Chapter 23: Suprise. Part 1: It can't be

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Something big happens in this chapter. I hope you like it. Sorry if you were expecting the bedroom design. That comes later on in the book, sorry. Please comment and vote for me

Chapter 23: Suprise

Part 1: It can't be

Ellas POV

I drove to the stony pebbles that covered the floor near the forest. Jake wanted to meet me here after work for something that he wouldn't tell me what it was. I hopped out and headed to our water fall. I new the way perfectly well. For one it was where our wonderful wedding will be and for seconds it was our home. Where our amazing house stood. I hadn't been there a lot as I have been at my parents to sort out things for the wedding with Sophie, Leah and my mum.

I got to the clearing. It was a beautiful day so I sat on one of the rocks by our waterfall. After five minutes I heard a russel in the trees. "Jake. What was it that you wanted to show me?" I heard no response. "Jake? What are you waiting for I am over here." I called again. But nothing. It was silence. It was then that I stood from where I was and started to walk towards the forest. But I realised; that was a huge mistake.

I saw him. Again? But how? He was...?And I saw...? There was no point in arguing with myself for my eyes nor mind were not playing tricks. He stood in the same black hoodie, same dark jeans and held the same sharpe staggering knife in his hand. I gasped. His head jolted up and his grip tightened around the knife. "Who are you?, what is it you want from me?" I stammered; but like that was going to help.

"It's always the same questions, that never get answered. For it is too LATE babe and you CAN'T run or hide. What is now, is now and what I want to do WILL be done." he spoke in a low scarse voice which still managed to boom into my ears. I started to shiver in fear. I tryed my hardest to show him I wasn't scared but I couldn't have beaten the worst liar in the would at that in this state.

I stood still. I was only ten feet away from him and I was sure that he would kill me if I tried to move. Not that it would matter, he was probably going to do that anyway.

Memories started to flood through my mind of all the happy moments I shared with my family. A tear fell from my eye down my check until it dropped to the floor. The memories changed to Jake. Me and him together, kissing, dancing and spending time with him. I burst out into sobs and the man just stood there. I wiped them away but more replaced them streaming down my face. "Jake" I wispered to myself. What if I was never going to see him again. The next thing that he will see of me would a lying dead body. I fell to the ground in agony of sadness.

The man slowly made his way towards me. He grabbed hold of my shoulder and pulled me to my feet. "If you do what I say it will be easier for the both of us" he spoke loud and clear. I didn't respond. The pressure on the grip of my shoulder started to harden. I heard a slight click and screamed in pain. "That's what I though." he dropped me and I managed to get hold of my shoulder. He had put it into another sockit. Thankfully and somehow I put it back to place. But it still hurt and ached. "Ok now if you live you will say nothing about this. GOT IT" he shouted down to me. I nodded my head slowly while tears poured out from my eyes. "Now don't SAY anything. This will go quicker if you are SILENT" he boomed again.

He lifted me by my arm and my shoulder jolted a little from his force. He stared down into my eyes. I cried out loud, not sure what he would do to me or if anyone would come "JAKE!!" I cried long and hard at the top off voice. The man growled, brought his hand out and shoved the knife into my waist. It was quick, sharp and shot killingly painful. I fell to the floor.

I tried to speak but I didn't have any energy to. My arm rushed to stomach trying to stop the gush of blood that was poring out from my waist. I heard the man shout down to me "I said you needed to be SILENT" he growled at me and I heard his foot steps fade back into the forest.

I tried to get up but found no strength. I was useless. My only hope was that Jake would soon come and find me. I prayed that I wasn't going to die but with every possible second that passed I thought of those moments I shared with Jake. Each kiss, each embrace and each smile. I was crying in pain before but it was agony that would stop me from seeing my Jake again. With every breath and every tear I was slowing down bit by bit. The piercing pain was beating me down.

Suddenly I heard a call. It was Jake and I new it for certain. "ELLA!!" tears welled in my eyes and rolled down my face.

A little joy filled me. I hope he would find me in time. Faint footsteps came closer to me. I tried to call out his name but blacked out before I had a chance.


So sorry that it's short. The next chapter will be longer. I hope you all liked it still. Comments and votes are all appreciated. Thank you everyone for reading.

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