Chapter 9: Revealed

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B/n and a few of he lost boys were out for a hunt, and of course Adrain and Brew tagged along. Rufio and Felix were in the group which pleased B/n. A least he had a few friends by his side. Koby was back at camp sorting herbs and explaining how to heal certain poisons to the other boys. Peter was currently leading B/n and the other boys.

Neverland had many animals but their life was supported by the magic on the island. Any they kill will be replaced by another, but these animals lived on the opposite side of Peters camp. Walking across the island they made it to the other side. B/n nocked the arrow ready for a good shot to fire. Peter stopped everyone seeing a buck.

A big one for that matter. Much to their dismay, it smelled them and fled. Peter sighed. B/n sighed and moved back to cover his sent. Grabbing a few leaves he left an sent leading the opposite way of the buck.

"What are you doing?" Brew asked.

"I'm going to hunt down that buck. It has been ages since I was able to find one that size," B/n answered.

"Yeah and you missed your shot," Adrain pointed out.

B/n growled and turned.

"Shut up, you'll scare away the animals with your big mouth," B/n snapped.

A few boys chuckled making Adrain glare coldly at B/n.

"Felix. Rufio," B/n whispered. "Want to help?"

They went to answer but Peter beat them to it.

"Who said you where leading the hunt?"

B/n cocked his head to the side.

"Well I didn't realize you were my master. Should I start calling you that or do you prefer Daddy?" B/n asked.

The boys tried to contain their smiled and laugher. Peter boiled with rage making his face burn.

"It's Pan to you," he glared.

"Whatever Pan, but just know I'm a very experienced hunter. If we were split up we would gather more food. Also that buck would make a great meal," B/n started. "And so would that rabbit."

B/n quickly drew back and fired at the rabbit at was running across the path. B/n went to retrieve it and all the boys say it was a clean shot right in the eye. Some of the boys knew he had a good shot. Peter looked a little impressed making B/n swell with joy and pride. If only Peter knew who he really was.

They did hunt down the buck again and Peter took the first shot hitting the neck. B/n shot the deer in the head, killing it. The boys did return with the buck, rabbits, and a few squirrels. The boys that didn't hunt skinned and cleaned the animals. Koby, wanting to avoid that went the find little berry bushes.

Finding what he wanted he returned back to the camp with a variety of berries. That day was clam and peaceful with full bellies. The night, however, wasn't. Someone new came on the island. Pirates.


Peter talked to them many times when they arrived. The lost boys were to have no contact with them. So when they came down to them exploring the island, Peter moved his camp whenever they got to close. Koby didn't like this change and either did B/n. So later that day they both went off to fish.

Something B/n remembered doing with his father as Y/n. They were not able to catch anything due to the mermaids coming up. Koby and B/n knew of them and they were warned by Peter to stay away from them, but since when did B/n ever take orders from him. Koby got up and left knowing that B/n would be okay with them.

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