The End

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No no no no...

She can’t be dead. Not again. Kaelyn, please no.

"No," I whispered again. "No!"

I put my mouth to hers, performing CPR. "Don’t do this to me, Kaelyn, not again!"

Everyone was crying. I pumped her chest, trying to get her heart beating again. I noticed red stains had appeared on her shirt, and I looked at my hands, which I now noticed were covered in blood. The Commanders blood. But at that moment, I didn’t care. I put my mouth back to hers, praying for her to come back to me.

"Kaelyn, do not die," I chanted. "Do. Not. Leave me!"

It felt like hours. Lifetimes. Days, weeks, years. But finally, I felt her chest moving on its own, felt her heart beat quicken. Her eyes fluttered open, and seemed shocked at first. She looked at all of the faces that surrounded her, before she finally looked at me. Without warning, she attacked me with a hug, and I couldn’t help it. I laughed. It was over, finally over. I kissed her forehead.

In no time, everyone else was hugging her, but my eyes never left her face. She was ok. Her dad was gone, The Director was gone. She was ok. She was alive.

"What happened?" Kaelyn asked, finally seeing the lifeless body of her father.

Every head turned to face Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg and I. We then all looked to Robin, who cleared his throat.

"We uh...," he started, "well after he, um, you know... we kinda attacked him, and uh..."

"We may have killed him a little bit...," I finished, showing her my bloodied hands.

Cyborg laughed. "He didn’t even change into any animals," he said. "He attacked him straight on."

Kaelyn raised her eyebrow at me. "Did you know?" she asked.

I blushed. "Well... I...," I didn’t finish, because she came over to me, and gave me a kiss.

"I told you I wouldn’t die this time," she whispered in my ear.

I just smiled, and kissed her back.




We were now back at the ninjas HQ. We were all in my office, sitting in bean bag chairs. Well... actually, I was sitting in BB’s lap, and Katherine was sitting in Flame’s.

Wow. Flame and Cat. Brad and Katherine. My two best friends. My ex, and my practically sister. Honestly, could this get any weirder?

"So... what now?" Flame-Brad- asked. "Our leader is now dead, our main target with him. What are we gonna do?"

"I...," I trailed off, not even sure of what I had planned on saying in the first place.

"Actually, Kaelyn...," Robin started, "we were kind of hoping that you would come back to Jump City with us."

I froze. I looked around at all the Titans, saw the begging in their eyes.

"You guys... I would love too, honest, but... I can’t just leave here. I mean, now that The Director showed us his true colors, and is now dead, I-" I was cut off.

"Kaelyn. Kaelyn, Kaelyn, Kaelyn...," Katherine said scornfully. "We can sort things out before you go, then we can have video conferences twice a week, and we can hold down the fort."

Brad smiled. "Yea, Venus," he said winking, "don’t you trust us?"

I looked around at all of the Titans, before turning to look at my two best friends. "No. I do not trust the two of you to run this entire place by yourself...," I noticed BB’s face instantly fall, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. "But you know what? I don’t really care."

Everyone smiled, and BB kissed my cheek.

Then I turned to Starfire. "Do you remember when you guys tried to run away from here that night? When you found out I was alive?" I asked, and she nodded. "Do you also remember picking my up out the way of a fire ball, and flew up really high?" I saw BB smile out of the corner of my eye. "Don’t do that. Ever again," I told her, and everyone laughed. "Seriously! I was terrified!"


The next day, we had everything settled. Since all of the ninjas decided that we were through with adults, somehow, overnight, everyone had voted and decided that [i]I[/I] would lead the ninjas from Jump City, while Cat and Flame would lead from here.

While the search for Katherine was going on, someone had fixed up the T Car, much to Cy’s delight.

By the time I got done saying goodbye, it was noon. Titans East had left the night before, so it was just going to be the six of us leaving. Saying my final good-bye to Katherine and Brad, I hopped onto my bike.

"So," I said, smirking at Cyborg, "I’ll race you home."

Home. And that’s exactly were I was going.




Stay tuned for the Epilogu(sp?)???

The Ninja's of Twin City (Sequel to Robins Little Sister)Where stories live. Discover now