Chapter 4: Lunch

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Akiko grumbled nonsense under her breath as she began cooking meat on the stove, knowing that dragon slayers just loved to eat meat and lots of it. She still wore her swimsuit, she just wore an apron over it. Lucy came out from her room wearing a tank top with shorts.

She asks, "Akiko, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just cooking lunch," Akiko muttered. "Kinda pissed off at Sting. Stupid perverted little blonde idiot."

Lucy sweat-dropped. "I'm guessing he did something perverted, right?"

"Yeah," Akiko replied. "Can't blame him since it's just the mating season thing affecting him, but you really can't help but feel a little bit pissed off."

The blond girl giggled. "Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I'm going to go off now."

"Alright, I'll call you guys later," Akiko said. "Have fun."

Lucy ran off to the beach to join the others. A few minutes later, she heard footsteps and glanced over to see Sting at the door.

She asks in an annoyed tone, "What do you want now? If you haven't noticed, I'm cooking so make it quick."

Sting sighs, before asking, "So, you're still angry about it?"

"Somewhat," she replied, her eyes on the food. "Just get out whatever you have to say."

She froze as Sting hugs her gently from behind, almost in a protective, needy motion. He mumbles, "Please don't leave me, I need you," her ears perked slightly. "I'm sorry."

Levy wasn't kidding about the needy thing, she thought, before sighing.

She placed a piece of fresh, cooked meat into her mouth and kissed Sting on the lips, forcefully pushing the meat into her mouth.

She pulled away, snuggling into his body. "Now what kind of girlfriend would I be if I broke up with you for something like that, hmm?"

The blonde blushed as he ate the meat and swallowed it. He leaned his forehead on hers.

"You can be so sly sometimes," he commented.

"Yeah yeah," she said, pulling away. "Now be a good boy and go have some fun without me so I can cook lunch," he frowned, about to protest but was cut off. "Or stay here and be helpful. Grab the flour would you?"

He grinned, kissed her forehead before walking off to get the ingredients. She rolled her eyes.



"Alright guys! Time for lunch!" Sting called out.

Natsu cheered, "Yeah! Finally!"

Everyone runs to the dining room, there eyes lighting up as they saw all the delicious food set out on the table.

"Wow!" Natsu yelled. "This looks delicious!"

Lucy said, sitting down, "You really outdid yourself Akiko. By the way, you two didn't do anything while you were cooking did you?"

"Hmm?" Akiko blinked, confused. "Well, if you're talking about how useful Sting was being for once, then yeah. I suppose...," Lucy sweat-drops.

Sting yelled, slightly offended, "Hey! I can be useful!"

"Don't argue," Akiko stated, picking up her chopsticks while the others began to dig in. "You're going to make the food taste bad."

"No I won't..." Sting yelled, only to be cut off by having a piece of yakisoba stuck into his mouth by Akiko.

Akiko said, "Let me rephrase - eat or they will be none left for you to eat."

"You think?" Lucy half-shouted sarcastically. "Natsu's already ate about half of everything on the table!"

Erza said, veins popping on her head. "Save some for the rest of us!" She knocked out Natsu before he could eat the rest.

Rogue said, "That should leave us some time to eat our fill."

"Yeah, the salamander should really watch what he eats," Gajeel said.

Laxus said, "I kinda fill bad for him."

"Let's eat!" Sting grinned, before practically picking everything he liked onto his plate in one foul sweep.

Levy sweat-drops. They're practically eating everything, there's not going to be any left for the rest of us at this rate.

Isn't there any dragon slayer that don't have a huge appetite apart from Wendy? Lucy asks herself, comical tears falling down her face as she watches the food disappear little by little.

Mira sighs. "My, we probably have to cook more food at this rate."

"I should've cooked more food... Oh!" Akiko thought of something and turned to her boyfriend. "Oi Sting."

Sting looks at her, asking, "Huh?"

In one sweep, everything on Sting's plate disappeared and into Akiko's mouth.

"Hey!" He shouted.

Akiko stated, "And that's how you get food that you want. Thanks for the food, Sting."

"Your wel... You stole it!" Sting stated.

"Your fault for eating too much."

Rogue said, "Right, we should leave some for the girls."

"I suppose so. We don't want them to go starving," Gajeel said. "Besides, I think I had my fill."

Levy and Lucy sighs.


Levy looks over to Akiko. "By the way, Akiko. How long are you going to wear that swimsuit for?"

Said girl raises an eyebrow, before looking at herself. "Oh, I forgot I was still wearing one. I'll probably change after eating lunch," she said, before snatching more food from Sting's plate.

Sting whined, "Don't steal all the food I'm going to eat!"

"Hmm, ok," Akiko said, picking up a piece of meat from her plate. "Open wide," Sting's eyes lit up and he obediently opened his mouth.

The girls and boys sweat-dropped. Those two are really something else...

"Good doggy," Akiko stated, playfully ruffling his hair like he was a dog.

Sting snapped, "I'm not a dog."

"Aw," she whined. "So you don't think you're cute, that's sad," he huffed, before grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah, cause I'm hot! Not cute!" He stated.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Right..."

He pouted, giving her a side hug as she ate. "Your so mean."

Yeah, he's becoming very clingy now...

"Tone it down with the PDA, will ya?" Gajeel snapped.

Akiko said, "You're just mad you can't do it with Levy," that shut Gajeel up for good, he was a blushing mess now. Levy was too.

She roasted them mercilessly, Lucy thought, slightly scared.

Mira giggled. That's Akiko for ya. You can't really say anything without getting a snap back from her. So merciless.

Erza nodded furiously. That's right, Akiko. Show them the love.

She's still as merciless as ever, Laxus thought, closing his eyes.

Rogue thought, she knows no bounds.

And that's my mate! Sting thought proudly.

Levy ate her food furiously, trying to make her blush disappear. Stupid Akiko! Why do you have to be so good with words?

Hmm, should I make miso or udon for dinner? Akiko thought, completely dismissing the atmosphere around her. No, maybe I should make ramen...

Just a somewhat normal day for the Sabertooth and Fairy Tail members.

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