Chapter 3: Last Day Alone

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Chapter 3: Last day alone

Jacobs POV

I had woken up the next morning, with Ella still relaxed in my arms. It was 9:00 when she had woken up. She had a nice lay in in my arms as I rested my eye waiting for her to wake up. Ella turned around onto her side to face me; smiled a little and burried her head in my chest. I kissed the top of her head. She lifted her head and put her hand behind my neck and brought me to her lips. I kissed Ellas sweet soft lips lightly. I could tell she was still a little tired so I didn't want to tier her out. Also I think my dad was still home. I didn't want him thinking that we were up to something.

"Morning gorgeous. How was your sleep?" I wasn't sure if I was going to get an answer. I could tell that Ella was still rather tired.

"It was good" she yawned. "How was yours Jake?"

"Yeah it was nice. I love to sleep when you are in my arms."

I smiled and she reflected it on her face. "I love to sleep in your arms Jake. I feel more safe there" Ella smiled, yawned, and gave me another kiss before letting her head fall down to my chest.

"As much as I am enjoying this, we need to get up at some point or my dad will get suspicious" I announced lifting her chin to look up at me. She looked into my eyes. Still looking a little sleepy but not as much as before. Shesaid 'ok' and then I got out from my bed and left her lying there as I got dressed. I wore the top that Ella gave to me yesterday and put on some jeans to go with it. Ella seemed happy to keep on the same clothes but did ask if she could use the shower.

Ellas POV

I went to the bathroom after Jacob had handed me a new towel for me to use. I only had a quick one, I didn't want to keep Jacob waiting. I pinned my hair up into a high pony-tail, with a bobble that just happened to be around my wrist, letting my long brown curls fall down my back. I walked back to Jakes room to find him sitting on his bed wait for me.

We went down stairs to the living room before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Billy was sitting on the black leather sofa reading a newspaper that had been delivered earlier that morning. A used coffee mug was on the side table. Jacob strolled in while I stayed by the door. "Morning dad" Jake said as he picked up the mug.

"I was wondering when you two were going to get up" he put down the paper to look at us. I smiled at him and then Jake started to head to the door.

"So did you have a good sleep the both of you?" It was Jake who replied. I was a too shy to.

"Yeah it was nice. I think that we will just chill out here today dad. But now we are going off to have breakfast." Billy smiled and looked back at his paper to continue reading it. Jake took my hand and lead me the kitchen.

I sat down on the same seat that I had done last night. Jacob placed two bowls and two spoons on the table then apologized that there was only Cheerios. I told him that it was ok and was happy to eat them. It wasn't until my third spoon full that I realized that I hadn't had them in so long. They were my favorite cereal when I was younger, I think I must have been 10 the last time I had had a bowl of Cheerios. We ate in silence. Once Jake had finished I watched him clear up. I was nice watching him from behind. I smiled at my thought and then I chuckled; not meaning it to be as loud at it came out to be. Jacob turned around to see what I was finding so amusing. I tried to say it was nothing. However my bad attempt of a straight face failed miserably and I told him that I liked to see him doing stuff from behind. He started to chuckle himself then.

Jacob took the coffee that he had made Billy and took it through to the living room while I stayed in my seat. I was thinking that it would be nice to stay at Jakes and not doing anything in particular. Just then Jake walked in and stopped me from daydreaming. "My dad is going out in around an hour to hang out with the guys. He could be gone for quite a while. What do think to us watching a movie or two together and then maybe we could order Chinese or something later?" I smiled. I did love Chinese and watching movies. Then to top it off I will be doing it all with Jake.

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