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How do you define that word?

What does that word mean to you?

A word so vast with so many meanings

How can we even begin to classify it and choose?

What hurts me

May not hurt you

When I feel down

Maybe you won't be blue

When I cry

You might not care

When I die

You might not care

But when someone close to me is on the edge of death

The only word I can think of

That comes close to describing my stress

Is hurt

A four letter word so simple

Yet so undefined and effective

A crazy word that's sensible

Yet reflective

And now there's a funny feeling in my chest

Now there's that lump in my throat

Now I'm short of breath

Now I'm starting to choke

So I ask again what this word means to you

What this makes you feel

Me, it deconstructs the glue

That is helping me heal

No matter what you think

I'd ask if you'd pray

Pray for my loved one that's passing

And in return I'll pray for yours

And as this ends

Pray to make the hurt

Go away

Because we all hurt in some way...


Dedicated to my Opa (Grandfather)

He had a stroke yesterday and they don't know if he'll live much longer...

I could use some prayers today

November 17


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