Chapter 1

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"Mommy, why are those people there?"  I said pointing at a line of people. They wore masks like ours, except, they had words on theirs. Word like fat, divorced, deaf, and gay. My mom pulled me away forcing me to look ahead of us. I tried to follow the line to the source and I got so close b-

"Good morning South Park! Time to rise and sh-" I slammed the alarm clock. Once again I had a hard time sleeping, of course. I sat up and walked to my bathroom my eyes held bags underneath. I narrowed them and washed my face. They were still there, I had only one choice left.

I sighed and took out the make up I stole from my mom, and made sure the bags were hidden. I touched my face, it was fake, I hated it, but if I didn't I'd dissapear. I walked back to my room throwing on a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and my blue jacket.

I slapped my face making sure I wasn't sluggish and awake fully before tugging on my hat. I looked at my fake face and smile before pulling on the white porcelain mask.

The mirror now seemed like a horror movie. I touched my mask. No cracks, no worn out spots, no nothing.

Making my way downstairs I passed my little sister. "Good morning Criag." She said her face blank and dead. She was barley eleven and she already looked tired of life. That's what this place did to you. It always does it.

I sat at the table next to my mom and across from my dad. My mom spoke up "So Craig what are your plans for today?" I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. "I plan to go to school and learn dear mother. Thank you for asking." I said cringing at myself.

My mom nodded and continued staring at her black coffee. My dad soon stood up pat my head and walked out of the kitchen, announcing he was heading to work. "Goodbye dear father." I heard Ruby say before the front door slammed closed.

Oh how I hated this place.

School was no better. Kids walked in single lines to their classes only stepping out of lines to retrieve things from their lockers. I stepped out of line and to my locker. "Hello Craig." I paused and turned to find "Kyle, hello. What brings you here?" Kyle clutched his book bag.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say, Good sunny Thursday morning to you." My eyes narrowed and I responded "Good sunny Thursday morning to you as well." Kyle nodded before placing himself back into line. I took a deep breath, slammed my locker shut and placed myself back into the line.

I sat in my seat. Straight as a ruler. And listened to my teacher blabber on and on about obedience to the ruler, and how South Park is by far better than the other dystopias. Then the lights dimmed the TV fell from the ceiling.

"Good morning South Park! This is your daily PSA! Kids, look and or remember your father. Isn't he hardworking! Bringing money home to feed you, your mother and siblings! Your father is pretty!"

I grimced...pretty. Always pretty.  Never ugly.

"Now look and or remember your mother! She works hard to clean your home, read you bed time stories and cook delicious food for you! Your mother is pretty!"

I hated this stupid PSA so much, but I couldn't bring fourth my distaste. Then I would be ugly.

"Now look at the people around you, she's pretty, he's pretty, you will be pretty. However kids, not all of us here in South Park are pretty."

I closed my eyes taking in deep quiet breaths. Those pits, those bodies, this stupid PSA, this town, this world is...ugly.

"Don't fret though children, uglies dissapear and never come back. So with that, stay pretty children."

I opened my eyes. I stared straight ahead. 'Fuck being pretty, I'd rather be ugly.' I thought blocking my teachers lessons for the rest of the day.

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