Chapter 11: Death

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Days past as Y/n lived alone in her treehouse. A few times Koby stop by to give her information on Felix. On occasion she would spot Felix walking around her side. Sometimes Koda, Rufio, or Elliot would be with him. If it was any of them she would bump into Pan.

She didn't give him a heartbreaker look, no she gave him a cold glare. He would return it but they never exchanged words. The pirates came by on a daily bases and they knew not to mess with her. She wasn't any use to them, and her leaving the for dead when they challenged her taught them that they shouldn't mess with her. Hook was able get on good terms with her.

As long as they didn't try and capture ,tournament her, or harm the lost boys they would be fine. Some days she would visit the mermaids to do their hair. They even did hers as well. It was like this of a while. This was normal for Y/n.

Today the sun was high and the birds were changing songs. Y/n walked down to threw the forest, making it to the beach to see Hook saw loading supplies. Pan was among them. Y/n would have turned around but she need to talk to Killian.

"Hook!" Y/n called making herself noticed.

The pirates move out of her way as fear filled them. Did one of them do something wrong? No, Y/n was simply here to talk. They were taking to much from her side but she understood why. Peter and the lost boys were not to keen on sharing.

"Ah, what can I do for you?" Killian asked turning away from Pan.

The pirates stopped working which confused Pan. They continue like he wasn't there but froze when she came by.

"I know I was allowing you to pick the fruit from my little area but I don't have anymore," Y/n paused and glare at Pan. "And keep off my side. I know you where gathering things around there too."

Pan glared at her. She was acting like this was her island and accusing him of taking the fruit that grew near her. He never goes over there unless he were to check on to make she didn't get into any dreamshade.

"Last I check this was my island," he snapped.

"Oh I'm sorry," y/n pouted lightly. "I guess I forgot."

Hook knew this wouldn't end well and he didn't need his crew getting caught in the middle.

"Can you too do this else where," Killian asked.

Y/n turned to Killian and frowned.

"Please, if anyone is going to wind up hurt it's Pan."

Pan scoffed and rolled his eyes. Before Neverland, before Fiona he was one of the best swords men. Y/n was second best but things has changed. She grew stronger and smarter now. She grew up in her teenage body.

"Um maybe you shouldn't be so sure of yourself," Hook warned.

"You should listen to the pirate," Pan glared.

Y/n glared back and shook her head.

"I have a hard time listening to those younger than me and can't even keep track of his hand," Y/n replied. "Anyways I'm not really wanting those lost boys of yours coming at me. I wouldn't want to hurt them."

Pan growled lightly trying to hide a chuckle as Y/n turned away to leave. Hook just glared at her with anger.

"Make sure to leave me fruit next time captain!" She called.

This wasn't the way Y/n planed on talking to Pan again. She may have hated his change but she still held something for him. She wouldn't admit to it. After a long walk, she decided to go see the mermaids. Making it to the lagoon she found they were sitting in rocks humming. When they saw her they all greeted her.

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