n took a step back shaking her head.

"Love you, but time is going to tear us apart. I can't stay here, nor can we be together," Y/n muttered.

Taking Y/n hand, he pulled her towards him wrapping his free arm around her backside, and kissed gently with tears running down his face. Y/n wrapped both arms around his neck kissing him back with tears threatening to spill. When Y/n pulled back, Malcolm didn't let her go.

"Why?" Malcolm asked softly.

Y/n lended into his embrace tensed up when she heard her step fathers voice.

"She's immortal that's why."

Malcolm held Y/n close to him turning to the voice see the man.

"Well I believe it won't take long to you to move on, I mean that Fiona girl looks quite beautiful doesn't she?" He asked.

"Nothing compared to Y/n," Malcolm snapped looking down at Y/n. "No one can replace her."

Y/n blushed and and smiled at him. Malcolm returned the gesture until Andrew spoke up.

"Cute, come on Y/n. Malcolm need to run on home."

Y/n slipped from Malcolm's grasp, but kissed him one last time for a long time. Andrew and Y/n left as Malcolm went home. Days turned into weeks as weeks turned into months and months turned into years. Y/n watched Malcolm age and show his affections towards Fiona. With their love brought Malcolm's son, Rumpelstiltskin.

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