twenty two

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The hulk had followed Thor from their room, taking the same path through the window and made his thunderous way towards the Quin Jett where Thor was playing with the controls, and ripped the backing of the Jett before squishing his large body into...

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The hulk had followed Thor from their room, taking the same path through the window and made his thunderous way towards the Quin Jett where Thor was playing with the controls, and ripped the backing of the Jett before squishing his large body into the small space, tearing the ship apart. Thor yelled out for him to stop but he only replied with, "Hulk stay!" 

"Stop, you're breaking everything!" Thor yelled, turning back to the controls, he pressed multiple buttons until a screen popped up, displaying Antares and Natasha.

"Nice work big guy," Natasha said, "We don't know where you're heading but you're going very high very fast, so I need you to turn this bird around okay?"

"Hey, we aren't able to track you in stealth mode, we need you to come back to us. Please help us out, okay? You need to fight this, I believe in you." Antares cooed gently in order to not anger The Hulk.

"I need you to-" Natasha went to continue but the display glitched out as the girl's faces disappear.

Bruce was fighting dominance over hulk, that much Thor could see. He began hitting himself and throwing himself against the sides of the ship screaming, "No Banner." Thor only watched as the Hulks skin turned from green to cream and slowly, Banner returned.

"Banner?" Thor asked before noticing the man had been fully transformed, he made his way over to the male before kneeling down and patting his back in a friendly gesture, "Hey, hey. Are you okay?" Banner jumped, only just getting accustomed to his surroundings, this caused Thor to lift up his hands and repeated, "The suns going down."

"Oh, Thor! What happened to your hair?" Was the first thing Banner noticed.

"A creepy old man cut it off." Thor replied with a slight chuckle as he watched his friend, wary.

"It looks good," Banner assured which brought a short 'Thanks' from Thor. "Where are we? How's Nat? And Antares, are her powers any stronger, is she okay?"

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now