Chapter Thirteen

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" Vivian, come on talk to us " Winny said, I turned around and walked backwards.
" yes, I will talk to the people who lied to me, at least Trevor tried to tell me " I glared and turned back around.
" at least get out of the middle of the road " Quinn said.
" if you haven't noticed this area is abandoned except for the one house down there, so that's where i'm going " I said continuing to walk down the middle of the street. Snow was falling, my arms were bear, freezing, but I didn't care I was just glad to be out of that place.

We arrived at the house, there were no lights on, I knocked on the door.
" Vivian no one's home let's just keep walking " Samuel said.
" yeah and starve to death, great plan " I sighed.
I knocked on the door one more time, " just come on, we can find another place " Leila said.
" ok, this whole street is abandoned, this is going to be the only house for milles, I know you all haven't been outside for long, but this is how the real world works, so you all can leave or stay here and live " I turned back around.
I kicked the door open.
" anyone home! " I yelled, seconds later there was no noise, I looked around and found a lamp.
" there's still running electricity the people who lived here last couldn't have left to long ago " I said.
I turned on all the lights, there was an upstairs, but I wasn't going up there alone, I was brave, but not that brave.
I walked over to the round kitchen table and sat down well everyone else sat in the living room, I could tell they were looking at me.. I looked over at them, there were whispering to one another. I never felt more like a outcast in my life, but I knew I just put myself in this place and there was nothing I could do about that.
Samuel got up and walked over to me.
" hey " he said sitting down beside me.
" what do you want? " I asked.
" we're all sorry, you know that right? " he asked.
" I do know that, but it won't change how I feel, i'm mad at everyone of you, but Trevor, he tried to tell me, not any of you " I said.
" what were we supposed to do? " he asked.
" you should know that answer, just go back over to everyone else and talk about how your free, but not safe " I turned to look out the window, I felt a tear roll down my face, I brushed it away.
I got up and walked over to them, my arms crossed, " anyone want to come up stairs and turn the lights on with me? " I asked.
Winny stood up and came with me, there were four rooms and one bathroom.
We walked back down the stairs, " bad news, there's only four rooms " Winny said.
" we'll figure all that out when the time comes, we should probably get something to eat though " Quinn said, getting up and walking into the kitchen with Winny, there was small snack foods, we probably would have to go hunting if we wanted to find better food.
I walked over to the back window by the kitchen, I stood there with my arms crossed looking out at the world, the sun was gone it was dark, it was hard to see what was out there.
" hey " Trevor walked up beside me.
" hey " I said keeping my eyes on the window.
I looked over at him, " I know I can't not talk to them ever again, there going to be here everyday, but, it doesn't change anything " I looked back at all of them talking about the outside world.
" you won't hate them forever " he said.
" it's beautiful isn't it? " he asked, I looked back to the window and scratched my neck.
" yeah I missed it " I said.
" you know, I haven't seen the world for a year, I forgot what it looked like " he looked down at me and smiled.
" even though it had only been a couple of weeks, I almost forgot too " I said looking up at him.
I walked over to my bag and pull out the book, " I didn't think you guys were going to come, so I brought the book with me " I walked back over to him.
" is that why you said you were sick, because you were going to leave? " he asked.
" i'm sorry I didn't tell you when you came to see me " I said.
" i'm going to go sit back down with the others " he smiled, I nodded and watched him walked back over to the small living room.
I knew I couldn't feel love or what it was like to like someone, but I was able to be attracted to people, and I couldn't help that I was attracted to Trevor, but I never would be able to love him.
I walked up stairs after listing to what everyone was talking about. I got up stairs and walked into the room that was right after the stairs, I walked in and sat down on the bed.
I saw the closet, it was full of colorful clothes, I pulled something out for pajamas and changed. I walked over to the mirror. I looked at myself, as Trevor stood in the doorway.
" nice pajamas " he said, I jumped back.
" you scared me " I smiled.
" where did you find those? " he asked.
" the closet, they also have some stuff that would fit you too " I smiled.
" well I like those pajamas on you " he said, walking in and closing the door behind him.
" thanks " I smiled.
" no problem " he smiled back, we kept eye contact for a full minute or what felt like that.
" where's everyone else? " I asked, breaking eye contact.
" down stairs, asleep " he said.
" why aren't you asleep? " I asked.
" I wanted to come see how you were doing " he said, I started to blush.
I walked over and sat down on the bed.
" oh? ".
" but really how are you doing? " he asked again.
" I don't know anymore " I sighed.
" why is that? " he asked joining me on the bed. He sat so close to me I could feel the heat vibrate off his body and onto mine. My heart started to beat faster, I was scared he could hear it.
" when I found out about me being tested and what my blood could do and everything " I paused.
" there were photos and videos, of me and my brother, my parents, my whole life, there were documents about me, they knew everything and anything, nothing to them was a secret " I said looking away as my eyes started to fill with tear.
I felt his hand touch mine, it was like a shock ran threw my body and up to my brain telling me to looked down at it then back up at him.
" everythings going to be ok, I won't let them hurt you " he said.
Looking me right in the eyes, he leaned in closer, our lips touched, we kissed, he kissed me even though he knew that I could never feel anything towards him, but he still kissed me anyway. Why?
We both pulled away for a second and looked at each other, we kissed again, we quickly pulled away after hearing a noise come from down stairs.
" I should get going to sleep " he said.
" yeah I should get to sleep too " I said, we kept eye contact as he got up and walked out of the room closing the door behind him, I heard the bed in the other room squick.
I layed down in my bed, " huh? " I said to myself before rolling over and falling asleep.

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