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Antares listened fondly while Thor repeated the mourning vows for his late Father, with Hella, the fall and transition into a new world, he hadn't had enough time to fully say his goodbyes

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Antares listened fondly while Thor repeated the mourning vows for his late Father, with Hella, the fall and transition into a new world, he hadn't had enough time to fully say his goodbyes. The girl almost faded out of focus as she stood in silence, in her world, it was customary to give a minute of silence for the fallen, but it was cut into as Loki piped up the final goodbyes, "For those who have died a glorious death."

Thor turned his head, then brought his body around to sit on the ground, his back against the wall. He took in the two figures then trailed to their interlocked hands, Loki had explained that it was the only way for her to join the mirage, yet she had an inkling that that was now fulse.

"Hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to." Loki said, pulling his interlocked hand behind his back to bring back Thor's attention towards him, which only brought Antares closer, the butterflies becoming even more hectic. "Being told one thing and learning it's all a fiction."

Thor picked up a rock and threw it towards Loki but it went straight through him, causing Loki to let out a chuckle. "You didn't think I'd really come and see you, I mean this place is disgusting!" But Thor threw another.

"Thor, are you doing okay?" Antares asked after sending Loki an annoyed look, she took a step forward which displayed the pairs interlocked hands again, Loki pulling her back to keep their hands at his back. "I mean, other than being stuck in here."

"I'm fine Antares, thank you." Thor nodded which allowed Antares to let out a sigh of relief.

"Does this mean you don't want m- our help?" Loki asked, changing his 'my' to and 'our' as Antares gave his hand a tight squeeze. "Look, we couldn't jeopardize our position with the grandmaster, it took me time to win his trust,"

"Time? Bitch, it took me five seconds and I wouldn't mind jeopardizing my position. Anything to get the old sleeze to back the hell up." Antares butted in, Loki giving her an annoyed glance, his eyes wide telling her to stop while his mouth was pulled into a tight frown. Thor, on the other hand, gave out a laugh and threw another rock at the mirage of Loki.

"What I'm telling you is," Loki said through gritted teeth, Antares backed up knowing that she should keep quiet and not but in. "You can join me at the grandmasters side perhaps in time an accident befolds the Grandmaster and then..." Loki used one hand to gesture towards Thor, then used the same one to point towards Antares and himself mouthing, 'you, Antares, me' he then displayed two thumbs up.

Antares curled her lip and pulled her head back, tilting it to the side, she didn't understand what he was trying to get at. An accident falling upon the grandmaster, that would never happen, not with his strength. "Loki, look... I'm not sure if you realise that the Grandmaster was the very first living life form on Saakar, which means he's been around for a long time to have created a socialisation. I don't think he'll pass by 'accident'." She laughed, putting air quotes over 'accident'.

"Wha- look, our sister destroyed your hammer like a piece of glass, she's stronger than both of us. Deffiently stronger than Antares and you can't keep bringing her along on all your quests."

Thor went to speak up, knowing for a fact that Antares is much stronger than she is letting on but was stopped by the girl shaking her head vigorously, only then had he realised the two horn like structures made out of her hair, so instead of saying anything he raised his hand and pointed at them in questioning.

"The Grandmaster said I looked cute this way." Antares sighed causing the two men to grimace. "Yeah..." she pulled her mouth into a tight lipped smile.

"She's stronger than all of us," Loki started again. "None of us stands a chance, you don't understand what I'm trying to say here." Loki and Thor stood in awkward silence for a while, Anatares growing tiered as it was nearing nightfall just before they decided to mirage into Thor's 'cell'. "Well, say something!" Loki cried.

"What would you like me to say?" Thor asked with an amused smile on his face yet it failed to reach his eyes. "You faked your own death, you stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power and stranded him on earth to die, releasing the goddess of death! Have I said enough or would you like me to go back further than the last two days!"

Although Antares knew it was wrong, that she knew he deserved to be punished and belittled for all he has done. She couldn't help that swell of pity that grew in her stomach, she couldn't help that reasureing hand that clasped over his bicep or how her other hand gave a small but tight squeeze to his own, letting him know she was there for him. She just couldn't help it, what was happening to her?

"You know I haven't seen this beloved champion he talks of," Loki spoke lowly, "But I've heard that he's an astonishingly good fighter. I've placed a large wager against you tomorrow, don't let me down."

As Loki went to bring both Antares and himself back to their room, Thor called out Loki's name causing the male to stay but yet he still sent Antares back to her room, letting go of her hand causing her to fall to the ground, she wasn't used to this type of power.

"What are you playing at, Loki?" Thor asked in a relatively threatening tone.

"I don't know what you speak of." Loki shrugged, yet he knew full well that Thor was mentioning the hand holding of both himself and Antares. "It was nothing."

"'Nothing' just might break her heart," Thor growled. "She's been through far too much for you to be pulling her along."

"I'm not pulling anyone along," Loki answered honestly. "You don't know what happened in the past week you were gone, you can't know my feelings." Thor let out a booming laugh.

"Feelings? You attacked an art gallery, then attacked New York City, you faked your own death, hurting those around you. Tell me again that you have feelings!" Loki and Thor were stuck in a staring battle, neither wishing to speak.

"You know, for a second I actually believed you but then I remember who you are, I also remember who she is." Thor laughed, breaking the silence, "If you wish to break her heart, by all means, do as you wish." He challenged, "Just let me warn you now, Antares is a lot stronger than you expect. Her powers are far greater than any I've seen before."

"What are you getting at, brother?" Loki asked annoyed. "She's just a mere mortal from Midgard whose had few tweakings done to her. So what, she can read minds."

"It wasn't I who defeated Surtur." Thor cut in. Loki's eyes grew in size as he stared at his adoptive brother but as he saw the blond pick up a glass bottle, ready to throw it, he knew it was his time to leave.

Loki was now facing an angry Antares who glared up at him from the ground, "So... I didn't have to hold your hand, did I?"

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now