Chapter Six

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Anastasia's POV: Who does he think he is?! He can't be threatening me right now! Can he?

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Anastasia's POV:
Who does he think he is?! He can't be threatening me right now! Can he?

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him. He just smirked and nodded his head. I glare at him.

"Who do you think you are?!" I Yelled at him.

"Wow calm down Anastasia I'm just telling you what I'll do." Said Tyler in a calmed tone. My glare became harsher. He just think that he can get and do whatever he wants!

"You are threatening me!" I accused him. He pointed at himself and then looked at me like I was crazy.

"Who? Wait me? Anastasia why would you think that?" He asked said to me in a sarcastic tone. Is he being serious right now? First he doesn't want anything to do with me and now he wants my help! Yeah right.

"You are!" I accused once again. He shocked his head.

"I'm not!" He denied.

"Are too!" I said.

"Are not!" He said.

"Are too!" I said this time a little bit louder.

"Are not!" He said louder than me.

"ARE TOO!" I all but screamed. He looked at me with an amused smirk on his face.

"Okay fine you caught me." He said with this mocking tone. I glared at him. Turning around I went to play with the kids.

Holly came running to me and then hugged my legs. She looked up at me with her bug puppy eyes. I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Ana I'm sorry for lying but he wanted me to help him. He wanted you to talk to him." Said Holly to me. I sighed.

"Holly I get that you where trying to help Tyler but you can't lie. Lying is bad! What if when something happens to you and you need help nobody wants to help you cause they think that you are lying?" I said asked her. She looked down.

"I'm sorry..." she said in a real small voice.

"It's okay but don't lie next time okay?" I said to her.

"Okay Ana!" She said and then left to go play with her friends.

"Look Anastasia can we please just forget everything that happened till now and just start over?" Asked Tyler. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?!" I asked him.

"Look I'm sorry! What you said really got to me. You where right and that made me pissed off! But I'm willing to shut up and do what you say so that I won't disappoint my parents." Explained Tyler. I sighed. He looked like he was sincere but I doubt that we won't fight.

"Fine..." I said to him.

"But you better follow the rules or so help me I will end you!" I told him while pointing a finger at him. He raised his hand in mock surrender and rolled his eyes.

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