Chapter 9

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I watched as Tweek waded through the crowd towards the OS stand. I grinned and turned to Kyle. "So what are you gonna do?" Kyle looked at me andshrugged. "I mean I really wanna join the Outing Squad but I don't know if in physically prepared." I pinched his cheek. "Hay genius why don't you ask em?" I said letting go.

Kyle face palmed. "Yeah I should. What are you gonna do?" I looked at each stand. "OS no doubt about it." Kyle smirked and said "is it cause Tweeks there?" I felt my cheeks heat up a bit and punched his shoudler. "Shut up." I shoved my hands in my pocket and walked to the OS stand, Kyle following a smirk still on his face.


For the shortest line out of the three stands. It was taking the longest. Kyle and I strained our ears to even catch a bit of what they would ask us, but to no avail.

Finally we made it to the front and  shoved Kyle behind me. "It's better if I ask em first and you get a bit of time to think." Kyle nodded already deciding on what to do. I stood before Kenny. "Hay Kenny do you guys train us before we go out there?" Kenny thought for a moment.

"Well those we see as physically ready are sent to train for two weeks while those who we think are not ready are sent to train for four weeks." I nodded and looked at myself and said "So where would I be on the scale?" Kenny smirked "I don't know, take off your clothes so I can see better." I watched as Tweek next to Eric slapped Kenny upside the head.

"Criag your on the ready so two weeks for you." Kenny sighed and wrote down my name and then two weeks before asking me a couple questions.

I saw Kyle walk up to Eric. I smiled he was joining. Kenny then signed a pink slip. "Okay now you need to get your color, and mask." He handed me the slip. "Why do we need masks?" Kenny pointed over to Tweek and said "ask him for questions, hurry on I got people piling behind you." I nodded thanked him and walked over to Tweeks side.

"Tweek?" He stopped writing and smiled. "Yes Craig?" I grinned and asked "Why do we need to wear masks?" Tweek's smile left. "It's to protect your families and you. If the robots scan your face they can hurt your family, and if the police see you at all they can know who to look for in South Park so you can't go undercover." Tweek finished his smile returning.

I nodded "Okay thanks, also where am I sleeping?" Tweek looked at my pink slip and groaned. "Kenny the fuck!" Kenny smiled "well I mean I thought you two could share a house sooo your welcome!" He said before turning back to the person before him. Tweek sighed "It's fine I don't mind the company. Anyway you better hurry on to get your color and mask." He said writing on the pink slip and handing it back to me.

I followed a crowd of people heading to the mask place. Seeing as Kyle left me I headed there alone. This actually gave me a chance to look around more. The village as Tweek put it was actually very lively. Kids and animals ran about while teens who had been here for awhile worked and or walked around.

This place was ten times better than South Park. Everything here was made with love and hardwork. It was everything South Park wasn't. I soon found myself in what I assume was the downtown area. The area was decorated with what I only saw in story books. Christmas decorations.

I stopped walking and earned a glare from the person behind me, but I didn't care. In South Park old traditions were banned. Lots of things were banned. I walked closer and smiled at their beauty. A red flower in a ring structure caught my attention the most. It's smell was beautiful and the pine around it gave it a more outstanding smell.

I walked down the street still following the ever small crowd a smile on my face. "Craig!" I stopped walking and was tackled by "Clyde! That hurts! Get off dough boy!" Clyde whined and stood up helping me up. "So mean. Anyway what did you sign up for? I signed up for teaching kids."

I showed Clyde my slip as we walked. "Craig. You know you could die." I nodded. "I won't though. I'm not leaving." Clyde smiled and began talking about anything that came to his mind.

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