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Antares was taken into a room of mirrors where there were five other girls around her

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Antares was taken into a room of mirrors where there were five other girls around her. They seemed to follow the orders of the Grandmaster as he explained to them that Antares need a change of clothes.

The girls fawned over her gorgeous features, placing small amounts of makeup to her face as well as fixing her hair so it wasn't all over the place and slightly losing its slight wave to full curls, she was very much not impressed. Small amount of jewellery was given to the girl before they placed the dress on her body. It was long, elegant and white, she felt sophisticated in the dress, although she did feel slightly exposed down the chest area.

When the girls believed they were done, they placed small shiny heels in front of her, she slipped her feet in and they did up the buckles. Antares wouldn't lie, she felt awful having the girls dress her and it would be more comfortable for her to have dressed herself, but every time she went to do something herself, one of them would quickly take over saying "I insist."

Once Antares shoes were on her feet and the girls moved out the way, she was finally able to see her reflection in the many mirrors, she felt stunning in the dress. Granted it was very similar to the last item of clothing she had ruined to make her 'Midgardian' styles look, the cloth was comfortable and felt like pyjamas, Antares sighed a smile placing its way onto her features. She looked and felt beautiful.

Antares was escorted out of the room and taken towards another door she had not seen before, this didn't lead the the throne room. Instead when the doors where open she was greeted with music and chattering amongst other pupils within the room.

Antares slowly entered and looked around as she walked to the side wall. At the far end by the windows were what looked to be DJ sets, the then far left were drinks and food while the right mainly consisted of chairs and those who congregated around them.

Antares quickly caught the eye of the Grandmaster who called her over by what seemed to be his new pet name for her. A grimace rested on her face as she made eye contact and her nerves only rose when she saw Loki sitting beside the man with a smug smile on his face. Antares slowly made her way over towards the pair, a fake smile gracing her features as she took a seat by Loki as she'd rather sit next to him than the Grandmaster.

"You look like a newly reborn angel," The Grandmaster smiled as he looked the girl up and down. "Wouldn't you say so, Loki?" The male nodded in agreement not wanting to distrust the Grandmaster.

"Thank you?" To anyone else that would've seemed like a question but to the Grandmaster whether he had known it was or wasn't, he didn't show it and continued on.

"I was just chatting to Loki about Sakaar, explaining to him about the wonders of this planet." The Grandmaster smiled. "Care to join?" Antares shook her head politely allowing the man to continue on.

Suposedly The Grandmaster was the first living thing on Sakaar, building his own empire to keep all other lost things safe. They also hold games on Sakaar where champions will battle it out to the death, although games are only held when someone challenges the Champion which was surprisingly more times than originally thought.

Antares was interested in knowing about the planets works as she would use such information to get herself out of this place, whether she takes Loki with her or not will be totally up to how she feels, she's sure that Thor won't miss him, he's already done his mourning for the God of Mischief.

Sakaar seemed to be a lot more of a scarier place than she had originally thought. There were scavengers that lived in the junkyard that would eat those who weren't fighters and even if you were a fighter, no one was sure what happened to them. On the other hand if you were found by a scavenger that belonged to The Grandmaster you would be brought in to join his warriors to fight the champion.

Antares was just thanking the stars that The Grandmaster hadn't mistaken them for fighters, even though they are fighters, because the brunette wasn't looking for a fight, especially not one to the death.

"But you two are my guests so there is no need to worry about the outside world, not when you're situated in a palace." The Grandmaster concluded. "Which reminds me, we must have a welcoming feast in honour of our new guests! I do love a good party."

"It would be an honour, Grandmaster." Loki smiled greatly.

"I would dream of nothing less," Antares responded as well.

"Also your sleeping arrangements. Since you two came together does that mean you'd wish to share a room?"

"Yes" came Antares reply.

"No." Was Loki's.

The two gave each other a glare before Antares looked to the Grandmaster letting out a laugh, "Would you please excuse us for a moment." Upon the grandmasters nod and gesture to move, Antares grabbed onto Loki's arm, pulling him up and taking him a couple steps away. She quickly turned so their backs were facing the Grandmaster as they whisper yelled back and forth.

"What is the meaning of this?" Loki questioned.

"I cannot and will not be sleeping in quarters on my own. I do not care if I sleep on the floor, so long as I'm not alone." She whispered back.

"Why would you care?"

"Because the Grandmaster is a questionable being and I do not trust him, he is overly touchy-feely and I'd feel much safer with you than on my own and that's saying something."

"So someone you only know of by stories from either the news or Avengers," Loki started,

"Which are all bad might I add, although Thor was really fond of you, though that's not the point," Antares added.

"Is someone you'd rather share a room with than be on your own, which I might add seems obscure." Loki finished with an annoyed look.

"Look, you can think of this as you like but I'm sharing a room and that's final, I'll give you space and respect your wishes. I just don't want to be alone, please."

Loki rolled his eyes and turned back towards the Grandmaster, taking a seat again, "We'll share a room, thank you." Loki answered causing a bright smile to adorn Antares' face, a weight lifting off her chest.

Antares: The Lost Star [MARVEL] Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now