Chapter 8: No Jake Friday

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Chapter 8: No Jake Friday

Ellas POV

I woke up this morning and relaxed in my bed staring into space. I reached for my phone and text Sophie saying that she can come over at around 10:30 so we could spend the day together and tell her all about what has happened in the last week with me and Jacob. Also she could stay to help get Leah ready for her date. I put my phone on my bedside table and plugged in my iPod and relaxed to the music as I drifted off back to sleep.

I was woken up by a rather excited Leah shaking my shoulders. I pulled out my headphones and looked up at her. "Someone's excited!" I smiled at her and she jumped onto my bed and sat crossed legged. "I have got my first date today. And it's with Liam. YAY" she squealed. I chuckled at her excitement. I remember my first date. It was with Jake, when we were younger possible 14, so Leah's age and Jacob took me to a movie. We decided to stay friends though and date when we get older. I am so happy that we made the decision together I am extremely pleased now and I can't believe that we are in a proper relationship.

I got dressed and then ate breakfast alongside Leah. I made her an omlet and one for myself as well. Sophie arrived shortly after and we went up to my room with some snacks. Leah was in her room listening to music, trying on different outfits and on her laptop talking to Tanya her best friend online out how excited she was for her date. I believe that they were on video chat as I could here her talking and asking how way different outfit looked.

I told Sophie about Friday night when Jake and I did a lot of kissing and then nearly log it but didn't and we were sensible. I then told her about the magnificent waterfall that Jacob took me to and we spent the day there. I said how I spent each night that my parents were away in his arms and then the surprise that he did on Monday and then having a flour fight when cooking dinner, the fact I went to his work just to see him to cheer me up on Tuesday and then 'The Martian Bowling Competition' that we had on Wednesday along with the ice-cream part. I told her all about my lunch date yesterday and showed her the present that Jake got me.

It was 2:00 by the time we had stopped talking about me and Jacob. We both headed downstairs for a late lunch. I made some ham and cheese toasties and we brought them back up to my room to eat along with some lemonade. We then shared strange stories that had happened to us with boys. We giggled and laughed for ages until Leah came to knock on my door to see if it was time to get her ready for her date. I nodded and got off my bed.

Sophie and I followed Leah into her bedroom and she sited down at her dressing table. First things first was the makeup and hair. Sophie straightened her hair making a few curls on the top to make it look cute. I put foundation on her face and gave her eyes a grey and silver sparkle with eye shadow and a grey shimmer eye liner with black mascara to make her lashes look darker and just a bit longer. I put on some silvery tan shad blush to give her cheeks more color and then to top it off I added a pale pink shine lipgloss that tasted like strawberries and milkshake giving her look an cute side.

Then we helped her decide on her outfit. I picked out a shortish navy frill delicate skirt with a brown platted belt. The top was fitting showing Leah's figure. I was cream with cropped sleeves that were floaty from shoulder to elbow. The rest was a soft cotton that was comfy to wear. Leah wore her cream flat shoes that went with her top and then put on a denim jacket over the top.

It finally came to 6:55 and Leah was full of excitement. Sophie and I were just checking to make sure that everything was great. Leah had a small purse with lipgloss and mirror and also her phone in it. I said to her to be confident, polite and cute. She sighed. She had heard it a before. I also said that if there was anything that she needed or was unsure about that she must call me. I gave her a warning face but then let it go when I heard the door rang and gave her a big sister bug. Leah went over to it and opened it. Me and Sophie pretended to come and see who it was from the living room. Liam looked cute and smart in jeans and a shirt and blazer. He handed Leah a singular red rose and handed it to me. I took it and said I would put it in a base inner bedroom. Minutes later they left in a black car.

I was nervous for her and excited at the same time. Sophie soon took my mind off worrying about Leah and Liam. We decided to watch our favorite movie that we both loved 'Its a GIRL thing'. We were laughing along with it and smiled when the cute guys came on. After the film we stayed in the living room and sat talking about my birthday mostly as it was only tomorrow. We talked at what I would be doing on my day. I really had no idea something with Jake hopefully.

It wasn't until I realized it was 10 that Leah wasn't home yet. Just then as I started to worry a car engine pulled in the drive way. I rushed to the door and looked out the peep hole to see what was going on. Sophie was laughing at my actions as I was peeping and watching their every move. I could only just hear their convocation and had to keep shushing Sophie behind me.

"I had a great night Leah. You really are am amazing and beautiful girl" Liam told her with a smile and took her hand in his.

"Me too, thank you for such a great night. And thanks I really like you too." Leah said and then Liam stepped closer and planted a kiss on Leah's still pink glossy lips she kissed him back a little and then they both pulled away. Leah wore a kind sweet smile and then Liam walked down the stairs and headed for the car. They returned a smile and I quickly ran to Sophie's side by the stairs to let Leah get thought the door.

Leah stepped through the door and leaned against it for a few seconds. Then she stood up straight and realized that we were looking at her.

"So... How was it?, Did you have fun?, Where did he take you?, tell me everything!" I beamed excitedly practically jumped up and down around her. Leah looked at me shocked by my excitement at 10:00pm. She chose to respond with that cheeky reply 'I don't kiss and tell' I gave her a slight glare. "Oh pleeeeease. It is my birthday" I begged and dragged her into the living room. Me and Sophie sat on the sofa crossed legged like school girls and Leah sat across from us on the large black arm chair, which almost filled the corner of the room.

Leah started from the beginning from when she left the house. "Liam opened my door so I could get into the small black Misadvise and then accompanied me by getting in the other side. I felt rather nervous but extremely excited at the same time. We were dropped off at the movies and we went to see the new film 'Boys and Girls' I was a bit romantic but quite funny as well. After that we walked around in town to find a place to eat. Liam held my hand as we wondered around the town." I smiled then and saw how happy Leah was, I could tell that this boy made her feel special just like my Jake. Then I carried on to listen to the rest of the story.

"We stopped off at PizzaHut and ordered a medium hawian pizza between us. It was really nice pizza. We didn't finish it and Liam has taken the rest home as I said I didn't want it. Through dinner we talked and got to know eachouther more. We spoke about family, likes/dislikes, our past and childhood and then told some funny things that had happened to us. In the car on the way home Liam and I talked about school a bit and said that we can hang out more there and eat lunch together. I can meet his friends and he can meet mine. I know we are in the same year and everything but we were from different parts." that's all Leah said for a while.

It looked like she was gong to continue but was going over it in her head. I nudged Sophie to tell her to get up and come upstairs but really want to know about the kiss. I stood up and went to walk to the door with Sophie following in my footsteps. "Well there was one more thing" she said not at her normal tone, more of a quiet and nervous voice, but loud for us to hear. I winked at Sophie and we went to reclaim our place on the sofa. "Liam led me to my door and said 'I had a great night Leah. You really are am amazing and beautiful girl' I smiled then and went red a bit but replied by saying 'Me too, thank you for such a great night. And thanks I really like you too'. then Liam leaned in and kissed me on the lips and his soft gentle lips parted with mine as I kissed him back." I gave Leah a cheeky smile and went over to her and gave her a big sister hug.

"I am so happy that you had a good time and you experienced your first kiss" I winked at her then and smiled.

We all went upstairs. Leah into her room and Sophie and I in mine. We both put on our pajamas and got into bed. I was so happy for Leah and then immensely excited for tomorrow. I chatted with Sophie for a while then we both drifted off to sleep.


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