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Mariah| Riah 💫

"Nigga, I told you already! I want buffalo sauce!" I whined, lowkey wishing I could slap his ass. He was asking the same shit over and over like he was slow.

"Okay, and whatchu want da drink?" Kentrell asked, mumbling under his breath.

"Dr.Pepper, and SPEAK UP!" I yelled into the phone.

"AH! Mane, ion know what the fuck you got goin' on, but I'm comin'." He growled. I was about to say something else when I heard three beeps in my ear.

"I know this dumb bitch ain't—" I snatched the phone from my shoulder and scrunched my face up. I heard Gigi's heels clomp on the carpet as she rushed around the living room. I gave her a look, eyeing the size of the heels.

"Girl, you must be going to the club?" I asked her.

"Somethin' like that. You'll watch the twins?"

"Yeah, go 'head." I nodded, setting myself up a little more on the couch.

"Love you." She kissed at me.

"Love you, too." I said back as the door shut. About 20 minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, hoping it was just Kentrell.

"Yo side nigga." Kentrell tried to make his voice deeper, making me laugh softly.

"Oou, come on daddy." Kentrell busted in the door literally a half a second after I got my words out, hands full and mad.

"Man, Stop playin' Mariah." He said as I laughed at him and got up.

"I'm sorry, baby. Come on." I talked to him in a baby voice as I grabbed the drink thing and helped him out.

Gianna| Gigi 🌸

"Please, I need some money for my kids!" I was about to start crying as I was trying to convince Leo to let me work one of the blocks for the night. I owed him some money—my half of the rent and some more.

"Mane, I got bitches on every block innis city! Ion need nomo extra."

"But I need this money!" The tears finally just fell down as I shook a little. It was cold as fuck in this itty bitty trap house. He chuckled at me a little. That was never good.

"I know what you can do. Take that coat off, lemme see what you got on." I untied the belt of the trench coat and pushed it off, showing him my outfit. I stood there like a little timid kid as he looked me up and down, a look of lust all over his face.

He made me super nervous, as you could tell.

"Turn around." He mumbled to me. I turned around and faced away from him. Even though he was attractive in the face, he was worse than the lowball businessmen I'd usually have to have sex with. He was creepier and...just unsettling. I squeezed my eyes shut when I felt him run a hand over my ass.

"So, you really want me to forget about that luh debt you owe me?" He asked in my ear, pressing up against me.

"Yes." It seemed like my mouth was dry, my answer was barely above a whisper.

"Then show me."

Mariah| Riah 💫

"Gimme one!" I laugh at Ken as he held his fries back, squirming around so I couldn't get to them.

"Man, hell on! You already got some!"

"But yours taste better!" I poked my lip out at him.

"I'm pretty sure they taste the same. Stop being greedy, lil bit." He pecked my bottom lip. I huffed and slumped my shoulders. I went back to watching the movie and all I saw was a French fry creep into my vision. I laughed and took it.

"Tank you, baby."

"You one weird ass female."

"You like my weird."

"I like you." I blushed and smiled like a little kid. Our conversation got cut off by one of the babies waking up and beginning to cry.

"I'll get 'em." He stops me as I'm getting up. He went to the back and came back with Jayda and her bottle.  I reached for both.

"Gimme. Finish ya food." I sit up and he hands me her and her bottle.

"That baby hungry? Yeah, Teetee gonna feed you." I did a clicking noise as I gave her the bottle. I felt him staring at me and looked over.


"Nothin'. I just realized somethin' though."

"What's that?"

"I don't deserve you. I mean-ian do nothin' bad—but, ion deserve you." I blushed again.

"It ain't about who deserves what, it's about how much love you got for a person." I sighed a little.

"Well, since you said that, I got all these niggas beat." I laughed at his answer.

"You better." I giggle, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

Gianna| Gigi🌸

Tears streamed down my face as I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling disgusting. My makeup was running from all the crying I did. My lipstick was gone from me wiping my mouth after vomiting so much. I pulled my shirt down a little, inspecting the bruise he gave me that wasn't sex related. He hit me in the chest for not undressing fast enough and made me hit the wall, which is why the back of my head throbbed. My clothes were a little ripped, but other than that, I was gonna be okay. He wasn't  hounding me for the money I owed him, so who gives a fuck? I grabbed my coat and slipped it on after putting on my shoes.

"Where you goin'?" I heard a husky voice ask. I turned around to see him sitting up in the bed.

"Home. Where my kids are." I answered in a small voice.

"You can't stay a lil longa?" He swung his legs over the side of the bed, getting up.

"No, I gotta go." I felt my breath getting shaky.

"What, you must got an appointment with another nigga?" He asked me when he got close to me.

"N-no, I'm just going home." All of a sudden, he grabbed me by the neck and squeezed me, making it hard to breath.

"You goin' ta see another nigga? Hm?"

"No!" I choked out, seeing white spots.

"If I ever catch you with another nigga, I'm killing you, you understand?" He asked as I gasped for air. I pulled it together and nodded, tears forming in my eyes. He finally let me go and I dropped to the ground, gasping. I finally pushed myself up, got out of the house, and got to my car. I pulled off, pulling myself together as I pulled up into my complex. I got to the door and unlocked it, hoping that Mariah and the babies were asleep. Mariah was half asleep with Kentrell's face in her neck. I tried to tiptoe past.

"Gigi? You have fun?" I cleared my throat, knowing it was hoarse.

"Yeah." My voice cracked a little.

"Mkay, good night." She sighed, eyes remaining closed. I got to my room and stripped, getting in the shower and busting out crying.


Bitch, I would've been at Yb's concert rn 😐 highly salty.

Ignore my salty ass, how y'all doing?

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