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Mariah| Riah 💫

I sighed as I twisted my body in the mirror, inspecting my too little pants. I whined in frustration, trying to button the pants.

"Gigi!" I called out.

"I'm listenin'!"

"Don't that birth control make you gain weight?"

"No, but I got the shot. Don't you take pills?" I sighed.

"Yeah." I said back, exasperated. I poked at my stomach a little, making a face. Gigi stepped in the room, Jayden on her hip.

"You been eating a lot?"

"No, not that I can tell..."

"Happy weight." She smirked.

"Where you headed?"

"To the store. We need food."

"Oou, I'm tryna get out the house. Come on, let's go." I pulled my shirt on, finally got my jeans to snap, and put on my shoes—which also squeezed a little. I followed her out of the room and helped her with the babies. We ended up at Walmart, and—of course—it was packed as fuck. I grabbed Jayden and just held him, while Gigi our Jayda's seat in the cart. It seemed like they were getting bigger and bigger so quick.

"Hey auntie baby!" I cooed to Jayden. He looked at me then smiled quickly.

"You gettin' them some clothes for Christmas?"

"Chri—I forgot about Christmas shoppin'! Bitch, I'm jus' tryna make it to Thanksgiving." She chuckled.

"I know that's right. Ooou, I wonder if I can get Grandma 'nem to come down here."

"Your Grandma so fuckin' nice, G. I wish Abuela was nice. She probably not even cooking Thanksgiving—hell, she might look at us like we stupid for even asking."

"Now you know Abuela gon' cook. She jus' stubborn. Oou, I hope she do cause she like to stack ya plate high as fuck."

"I know you ain't over there daydreamin' bout food. I'm startin' to think that ain't no damn happy weight. You jus' gettin fat."

"Hey!" I fake pouted and made her laugh. We went into the baby section and I watched as she scanned the pampers like she was debating on which one to pick. She grabbed like six packs.

"Damn." I mumbled.

"What? Girl, you know how fast they go through pampers." I nodded and looked at her pick up cans of formula.



"Where do you even get money?" I asked while she was still concentrating on the milk.

"Kd gives me some and Papa gives me some." She answered bluntly as she place another can in the buggy.

"And that's enough to hold your half of the rent every month and get all of this?"

"Uh huh!" She smiled, pushing the buggy up a little. I bit the inside of my lip and nodded a little, not really wanting to let it go. She definitely was hiding something, I could tell because of her body language.

"Well, you know I got you if you ever need anything. My job pays me pretty good." She nodded.

"Preciate it. Hey, what are you and Maniac McGee getting the kids for Christmas?" I laughed at her name for Kentrell, deciding to just drop it.

"Girl, usual shit. Bri getting little stuff like dolls and doll houses, little Disney stuff—we getting her ass an iPad so she can stop running my battery down—, and other basic shit. The boys getting basic shit, too. We got a bunch of lil cars and clothes for them." I shrugged and Gigi nodded.

"I think imma just get the twins some clothes and other baby stuff and let them play with the wrapping paper on it, if they don't try to eat it." I laughed and covered my mouth, knowing they put any type of paper in their mouth. Gigi grabbed some food items before we were on our way back to the front of the store. I prayed the line we went to either wasn't long or had a fast ass cashier. I got happy when Gigi spotted a super short line.

"God is so good." I mumbled, pushing Jayden up on my hip. My legs and feet were hurting and I was ready to go. Niggas be scavenging outchea—looking for bad bitches to prey on. I played with Jayden and helped Gigi load bags up. When she paid, we did the dash as soon as we heard 'Aye, 'Scuse me?'. I laughed at the fact that we were going fast as fuck and looking as if we were rushing to get in the car. I helped her with the babies and stuff before hopping in the front seat.

"Drop me off ova Kentrell's house. Imma talk to his ugly ass." She snickered at me.

"Cool." She nodded, going towards his spot. We finally got there and I was relieved to see that his car was there. Gigi waited until I got into the building and got across the lobby to pull off. I got to his spot and unlocked the door.

"Baaabbyyy?" I lowkey sung through the condo.

"I'm in hea!" He called from one of the back rooms. I went to the master bedroom to see him in the bed on his stomach, tapping on his phone.

"Wassup, boo?"

"Wassup, bae?" He pushed himself up and stretched his arms out. I sat on his lap and kissed his lips.

"Kentrell—be honest, am I gettin' fat?" I asked, jiggling my thigh a little.

"Girl, please. You ain't no damn fat. You jus' gainin a lil weight from good dick." I sucked my teeth.

"I don't like you." I started laughing towards the end. I couldn't even take him serious.

"I'm fareal. You gettin' thicka cuz of me." He smirked, grabbing my thigh. I stuck my tongue out and he laughed. Happy weight definitely is a possibility.


Ayeeeee it's almost Friday 😝 More importantly, it's almost break for me 😆

Ayeeeee it's almost Friday 😝 More importantly, it's almost break for me 😆

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This funny to me tbh 💀

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