thirty eight

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"So where are we going, exactly?" Antares asked as she moved about the air craft

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"So where are we going, exactly?" Antares asked as she moved about the air craft.

"To Wakanda, it's an advanced civilisation in Africa." Steve lightly explained.

"Yes, because that helps me understand what's going on" she laughed as she turned towards the others for an answer, both Bruce and Loki had no idea and the rest just smiled at her while shaking their shoulders.

"You'll know it when you see it." Natasha remarked.

"Have any of you actually visited this... advanced civilisation?" Loki questioned the group, the idea of any civilisation being highly more advanced than any other of Midgard left him to believe that it was run by someone otherworldly.

"Steve has." Natasha voiced with a smug grin while looking from Steve to Loki, "But we have all met it's king."

"A king?" Loki questioned only to revive a small smirk from Nat as she looked on from the front window. She was warming up to the idea of Loki being around more so then Rhodey or Sam but that was only because he hadn't done anything yet and he was with Antares.

"You don't sound impressed." Antares hummed just as she looked out the window. The ship seemed to be approaching a few high rised trees and fast, Steve making no effort to raise the steering of the ship and the trees came closer. "Watch out, you're gonna crash!" She called out as she leaned an arm on the back of Steve's seat, but when he made no effort to move still, a yelp left her lips just as they were about to crash and her eyes flew shut. She waited for impact, but it never came.

"You can open your eyes now, drama queen." Nat laughed at the girl across from Loki, not missing the seemingly amused smirk ghosting his face. Antares opened her eyes to be greated with a whole city, no trees.

"Woah! Are you seeing this!" She smiled, eyes sparkling as she looked on the magnificent city. "This is almost better than Asgard and especially better than Sakaar." She smiled turning to Loki whos expression quickly changed upon noticing she was watching him, a scowl taking over his expression. "Almost."

"You guys weird me out." Sam called cringing at the unlikely couple. "Gods of Micheif don't fall in love with pretty heros."

"Thank you, for your opinion, Sam. Though I'm afraid to inform you that you might be a little wrong in that statement." She winked causing Loki to glare at the other male.

When the air craft landed and they left the ship, Bruce asked Rhodey, "Should we bow?" Antares smirking at the man in front of her before turning to Loki at her side who rolled his eyes. By the story Nat had spoken on the ship to the girl, he seemed like a rather modern day king.

"Yeah, he's a king." Rhodes said back, a serious expression accompanying a serious tone.

"Gods don't bow to no mortal." Loki sneered.

"Alright, big guy, come of your high horse now. Don't bite." Antares sighed, wondering how they were to get through this without being in a fight because of him. He was different to the man he was in 2012, but that didn't mean his ideals changed overly much.

Antares watched as Bruce cleared his throat and bowed as they walked towards a dark skinned man wearing black royal attire, Rhodes holding in a laugh as he asked, "What are you doing?"

"We don't do that here." The King said holding up his hands. Rhodes and Antares chuckling while Loki only watched in confusion at the mundane interaction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Antares." The girl stepped forward to shake his hand.

"Ah, I've heard a lot about you. The pleasure is all mine." The king said back holding her hand, "You may call me T'Challa."

"Thank you, and I'm sure you will know Loki. Please don't be alarmed by his presence, he's with me." Antares smiled kindly then nudging Loki to do something which he didn't, "Shake his hand." She hissed behind clenched teeth.

"It is fine, Antares. I had been made aware of his appearance. I hope you are as you say you are." He said, turning towards Loki.

"I'm only here because Antares brought me here, I am not your ally. We just have a common enemy." Loki said causing the girl to elbow his chest and glare at him before sending a forced smile to the king.

"I swear to god, you really are asking to die - what is this... Your fourth time?" She mumbled under her breath towards the god with a slight sing song sound to it as she lightly threatened through a joke.

The king informed the group of those whom had joined the Wakanda people from neighboring tribes And will work together with the wakandan warriors to defeat one evil until a familer face walked into view, Antares stopping in her tracks as Steve hugged the man, whispering something in his ear before pulling away, his eyes meeting hers soon after.

"Aftershock." He said, her eyes widening at the old name her breath hitched as everything in her body told her to run, he isn't safe. Don't let hydra catch you again. "... Or should I call you Antares now?" A smile graced his lips.

Antares didn't know what to say or do but she turned to Steve and quickly sputtered out, "Why the fuck is the Winter Soldier here and why did you just hug him." unfortuenrly she had just missed the whole war on hydra within SHIELD just before becoming an avenger and had no idea about James Bucanin Barnes finding his sanity much like herself.

"Antares, Bucky is my friend from when I was younger. An accident happened during the war and he fell into Hydras trap, just like you." Steve explained.

"So he's the good guy?" She clarified.


"Yes, I trust him with my life." Steve answered.

He can't be trusted.

"Oh..." her body seemed to shake uneasily as memories flooded to the surface. She had no idea what to do or how to feel, her body frozen to the spot as her wandering eyes found Loki's whom looked at her in worry and tears broke to the surface of her eyes.

"Antares..." Bucky tried, seeing how he scared her.

"No, please, don't." She managed to whisper. "After everything you've done..."

"That wasn't me, you know that. Hydra, they brain wash us into these... machines. You were lucky you escaped. I did all I could to help you and Rigel," upon hearing her brothers name on his lips, her worries seemed to melt away as one sentence stuck in her head, I did all I could to help.

ana opp-
Hey just letting you lovely readers know that I updated the last chapter before 'infinity war' due to heavily thought about decisions and I have now changed their relationship slightly. You don't have to read it but just know that the two have never told each other that they love them nor have they had their first kiss yet! I just thought that it fit their characters more for a slow burn relationship.

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now