Chapter 12: Thug Attack

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"Wow, this place is deserted," Lector acknowledged as the team walked around the deserted town.

This group included Shiro, Akiko, Sting and Lector.

Shiro hissed, "Agreed. There's no one in sight. Sting, are you sure we are at the right place?"

Sting said, "Yes, I'm sure.... I think...," Akiko sighs.

"Hand me the map, you dimwit," the god slayer said, taking the map from him. Her brow twitched as she reads the map. "I don't know whether to tell you that you are talented or just plain stupid."

Lector asks, "Why do you say that, Akiko?"

"We were suppose to turn left half an hour ago," Akiko said, sighing. "We'll have to go over that mountain if we want to get their faster," she pointed over to a mountain.

Sting chuckled, and said, "Whoops. My bad."

Shiro hissed, "This is why we shouldn't rely on him, Akiko. Why do you go out with a guy like him?"

The blonde stiffened up. "Because," Akiko began, beginning to walk off. "He's sweet, hot and the only person I would go out with, ok?... Now come on, Sting, Lector, you don't want to get left behind," Sting ran after them with Lector.


Akiko stopped walking, catching the attention of her companions.

Sting asks, "Is something wrong?"

She narrowed her eyes, her eyes darting around the area.

She murmured quietly, "Someone's following us. Been like that for awhile. It's getting on my nerve."

"Really?" Sting asks, a bit too loudly.

Realising this, he slapped his hand over his mouth. Knowing that he just let their stalkers know that they know that they're there. Small whispers could be heard from the bushes, too quiet to make out what they were saying.

The god slayer sighs, before muttering, "Idiot," her hand flew to her swords. "Prepare for battle."

The stalkers jumped out from the bush, revealing to be some thugs. However, Akiko had a feeling there was more hiding in the bushes.

These ones are probably decoys. Better be careful.

Akiko said, "Sting, don't use up all your magic. There are some more hiding out in the bushes."

"You're serious?" Sting asks as he punches one of them in the face.

"Yep," she said, before drawing out her swords and beginning to knock them out with the hilts.

Sting whined, "Oh man, but there are a lot of them here already~!"

"Ice God Bellow!" Screams could be heard as some of the men were knocked out, oddly, a few of them got back up like it was nothing.

She frowned. "Odd, they should've been down for the count."

Shiro hissed, "I know. Something's up with these guys," he slithered out from her neck and transformed into a large snake, joining the fight.

Every men that were taken down, only got back up again. Sting stepped back slightly, frustrated.

"What the hell? We take them down but they only get back up again."

"Hey Sting," Akiko said.


"Get Lector and on the count of three, jump onto Shiro's back," Akiko ordered. "We're going to run."



Sting started running around, kicking a few down as he picked up Lector. "Wait!"


Akiko sheathed her swords as Shiro hissed loudly. She turned on her heel towards her partner, ready to run.

"And... Three!"

They jumped onto Shiro's back, who combatted a few of them men away before blasting off into the sky. Akiko looked around, having no clue what she was looking for but she still looked anyway.

Shiro hissed, "Where are we going?"

"Keep going this way, we're going to fly to the town," Akiko replied.

Sting asks, "What's wrong, Aki?"

"What was the job we were suppose to do for the town, Sting?" Akiko asks, completely ignoring his question.

The blonde raised an eyebrow, but answered anyway. "To take down a dark guild that has taken over their entire village."

The black-haired female muttered, "I see.... Shiro, full speed up ahead! Lector, Sting, you should hold on tight."


Shiro blasted off towards their destination at high speed, the sound of Lector and Sting screaming could be heard as they hung on tight to the white snake.

Something's wrong. I know it, she thought to herself, frowning. Those thugs weren't normal. Besides that, the way they moved, it was off. And they didn't talk, like they couldn't even if they wanted to. She narrowed her eyes. Like they were puppets.


The blonde raised an eyebrow, but answered anyway. "To take down a dark guild that has taken over their entire village."


It's odd how they are close to the village, perhaps they were stationed there? She questioned. But why? Why there specifically? Are they after us? Is there someone they want? Or something? She shook her head. I'm thinking way too much on this. I might get more answers once I arrive at Hooligan.

Something is up. And I am going to find out what.


The group looked at the town below them in absolute horror, sweat dripping down their faces.

Sting asks, "What the hell...?"

"Is this?" Lector asks.

It's worser than I thought it was, Akiko thought, her red eyes flickering.

"This is absolutely horrendous."

I couldn't agree more. 

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