Chapter 10: Night To Remember

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Chapter 10: Night to remember

Ella's POV

I woke up in Jakes arms. It made me smile at the thought that my parents actually let him stay over while they were in the house. I looked up to see Jacob sleeping. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I was going to get up but thought that if I woke Jake then he needed his sleep for tonight. I lay in his arms and closed my eyes. Not falling to sleep but just imagining. I thought about what kin of dress I would look for and the whole complete outfit I would have. Though I thought about it for a while I still kept my options open. You never know what kind of dresses the shops would have.

My thoughts were broken by a gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed them back willingly but kept my eyes shut. The kiss became more passionate and I was soon laying in my back with Jake towering over me with his body close to mine. Our kiss was stopped and interrupted by a knock on the door. Quickly and silently Jake moved himself so he was laying besides me and there was a gap between us. The knock came from Leah as she skipped into my room and sat on the end of my bed. I sat up to talk to her. "Heya Leah, what's up?" I asked trying to sound casual and not trying to show the fact that I was out of breath. She looked at me with pleading eyes. I think I know what was coming next.  

"ELla can I please come shopping with you? I don't want to be here all day with nothing to do" she said trying not to sound picky. I gave her that smile that said 'I love you and all but no' she looked down and I suddenly came up with an idea.  

"Why don't you call Liam. You could hang out in the mall where I can keep an eye on you and if he needs to leave or you are not happy I won't be far away. I don't mind taking you as I will be picking Sophie up on he way then I'll wait with you until he comes." I suggested and she seemed to lighten up her mood and gave me a thank you smile. She left the room probably to call Liam.

I laid back down, placing my head on my pillow. I felt little tiny kisses on my neck and I turned to look at Jacob. "Where were we?" he asked cheekily and I faced him to give him a loving kiss. He kissed me back with passion and a soft gentle touch. Our lips parted as I leaned into him more. Jacobs hand moved to my back and under my pajama top. He heat of his hands and body instantly made my body temperature increase. His sweet breath filled my mouth and I smiled at the taste.

We kissed for a while but we both had to back away to get our breath back. I smiled and he returned it. I snuggled up to him and rested my head in the ridge of his neck. I breathed in his sent and ended up drifting off into a light sleep.  

I was woken by a lift of my head and a light kiss on my lips. I kissed them back, opened my eyes and smiled up at Jake. I turned to see what the time was and it said 10:10. I say up quickly and Jacob rushed to my side. "Ella, what's wrong? What's the matter?" he voice was full of concern and he had a worried look that covered his face.  

"I am meant to meet Sophie in 35 minutes." I said and he took a huge sigh of relief. I chuckled and went over to my wardrobe. I picked out some jeans and a black long sleeve top. I speed walked to the bath room and took a quick shower and then got myself ready and found my way back to Jacob.

We made our way down to the kitchen so we could eat. We had some left over mini pancakes. We had a few each and left some for Leah who joined us minutes later. I ate them with chopped strawberries and banana with a drizzle of toffee.

I texted Sophie saying I'll be a little late but only by ten minutes. After a few minutes I had to say goodbye to Jake. I gave him a goodbye hug and loving kiss. He said that. Before he went he said that he wanted to talk to my dad about something but I had to leave to get to Sophie's.  

"I'll see you tonight Jake"  

"Can't wait beautiful" she kissed my cheek and then watched me leave before going to the living room.

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