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Antares and Loki had even more time together than usual

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Antares and Loki had even more time together than usual. After the ball, something between them had changed. Loki spent his time trying to be closer to the female without seeming too different, which he managed to pull off greatly. Antares, on the other hand, acted the same just with less hatred towards the male. Sometimes he'd sit closer to her at breakfasts and dinner, her heart beating quicker than normal but yet still finding herself comfortable in his closeness.

She still tried to surpress the feeling she felt, going on with life in Saakar like any other day. She no longer tired to escape, hoping that one day Thor would find his way back to them. And she no longer pressed on Loki's actions, allowing him to chose his own path.

Today, Antares spent her time with herself. She ventured into the city in hopes of fining something to fuel her bored mind, yet she couldn't. Everywhere she turned was another known thing to her, she didn't want to leave, having hope that Thor will show up but at the same time, she was bored and still scared of the place. She took a seat on a rock by the edge of the city, she looked at her surrounding finding only vast fields of objects unknown to her.

This was not her home, it was no where near that. The only time she ever felt alive now a days was when she was by Loki's side and even then she didn't feel at home. She wanted to head back to earth, apologise for not being able to find Banner, she wanted to grab Steve and hug him, tell Wanda that she is amazing for continuing on even after her brother. She wanted to hold Tony's hand as she told him off for every possible thing he had done wrong while she was gone, then smile and tell him how much she missed him. She wanted to sit next to Natasha as they enjoyed a home cooked meal by Clint's wife while his children chatted aimlessly about their day.

She missed her family so very much, and was greatful that she was able to have Thor by her sides for quite some time before now. She wished to badly to go back home, but with heading back to earth came the realisation that Rigel wouldn't be there no more. She wonders if they were worried for her, wondering when she'll come back, if she'll come back. She hoped they cared as much as she did, in fact she knew they did but at the same time, she had her doubts.

Doubts whether Banner would come back. She doesn't know how she'd go as an avenger without him, he had always been there for her and with him gone, came a new possibility that she'll one day lose a hold on her power and fall back in the pit she was once in.

"I miss you." She cried into the wind, bringing her knees under her chin, clutching onto them like a lifeline as the tears she had suppressed for so long finally spilled out.

She cried about Rigel, the fact that she missed her friends so much. Her powers were becoming stronger and stronger every day and she no longer had Banner by her side. Antares was a mess and at that moment there was no way to comfort her, she just had to cry everything out.

Meanwhile, Loki took a walk through the green room, the Grandmaster opening it up for Loki to be able to wonder, instead of on looking at the same pile of rubbish all the time. He knew Antares was out there for a walk and wished to keep a little distance between them, he could feel before she had left that she wasn't in the best of moods.

Antares, although good at keeping her thoughts to herself, her feelings were another thing. They screamed out for anyone to listen, especially when she's in pain, which surprisingly is hardly ever.

The man stopped by the swing Antares had once been on before telling him her story, laying it out for him to know just how childish he had been acting. He sat down on the swing, just recalling the words she had said that night,

'You don't have to be something you're not.' Antares is the first person to ever tell loki that he doesn't have to change who he is, he just needed to stop pushing people away. He was a God of Mischief and at the end of the day, no one can change that which she knew and understood. She wasn't trying to make him into something he's not, just trying to instead make the man less hateful. You can still be the god of Michief and be the good guy.

Loki needed to try to be the better man, he needed to do what he wished to do, not because he felt inclined to do so but because it's what he wanted to do. He didn't want to fight his brother, it's just all he knows to do. Ever since he was a child all he's known in war, which was no thanks to Odin.

With a great sigh, the man stood from his spot on the swing, he watched as it swayed before coming to a halt, continuing on with his walk, getting deeper and deeper into the green room than he did the other night. This place was huge and it was easy to get lost in thought.

He was too far gone into his own mind that he only just heard the soft voice call, "Loki, what are you doing here?" He turned and saw the owner of the voice, a small smile gracing her features but, for once, it didn't reach her eyes. Instead her eyes were bloodshot as though she had been crying. He wanted to ask her if she was alright but the words wouldn't come out, instead he said,

"I could ask you the same thing." The girl gave out a half hearted laugh before walked closer towards the male, trying to shield most of her face with her hair.

"I came in here because I saw that it was open, I wanted to walk around since it's been a while since I've been in here." Antares answered Loki's question although she was the one to ask first, "You?"

"That same as you." He answered.

The two stood silently next to each other, a laugh escaping Antares' mouth as she found the silence amusing. Most of the time they're together the silence is either thick with tension or she's talking so much it annoys the man and they fire back at each other. This silence, it was calming and relaxing, almost a foreign feeling to have when you're next to a 'criminal'.

"What's so funny that you must ruin the beautiful silence."

"Nothing." She smiled up at the man before quickly looking back towards the greenery, the Saakar sun glaring through the side windows creating a beautiful glow. She took a deep breath in before sighing, "Ah, the serenity."

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now