Chapter 13: New Enemies

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Below them were hundreds of people beaten up with metal cuffs on their hands, pulling heavy carts filled with unknown materials. Around them were people wearing dark clothing with a symbol on the back of it, probably presenting their guild. Their was tight security everywhere.

Sting asks, "With that kind of security, how did they request a job for us?"

"I have no idea," Akiko said. "But let's find out. Shiro," said snake flew around towards the back of the village where there was less people and landed.

They jumped off of Shiro, who turned back to his original size. Akiko gestured for them to follow her, before sneaking off towards the town.

Akiko murmured, "Be very careful and quiet, one movement and we could catch all their attentions, ok?" They nodded. "Just walk wherever I walk, it'll be safer that way."

With that, Akiko began moving around like a ninja, followed by her somewhat sneaky cohorts. However, their efforts were in vain as soon as Akiko heard some men talking.

"There are intruders in the area."

"Shit," Akiko muttered.

Sting asks, "What's wrong?"

"They know we're here," she stated. "Question is, how? And why they're being so discreet about it..."

"No time to worry about that," the blonde said. "We've got to get out of here before they find us," she nodded in agreement.

They quickly began sneaking themselves out of the town.

"They're running away! After them!"

What the? How did they know? She questioned, as she glanced behind her to see them.

Sting growled. "How did they know?"

"Isn't it obvious?" A unrecognisable voice rang out in her ears.

Everything seemed to freeze right at that moment. Akiko felt someone grab onto her chin, her body frozen like everyone else's. Her eyes widen ever so slightly as she saw a woman in front of her, she had long black hair, green eyes and red plump lips.

"Hello there, Akiko. It's nice to meet you," she greeted darkly.

The sound of the woman's voice wasn't familiar, no, she hadn't ever heard her in her life until up to this point. This wasn't her inner monster that she's been hearing recently, this person was entirely different.

"I'm Nori, I don't expect you to know me," she said, smiling but it wasn't genuine.

I can't move. I can't even speak. It's like she froze time, so how come I'm conscious of it? The god slayer thought, confused.

Nori laughed.

"You must be confused, but no worries," she lifted Akiko's chin so her eyes were aligned with her own. "It'll all make sense soon."

"Hmph!" Akiko muffled out as Nori placed her lips onto hers, forcing her to swallow something that could be fatal.

Time unfroze as Nori lets her go, letting Akiko drop to the ground. Hearing a loud thud, Sting looked over to see Akiko on the ground and an unfamiliar woman.

"Akiko!" he yelled out.

Shiro hissed, "Akiko? Akiko?"

Where did she come from? I didn't sense her until now, Sting thought, sweat rolling down his face. I need to get Akiko and the others out of here before anything else happen... His thoughts were cut off as he felt something cut him on the side.

It only took him a second to process what had happened before screaming out in pain, blood gushing out.

"Sting!" Lector yelled out, running over to his partner.

Nori walked over to Akiko. "How weak. I can't believe she, of all people, picked someone as weak as you to be her lover," she said in a dark tone. "I can't believe someone like you managed to reign in someone as dangerous as her. Oh, I'm known as Nori by the way."

Sting utters, "What... Are you talking about?"

A violent hissed rang out from Shiro's snout, before attacking the woman. Only to be grabbed by the neck and knocked out.


Akiko moved slightly, enough to catch everyone's attention.

She shakily lifted up her head, she murmured, "Run, Sting, Lector... They're too strong... For the likes of you..." she struggled to get up.

Lector said, "No! We can't leave you behind!"

"Leave... Now... Please...," she collapsed, completely knocked out.

"If I were you," Nori began. "I would heed her warning. She's the type to know who's stronger than who, and she's right. I am stronger than you, by a whole order of magnitude," she picked up the unconscious girl, tossing her over her shoulder with Shiro in her other hand.

The blonde was about to say something, but instead, blood gushed out of his mouth. "Sting!" Lector yelled out.

What the hell? Sting thought, breathing heavy. She only cut my side, so why do I feel like I'm on fire?

"Oh, it looks like the poison is starting to take effect," Nori mused.


Nori clarified, "Yeah. You're probably feel like you're on fire now, it normally starts off like that. The next effect will be like someone is tearing you to pieces, and the last stage," her eyes darkened. "Death."

Before anymore could be said, Sting collapsed to the ground. The last words he heard were:

"Bye bye, my friend. I hope you enjoy the sites up above. It's too bad that your beloved won't be joining you afterwards."

With that, his whole world turned black. His last sights being Nori walking off with Akiko and Shiro in hand and the sounds of his partner shouting for him.

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