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Loki stood with his back rested against the cool wall of the Avengers Compound, arms crossed along his chest as he watched with heavy eyes as images of children, and adults whom were fallen in the aftermath of Thanos' snap displayed itself on a sc...

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Loki stood with his back rested against the cool wall of the Avengers Compound, arms crossed along his chest as he watched with heavy eyes as images of children, and adults whom were fallen in the aftermath of Thanos' snap displayed itself on a screen, red flashing numbers counting the missing around the world, currently on 3,221,371,938 and counting.

When looking for Director Fury, Natasha and Loki had only come across his abandoned vehicle and a small mid guardian object known as a Pager to the blonde. It displayed red and blue along with a star in the middle. Loki puzzled at the item when Natasha first showed it to him, but they brought it back never the less and it was now hooked up to a larger communicator source. Charging.

"This is a nightmare." Steve gruffly spoke from his position leaning against the table before the hologram. Loki's eyes shifted towards the infamous Captain America, eyes turning to slits.

"No, Captain. Nightmares are things children fear at night. This - this is much more than that." Loki hissed, kicking himself off of the wall, not missing the side eye he received. "This is a horror unlike anything we've seen before. This is Murder."

"Hey," Rhodes came into the room, gaining the attention from the three. "So, that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell that thing was going." The three was quick to follow him into the room holding the pager.

"What do we got?" Natasha asked the two men, Doctor Banner and Rhodes.

"Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out." Banner said.

"I thought we bypassed the battery." Steve stated, though it came through as a question.

"We did. It's still plugged in. It just stopped." James sighed.

"Reboot it. Send the signal again."

"We don't even know what this is." Banner spoke, pointing at the object as though it weren't stable. Loki looked amongst the group, wondering how much faith they had in their supposed leader.

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now