Long Drive

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I could hear The Commander coming down the stairs.

What time was it? Noon? I’ve lost track a while ago. All I know is that I get my meals around eight in the morning, lunch around noon, and dinner at five.

If you could even call them meals, anyway.

Really, its just stale bread or whatever else he feels like giving me.

“Here, Kitty,” he says tossing an orange through the bars.

Wow, an orange. It must be a good day.

I caught it right before it hit the floor. I slowly sat back down on the floor.

The Commander stood there and stared at me.

I stared straight back. My gaze was unwavering, as I was determined to not show any fear.

Eventually, he looked away, and I smiled softly to my self.

I began to eat my orange, savoring the taste.

“Your friends have found our hiding place, and are on they’re way to rescue you,” he said.

I froze.

Slowly, I looked up at him. Hopefully, they didn’t bring Kaelyn or Robin.

“They brought the whole crew,” he continued.

There’s still nothing about Kaelyn...

“I was pretty surprised they found our hiding spot, actually.”

...still nothing about Robin...

“They’re even bringing my kids back home for me, can you believe that?” he smirked.

I closed my eyes. I’ll kill Flame for letting them come here.


We’ve been driving for hours.

“How much longer?” I asked.

“Ten minutes closer than the last time you asked,” Flame muttered.

I glared. “You should’ve let Cyborg drive like I told you. I guarantee we would be there by now.

And he’s a legal driver,” I said annoyed.

“I am too!” Flame said, holding up his ID... his

fake ID.

I rolled my eyes. “Just go faster,” I said.

“Kaelyn, I’m going as fast as I can,” he growled.

“Well go faster!” I shouted.

“Someone please shut her up, before I do!” he exclaimed.

“Seriously, just stop talking for another half hour. That’s when we’ll be there,” Blossom’s voice came through the speaker again.

“Fine...,” I mumbled.

Two seconds passed.

“But seriously, go faster.”

The Ninja's of Twin City (Sequel to Robins Little Sister)Where stories live. Discover now