Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up the light shining in my eyes, I forgot I was back in the real world, I heard water running. It was coming from the bathroom. I opened my door so I could see when they left.
I walked over to my backpack and pulled out the book Trevor had given me, I stated to read. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Blake stop and look at me.
" are you done with the bathroom? " I asked catching him off guard.
" yeah, go ahead " he said.
I got up and walked past him " thanks " I smiled and walked into the bathroom.
I turned on the water, got out of my clothes and got into the shower, I splashed the water in my face, I remembered the kiss, my first kiss, every moment of it, how I felt when he kissed me to when he left the room and I went to bed. I smiled, but it was short lived after I remembered that I wouldn't know what it really felt like.
I couldn't date him, it would hurt me to much to put him through that.
I got out of the shower and changed into some clothes, I walked down the stairs drying my hair, Trevor was in the kitchen.
" where's everyone else? " I asked, hopping up to sit on the counter.
" there outside " he said.
" why aren't you outside with them? " I asked.
" not a big fan of snow " he sighed.
I got up and opened the fridge.
" should we talk about last night? " he asked.
" maybe later, were going to run out of food soon and I have a plan to get some more " I said.
" follow me " we walked outside.
" hey guys! " I yelled.
They all walked over to me.
" I am still mad at all of you, but I can't do anything about that because were going to be living together " I said.
" anyway, were going to run out of food soon, we need to get more " I said.
" and how are we going to do that? " Blake asked rolling his eyes.
" well, The Hole has to get food somehow, everyday there must be a shipment of food to go there " I said.
" so what, you just want us to some how stop the truck and get the food from it? " Leila asked.
" yes, exactly that " I said.
" what about everyone in The Hole don't they need food too? " Winny asked.
" they probably still have so much breakfast food they can just serve that, we need food now, or were going to starve, I bet since christmas is this friday they'll have turkey " I said.
Everyone looked at one another, " fine, how do we stop the truck? " Quinn asked.
" I didn't think that far " I sighed.

We waited on the porch till we could see a car in the distance.
" are we sure this is even going to work? " Winny asked.
" we don't have another choice " I said.
" hey guys there's a truck coming " Trevor said.
" we know the plan " I walked off the porch, as the truck started to come closer I started to wave my hand, the truck stopped.
I walked over to the drive seat, the man in the truck rolled down the window, " hi miss is everything ok? " he asked.
" i'm a little lost, do you know where the nearest stop might be? " I asked.
" other then this house there's nothing of milles " he said.
" I already checked the house, no one was there " I said.
" well you can come with me if you like " he suggested, like I wanted to go back in The Hole, now way.
I looked threw the window to see Quinn give me the thumbs up.
" it's ok, I think i'll just stay in the house for the night, thank you thought " I smiled stepping back from the truck as it drove off.
I walked over to everyone else.
" now what did I tell you, the plan worked " I smiled.
" question do you still hate all of us? " Quinn asked.
" now it's on the smallest scale " I said.
Winny ran over to me and gave me a hug, " can't breathe " I said.
" sorry " she said backing away.
" well i'm hungry so, food anyone " we walked into the kitchen where Blake, Samuel and Trevor had brought all the food.
" what did you guys even grab? " I asked.
" food " Leila smiled.
" I know that, but what food? " I asked.
We all started to put everything away in the fridge and the cupboards, " i'll be right back I need to go up stairs and grab something " I said.
I ran up to my room, or the room I was now staying in. I rummaged through my bag.
" it's later now " I jumped and turned around to see Trevor.
" you really need to stop scaring me " I said.
" you said we would talk about this kiss later and it's later " he said.
" can't avoid it anymore, can I? " I gulped.
" what do you want me to say? " I asked.
" I don't know " he said.
" you know that I can't feel anything towards you, but you still kissed me, what's the point of being with someone who doesn't even know what it feels like to like someone, let alone love someone " I said.
He walked over to me and grabbed my hands.
" the point is that you kissed me back, so somewhere inside you must be feeling something even if it's barred deep down inside of you " he said.
" you can be attracted to someone, and by you kissing me back shows me that " he added.
" but I would never be able to feel what you feel " I said.
" that doesn't bother me, as long as I know you are attracted to me that shows something " he said, he was still holding onto my hands.
I looked up at him, I kissed him, we pulled away.
" I want to try " I smiled.
He smiled back, " ok ", he kissed me, I pushed him away.
" how are we going to tell everyone? " I asked.
" they'll catch on, but we should go down stairs shouldn't we " he said.
" yeah, you go first, I still have to grab something " I said.
He got up and walked out of the room, I looked threw my bag one more time, I walked down the stairs.
" found them " I said.
" slippers really, you brought your slippers " Quinn said.
" I knew it was going to be cold " I said.
I looked over at the clock, it was only 3.
" what are we going to eat for dinner? " Leila asked.
" well I know how to make pasta " Samuel said.
" you do " Leila sounded surprised.
He looked over at her and smiled.
" Pasta sounds good " Winny smiled.

We sat down at the table, Trevor and I sat beside each other.
" hey Vivian, tell us about your brother " Quinn said.
" wait you have a brother " Leila said.
" yeah I do " I smiled.
" hey maybe you love him and that's why you were taken to The Hole " Blake said.
" you guys know I can't feel love " I said.
" but your trying too " Trevor looked over at me and smiled.
" did we miss something? " Samuel asked.
" no " I shook my head.
Everyone looked at us in shock, " what, you guys didn't miss anything " Trevor smiled at me again.
" can we just eat our pasta " I said.
" yeah, yup, ok nothing is going on we believe you " Winny said.
We all laughed.

After dinner I walked into the living room and sat down, all the girls followed me.
" so what's really going on with you and Trevor? " Leila asked.
" last night we might have kissed " I said.
" what!? " Winny whispered in shock.
" and were going to try and date even though I can't feel anything thing towards him, I know I am attracted to him " I said.
" who would have thought " Quinn said.
All the boys walked over, " what are you guys talking about? " Trevor asked, we all looked at each other and started to laughed.
" what tell us " Samuel said as they all sat down.
" it's nothing, how about I tell you about my brother now " I said.
Before speaking I looked around at all my friends that I was going to stay mad at forever, but i'm so glad that I didn't.

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