30 ✨

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Mariah| Riah 💫

"BABY!" I jolted out of my sleep and groaned.

"YES?" I call out. No answer.

"KENTRELL!" I huff out before rolling out of the bed.

"Baby, you need to—OH EM GEE!" I squealed at the lights, Christmas tree, flooded with presents under it. The whole room had Christmas decorations from wall to wall. I looked at Kentrell, who was standing beside the Christmas tree trying to look all shy and shit.

"Merry Christmas...Eve." He smiled, shrugging at the end.

"You so sweet!" I smiled hard as I made my way over to him and hugged him. He wrapped me up in a tight hug. "I love you." I mumbled in his ear before pulling out of the hug to kiss him. I deepened the kiss as his hands moved down to my ass.

"Nigga, I know ya'll ain't finna start fuckin." I pulled away to look at Kendell.

"You scared me, boy." I laid a hand on my chest before walking up to him for a hug.

"Hey, hoe." I greet him.

"Hey, wife." He joked, letting go of me. 

"Hey, we gotta go to my auntie Christmas party. Get ready."

"Ian got nothin' to we--" He cut me off by lifting a Polo bag from the side of the sofa.

"Preciate it." I smiled and took the bag, going to get ready.


"Come on, you got it?" I asked Trell and Ken as they struggled with bags of food.

"Yeah, we good. Just gone in." He assured me. I grabbed my purse and walked into the building. Instead of having a party at her house, his auntie rented out a venue for it. From outside, it looked like it was getting packed.

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" His mama greeted me at the table full of food.

"Good! How about you?" I smiled as I hugged her.

"I'm good, baby." Can you do me a favor and go in the kitchen--straight back, door on your left, and bring me some more cups?"

"Yes ma'am." I nodded and followed her directions, speaking to Kentrell's family along the way. When I got to the kitchen, I discovered that the cups were a little too high for me to reach. I tried to reach up and get them, but a masculine, wrinkled hand grabbed them before I could.

"There you go." I heard a gruff voice say.

"Thank you-- YO!" I shrieked when I saw my Uncle Lennie, taking him into a big hug. I hadn't seen him in years, and I had missed him so much.

"Did we miss it? Damn, we missed it." A familiar voice said.

"Watch your language, boy! I done told you!" Another familiar voice said. I let go of Uncle Lennie and looked towards the crowd of people. My grandma, Aunt Monica, and her kids stood around with big smiles on their face.

"Oh my God, can this get any better?" I asked, giving out hugs. I squinted at the flash that met my eyes when I turned around.

"Stop!" I giggle and shield my face away from the camera. Kentrell was recording me and laughing, along with my dad and Jalen behind him. I went out with my family, happy as ever. We sat around and talked for a long time, mostly about how I'm doing and the fact that I'm pregnant. That included me swearing on the Bible that I would finish college and take care of the kid with the best of my ability.

Not too long after that, the gang stepped in. I heard somebody sigh and say--"Lawd, I hope they don't break my expensive china." It was an old woman. They weren't being too rowdy, they just looked like they were looking from somebody. Most likely Youngboy. He ended up flagging them down and I watched as they migrated to an empty table in the corner.

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