Chapter Thirty

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Tyler's POV: I saw her fall in slow motion

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Tyler's POV:
I saw her fall in slow motion. At first she held her head and looked in pain but seconds later she was on her knees. I called her name but it was like she didn't hear me. Then all of a sudden she starts leaning foward and her head hits the floor. I run towards her to see if she was okay but she's unconscious on the floor. Please tell me that this is not happening again. Anastasia please be okay...

"Is she okay?" Someone asked

"We her to get her to a hospital or at least a doctor." I said and then I picked her up bride style.

"We will call our doctor, let's get her into one of the guest rooms that we have here in the mansion." Said Ash and she lead me to where I could put Anastasia.

I put her on the bed and just looked at her. All of this things are happening and I never thought that I would be in the middle of it. That day when I went to Anastasia's house and accused her of being part of something that she didn't even know existed... I really regret it. Why didn't I think things through! But after that I regret every single day that has passed. All I did was screamed and made her feel bad. For crying out loud I even had thought she was a threat to us! She's just an innocent girl that I liked but I chased her away.

I wish everything would have turned out differently. But the moment that I found out about her family all I could think of is how the innocent girl that I liked wasn't actually like what I had thought she was. I felt betrayed by her but the one that was actually betrayed was her. Now look where everythu g has gone... so who as I think that she was unlucky to had have met me cause look at all the things that have happened to her.

"Tyler." I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone putting a hand on my shoulder and call I g my name. Turning to the person I saw Skyler.

"Yeah?" I asked her in a small tone, I would be surprised if she could head it.

"It's not your fault." She said to me.

I just looked at her, I couldn't hold it in anymore and just let myself cry. Solar just hugged me tightly. Then I felt someone hug my back. I needed someone to just be there for me right now. I have been holding my feelings back for so long. It's nice to let them all put now.

"It's okay to feel like this Tyler as long as you share it with someone." I heard Leah whisper to me from behind. I guess that she is the one hugging my back.

"What is going on here?" I could hear both Steven and Kayak say at the same time. They sounded angry and jealous. The girls stopped hugging me and turned to them.

"Shut up! Anastasia is here and she doesn't need you both to be loud." Said Skyler to them.

"I don't care! Now why are you hugging him?" Exclaimed Steven. Leah walked up to him and slapped his shoulder and he flinched.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Shut up! Something is wrong with Anastasia, who is your cousin by the way, and your here yelling! Get out I don't want to see your face until you start acting like a man." Said Leah and pushed Steven out of the room while locking the door. After all of us knew that Steven couldn't come in Skyler walked up to Kayel and whispered something to him. Kayel just nodded his head at Skyler.

"This is the first time I have seen a girl have so much control over my grandson." Said Ash. I had forgotten that she was even here. She was sitting close to the bed and holding Anastasia's hand.

"Uhh..." was the only thing that Leah could say and she started blushing.

" It's a good thing." Said Ash with a big smile on her face.

I walked up to Anastasia and grabbed her free hand. She really was looking pale and she was a bit cold. That made me grab a blanket and cover her up. She needs to wake up! I need to tell her how sorry I am, how much I regret everything. I need to tell her how much I regret saying all of those horrible and harsh words to her. Now that I have an opportunity to talk to her I can't let that go just like that. It's time for me to show her how wrong I was about her. Anastasia needs to know how much she means to me. I can't believe they I even tried to convince myself info liking another girl when I started having feelings for her. I was just so scared! I even convinced her to go shopping with me for a present!

"Tyler you really care for Anastasia." I heard Ash say to me and that was enough to snap me out of my thoughts that where driving me crazy. I feel like I'm about to lose my mind!

"You know she cares for you even though she doesn't look like she does." Said Ash.

"What may you say that? She must here me after everything that I have done to her. Thanks to me she doesn't have anyone." I said to Ash, she gave me that look that my grandmother would give me when I said something stupid.

"Kayel, Skyler and Leah could you leave me alone with Tyler for a few minutes? There is something that I have to talk to him about. Also l,ease ask my husband if he called the doctor." Said Ash to my friends.

They all nodded their heads and left the room. But not before I saw Kayel push Steven into the wall when he tried to get in. By the way that Kayel moved it looked like he was angry.

"Now that everyone is gone tell me the truth about how you actually feel for Anastasia." Said Ash to me.

"I just care for her that it." I said.

"Then if I told you to leave her alone and to never see her again. If I told you you coudknt keep tabs on her at all times, that you coudknt send someone to keep her safe at al, times would you do it?" Asked Ash.

 If I told you you coudknt keep tabs on her at all times, that you coudknt send someone to keep her safe at al, times would you do it?" Asked Ash

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With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗, pcristal05011.

With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗, pcristal05011

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