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"If we are to return to Midgard, I will need to have a change of clothes

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"If we are to return to Midgard, I will need to have a change of clothes." Antares piped up from her spot behind the brothers as they conversed within the throne room.

"I'm sorry, but who are you again?" Loki asked turning to the girl with an irritated look.

"Your worst nightmare." She snapped, taking a step forward and allowing her eyes to change colour again.

"Woah." Loki took a step forward, though his hands raised is protecting as he stared into her eyes, he seemed as though he was trying to tame a beast, "Is she even from Midgard?"

"She's what they call, an 'enhanced'," Thor responded.

"Well, that sounds inhuman like," Loki muttered. "We do have some clothes that could pass as Midgardian clothing."

"Thanks, but I wasn't asking you." She sneered and turned towards Thor to lead the way.

"She's a feisty one. Sure you two aren't dating?" Loki laughed as he followed the pair.

"We aren't dating." They both answered.

The three adults stood next to each other on the sidewalk, watching as contractors destroyed the building in front of them. This supposedly was the exact building that Loki had cast, Odin, away to. For obvious reasons, he wouldn't be here anymore. The building was Shady Acres Care Home which was displayed on a black tile, that was all that was left of the home, other than bricks and debris.

Antares stood between the two males, her average height seeming short when standing between the two giants. Their arms were crossed as they watched, unamused at the sight in front of them.

While Antares had done her best to make a white Asgardian dress look semi-modern and Midgardian-like, she still stuck out like a sore thumb in between the two males. Thor having worn his average multiple layers and blue jeans while Loki wore an all black suit which, in Antares point of view, made the male look ravishingly handsome. His small but toned muscles that are normally covered in his Asgardian clothing was now prominent with the tight-fitting clothes.

"That's where I left him, right here." He said nodding towards the pile of bricks, pulling the brunette away from her thoughts.

"'Right here' on the sidewalk or 'right here' where the building is being demolished?" Thor asked seemingly unamused. "Great plan."

"How was I supposed to know?"

"Should've chosen a more modern care home where it wouldn't have been destroyed in a few years time," Antares said looking at the pile of rubbish with a tsk.

"I'm not from Midgard so I put him in one of the first homes I could find." The dark haired male turned towards the girl, looking down on her. "Anyway I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch."

"Oh? Well, you dress like one." Antares sneered "Also don't look at me like that. I'm the hero here, you're just the villain." She growled and turned her head.

"I can't help that you're so small, also I do believe I'm whats called, an anti-hero."

"You two," Thor warned. He looked between the two as they glared at one another. The blond male pulling them apart as he looked at his brother. "I can't believe you're alive. I mourned for you, cried for you."

"I'm... honoured."

"That's a little rude," Antares growled. "At least your brother is alive and well, whether you love him or not." Loki rose a brow at this but turned his attention away from her when some giggles got louder.

"Hey, would you mind taking a picture with us?" A random lady of the street asked Thor.

"Oh... sure." He answered. The girls giggled as they went to move to take a picture one of the two noticed the girl beside him.

"You're Antares, right? Can we get a picture with you too?" She asked hopefully. Antares quickly waved her hands in front of her,

"Oh, no no. I don't take pictures." Came her answer but with a loud "Nonsense!" From Thor and him pulling her by the bicep, she ended up joining the group picture, plastering on a fake smile.

"Sorry to hear that Jane dumped you." One of the girls commented, giving a sympathetic look towards Thor, her sympathetic look then turned towards Antares. "We're also sorry to hear of Rigel's last fight, I can't believe he's not an Avenger anymore."

Antares went ridged at the mention of her late brother, he had passed at least a year before she left to search for Banner outside of Earth. It was a great excuse to escape her troubles.

"Your brother... what happened?" Thor let the words that the lady had just said sink in before he sent a sympathetic look her way as well as, "I'm so sor-"

"Let's not speak of this, please." Her voice cracked at the end of the sentence, she mentally cursed herself from appearing weak, especially in front of Loki who was her rival for the time being.

"Well, Jane didn't dump me," Thor announced. "I dumped her, it was a mutual dumping." Both Antares and Loki gave the poor guy a pat on the back, Antares happy that he changed the subject.

Antares looked at the ground in the thought of where Odin could be, it was also a way to occupy her mind as she'd have no idea where the King of Asgard would be. The ground beneath Loki's feet lit in a circle of sparks, what looked to be flames danced around the man's feet, Thor also noticed this.

Antares gasped at the sight, "What on earth is happening?"

"W-what's this? Wh-what are you. what are you doing?" Thor rushed out.

"This isn't me," Loki said, he too looking confused. Suddenly he let out a yelp as he fell through the ground, leaving nothing left but a piece of paper.

"Loki!" Antares called, looking around them to see where he could've gone.

"Loki?" Thor whispered as he prodded the piece of paper with Mjölnir that was disguised as an umbrella.

Antares turned towards the male as he called her, showing her what was displayed on the piece of paper.

~ 177A ~
Bleecker St

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now