Chapter Twenty Seven

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Anastasia's POV: "How dare you slap me! That's it I have had it with you!" Yelled Ashton at me and then pulled out a gun

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Anastasia's POV:
"How dare you slap me! That's it I have had it with you!" Yelled Ashton at me and then pulled out a gun. He pointed the gun at me, this it I'm going to die without knowing the truth. But suddenly the office door slammed opened.

"Ashton Pasquarelli you better put that gun down this moment or so help me!" An older woman cane in and glared at Ashton. Ashton immediately did as the woman said. He looked afraid of the woman.

"Mother what are you doing here?" Asked Ashton, that's when my eyes widen. This is Steven's and Malik's grandmother.

"You really think that I would not come after your uncle told me he just talked with a girl that looked just like my niece?!" The woman asked in a sarcastic tone while glaring at Ashton.

"Mother look this is something that I need to handle so could you  please let me?" Asked Ashton, I could tell that he was trying to be as nice as possible.

"Ashton leave this office right now! I'm going to be talking with this girl." Commanded Ashton's mother.

"Mom that's not something that you have to do. I'll do it." Said Ashton.

"Did I ask you if I could talk with her? No right just do what I told you." Said his mother in a serious tone. Before Ashton could answer an older man came in and rapped his arm around Ashton's mom's waist.

"Sweetheart you need to calm down. Remember that Ashton and Tessa are the leaders now not us." Said the older man and that's when I realized that the older man was Fernando Pasquarelli. So that means that this is Ash Mendez.

"I don't care if he is the boss, I am his mother and as his mother he has to do as I say. I will always have authority over him when it comes to things that I think aren't right." Said Ash in a pissed of tone.

"Boy I think that you should do as your mother says before she gets more angry than she already is. You know that it's never good when she's angry." Said Fernando to his youngest son.

"Fine but I'm not done with you Anastasia." Said Ashton before following his dad out of the office.

I sat down on one of the chairs that where at the office. This definitely wasn't how I thought that everything would go down. I thought that I would have a calm conversation and clear everything up. But nothing went as planned. I even threatened a mafia boss for crying out loud!

"Why can't everything just go right for once?" I asked myself out loud.

"What do you mean?" I heard a woman's voice behind me. I had forgotten that Ash was here with me. She then sat down on Ashton's chair. I looked at her but didn't show any emotions.

"Your Steven's And Malik's grandmother right?" I asked her while ignoring her question from before.

"Yes I am! Those two are just like their father and grandfather." She said to me.

"Do you know them?" She asked me before I could speak.

"I don't know them that much. I've spoken to Malik but that talk went as well as the one with your son and Agustín." I said to her.

"Look I'm going to be a bit frank here... we need you to do a DNA test. We want to confirm if you really are family or not." Said Ash to me.

"Sure I want to find out too." I told her.

"Perfect!" She said to me. She really sounded excited to find out.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"Sure?" She said to me with a big smile on her face.

"If im really family what will happen to me then? I know that you guys and the Limitation Mafia don't get along. Even though I wand to art if any of this my family was." I asked her.

"If your really family then I think I That you should live here with us. Also you should get to know your family." She said to me.

"I don't think that they would want to get to know me at all. I was so rude to Agustin who probably is my grandfather and I was so rude to Ashton who may be my cousin! I ven slapped him! They won't want to get to know me. Plus they think that I was part of what my brothers and the rest of my family were." I said to her and this time I really couldn't hold back a sob.

"Don't say that! Look I wasn't all ways nice to Fernando nor was he nice to me at first but look we fell in love. Not only that but Agustín wasn't the best brother in the world. When we where younger he was horrible to everyone but I forgave him. Now we have an amazing relationship. What I'm trying to tell you is that they will forgive you if you just say that your sorry for being like that. Anastasia if you really are family then we will figure out everything together." Said Ash to me and then she gave me a huge hug. I felt like I was talking to my mother. She and my mother also looked alike a lot. The way she talked to em was the same way my mother used to talk to me.

"What about Finn and their family? They hate me so much!" I said to her.

"Finn is someone that doesn't do well with change but I know that in the end he would love you like family as well." Said Ash to me.

"Thank you for saying all of this to me. I really needed to hear that. It's been a while since I could express my worries to someone." I said to her.

"You can come talk to me whenever you want. Even if we don't turn out to be family." Said Ash to me.

"Thank you so much!" I said to her.


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With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗, pcristal05011.

With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗, pcristal05011

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