22 ✨

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Mariah| Riah 💫

"Can you please let me go out? Bro, the doctor said I'm good now." I mugged Kentrell. He won't let me go because he thinks imma collapse somewhere and stop breathing or some shit.

"No." He refused, shaking his head.

"If you so scared, just come with me." I poked my lip out.

"You need to rest, mane."

"Okay, Doctor Gaulden. Shit—you know what? I think I got a appointment." I realized, grabbing my phone.

"For what?" He made a face at me. I touched my stomach and he nodded. Sure enough, I had an appointment in about three hours. I got up and started getting ready. Kentrell has taken a shower right before me so he could help me if I needed it. I pushed my rack full of dresses around, looking at each one. I groaned a little out of frustration, trying to find a dress that I wouldn't bust out of. I felt him come up behind me, wrap his arms around me, and kiss my bare shoulder.

"What's wrong, baby?" He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm fat." I whined, showing him one of my sexier dresses and motioning to my body. He placed a hand on my stomach and laughed a little.

"You ain't no damn fat. You gotta gain weight to carry a baby..." He sounded like he was distracted.

"I can't believe you carryin' my baby...our baby..." I smiled and touched his face.

"I'll give you some of my sweatpants and a t-shirt, and we gon' go shoppin' after yo appointment. Sound good?" I nodded. He handed me some clothes and I got dressed. We rushed to the doctor's office, and we had fifteen extra minutes to wait. We sat in the cold waiting room, bored. Our fingers were intertwined together as I flipped through a baby catalogue and he scrolled on his phone. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes just for a little bit.

"Clemons?" I heard a female call out. I sighed and lifted my head up. He got up and tugged me up a little. The lady led us through the doorway and down the hall, into a kind of dark room. We walked in and she told us the doctor would be coming soon. I started feeling a little weird.

"You okay?" I heard Kentrell ask. I gave him a half smile.

"I'm jus' a lil nervous. This my first time really being here since the last one..." He nodded, squeezing my hand a little. He was about to add something, but the door clicked open and the doctor stepped in. She started talking and asking me questions about how I was feeling and stuff. After all of that, she started to do my ultrasound. I lifted up my shirt and squeezed that cold gel on my, making me scrunch my nose up and make them laugh. The screen started flashing as she drug the thing across my stomach.

I looked back at Kentrell when the sound of its heartbeat filled the room. We had a movie moment, locking eyes and smiling a little at each other. She started explaining stuff to us about the sonogram. I peeked at him again, and he was all into it. I giggled a little, turning back to her. He looked at the screen like she was doing some magic or something. The appointment was over soon after that, and she printed the pictures she took. In the car, Ken kept glancing at them as he drove.

"Baby, they that interesting?"

"I can't help it. This just make it even more real, son. You know, I was head strong when Kayden and Kameron was comin', I was locked up majority of the time when Starr was pregnant with K3, and Ian even know bout Tay Tay bein' mine—so ian neva got to experience this right here." I nodded and he grabbed my hand.

"Not to mention, you the one I wanna spend my life with anyway. Imma show you soon enough." I blushed a little.

"Awww, you so sweet." I said, making him scrunch his face up.

"That's gay." I sucked my teeth and my smile went away. I sucked my teeth.

"Bitch..." I shoved his shoulder and he laughed at me. I couldn't help but laugh back. We pulled into a shopping center.

"You need stuff like dresses, right?"

"Yep, I'm finna get hella sundresses."

"Aight, Come on."

"Oou, do a spin for me—come on." He recorded me as I came out of the dressing room. I laughed a little, shielding my stomach until it wasn't facing the camera. When I turned back around, I saw him switch the camera.

"My baby sundress season all year 'round, hell you talm bout?" He put the camera down lower and started typing.

"Boy, you stay recording somebody."

"You too fine—I gotta record you."

"I know." I said, blowing him a kiss as I went back into the dressing room. We paid for the heaps of dresses, shirts, and pants when I was done making sure they were gonna be big enough through at least my first trimester. We decided to go to an actual mall after because he wanted to get some designer stuff for both of us.

"You been thinkin' bout baby names?"

"Not really. Obviously somethin' that starts with K." I pressed my lips together.

"What if I wanted it to start with an M?" He sucked his teeth.

"Bruh, it's gotta start wit' a K."

"Shitnme, I'm pushin' this damn baby out my vagina—it should start wit an M." I scoffed.

"Man, we gon' see when we find out whether Issa girl or a boy—how bout that? We can't be arguing when we gone even know what the baby gon' be." He sighed.

"Okay, fine." I huffed as we pulled up to the mall. I pulled the hoodie down a little, seeing the amount of people walking around.

"Boy, it's hella people in here." I groaned.

"I'll hold ya hand if ya scared. You scurred?" I sucked my teeth at him as he got out of the car. He laughed at me and tried to help me out of the car. I took his hand but mugged him as I got out.

He get on my nerves.

Bitch, so how bout I got into a fight with a big baboon today? 💀

Issa long story behind it, but I jumped in and my brother tackled her big linebacker ass. I think she hit me in my nose or some. My mama ripped her shirt off cuz her big musty ass grabbed me.

By the time I got to her, he—I mean she was probably too tired to fight me cuz all I felt was dead weight on my ponytail. I blacked out to the point where I don't even know if I hit her ass good enough.

We fell on the ground and we was just looking at each other cuz her big ass ain't swing on me after we hit the deck🙂 and idk what my dumb ass was doing. I was having a field day in my head or some.

Anyways, my adrenaline was rushing so bad, ian notice I scraped my arm until I got in the car and noticed my arm was wet. And I gotta wear my old glasses 🤦🏾‍♀️

Moral of the story, don't fight kids. Especially ugly fat bitches, cuz it's boring and a waste of time.

Anyways, would y'all fw another YB book after I finish this one? Like a whole new story line and main characters?

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