Chapter 10: Odd

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The cheers of the dragon slayers could be heard as they were finally freed from their rooms. Mating season was finally over and it was time for them to return to their respective guilds. Their cheers died down as they looked at the train in dread.

Few minutes later..

All their faces were blue as the train began to move. The girls sweat-dropped while Akiko sighs, she looks at the dragon slayer that was lying on her lap.

She asks, "You alright, Sting?"

"Do I look like I am?" He asks in a strained voice.

"Maybe," she joked, before running her fingers through his hair.

His once tense body relaxed under her touch, his eyes closing. Her other arm was being used as a stand to hold up her chin as she stared out the window. Her mind began to wonder, her mouth opening ever so slightly, a melodic voice resonating throughout the train.

"I wanna be like you, I wanna say that I can

I wanna be the person that you think that I am

But even if I had it all come true like a dream

Is the person I came to be the really real me?"

Everyone listened to the song, enjoying the sweet sounding voice but they couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. Sting was listening, but at the same time he wasn't, he was watching Akiko.

"So young and simple, wishing like things would come true

Now as I am, I understand it's best I die and soon."

"Just by living I'm hurting them another day

Hundreds cry, all I do is ruin everything

Nobody wanted me, no one there to need

If only I could live in that kind of world I dreamed."

Sting frowned as he noticed her red eyes faded into a dull colour. The song she sang, was beginning to get on his nerves.

"Just by leaving I'm helping them another day

Hundreds smile, all they do is laugh at everything

Nobody there to scream, no more being mean but see

Things like that would never happen for me."

"Day after day I found my way, sleepwalking through

Like this I'll fade without a trace, it's for the best I do."

"Just by living I'm nothing for another day

Hundred lives, never knowing me or anything

Nobody wanted me, no one there to need

Why would I wanna live in the kind of world I see?"

"Just by leaving I'm no one for another day

Hundred lives, never changing them or anything

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