Chapter 5

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His eyes stared at me before he reached out and smiled. "Yes?" I heard Clyde run up behind us.

"Craig! Is he ok-" he stopped mid-sentence. He dropped the gun and walked closer.

"Oh my god. TWEEK!" Clyde fell onto Tweek hugging the smaller but strong blonde. "Ah! Clyde!" He slightly yelled panicking.

I smiled tears rushing down my face. Tweek turned to look at me. Clyde helped him sit up. "Don't cry please. I don't like seeing you cry." I chuckled as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I missed you so much Tweek." I said holding his hand afraid he might dissapear again.

"Boss!" Tweek immediately straightened. "Are they all taken care of?" Tweek asked the boy in orange. The boy lifted his mask. "Yep!" He smiled. "Kenny?" I questioned. He looked at me and made a dramatic bow.

"Nice to see you Mr.Tucker." I smirked. Kenny was always such a smartass. "Anyway! Boss the dystopian police will be here soon. We gotta bolt." Kenny said pulling his mask down.

Tweek nodded and pulled his cloak down hiding his face. He stood and let go of my hand. I bit my lip terrified he'd leave me again. He didn't instead he climbed up the highest point of the cavern and with a grin began to speak.

"Ladies gentlemen! We know your sick of this dystopian society! So please! Come join our rebellion! We allow anyone! Of any size, orientation, religion, race, etc! Please join us! We will overthrow this city and many more with it! For we are the COLORFUL REBELLION!"

It was as if sparks ignited in the cavern as people of the rebellion and not (yet) in it cheered. Tweek smiled and raised his hand silencing the kids and teens around us.

"Be aware friends. Once you join and leave this dystopia. You can not return to your previous life. So if you would still like to join please allow one of our members to take you. If not. Then. You may perish here." The rebellion members soon stood in front of where Tweek stood.

One by one the members dissapeared a kid or teen next to them. Slowly the cavern became empty. Tweek climbed down the tiny building and stuck his hand out. "Craig?" I looked around some people were still left. They didn't look at each other though. They just stood, like statues.

Clyde had left long ago. I stared at Tokens lifeless body and anger bubbled inside me. I gripped Tweeks hand. He smiled and soon we took off.

The path we took was covered in shadows making it easy cover. I panted as I tried to keep up with Tweek. He was fast too fast. I soon stopped to a jog. He noticed and stopped sighing. "Craig come on! We're almost there. And if those damn robots find us they'll follow us." I grinded my teeth and willed myself to go faster.

The cold night air hurt my lungs. My breathes came out in gasps. My eyes were dry and it hurt, but I kept going. I watched as other teens my age had trouble as well. Most of the little kids were being carried so they didn't have much trouble.

Tweek stopped me and clipped ropes to my belt hoops on my pants. "We have to climb the wall." I stared at him as if he was crazy. "This thing is fucking tall! What the fuck!?" I said screaming. Tweek clamped his hand over my mouth. "Shhh" He started climbing.

I had no choice since the ropes were clamped to him so I had to go. I suspected the wall to be smooth, but in all reality it was bumpy and rocky. It was as if it would break beneath my hands but it never did.

I looked next to Tweek. His face was concentrated as he looked up. I stared for awhile realizing the new features he had and the old ones. A new feature he had was that he was a bit more tone than when we were eleven.

Tweek smiled and I looked up we made it to the top of the wall. Tweek hosted me up and smiled even wider when I looked around.

Outside the wall was beautiful. This was truly pretty. The outside held millions of trees and plants galore. I saw other rebels show dystopian kids the nature and animals around us. I looked up. Fresh tears made their way down my face.

"Why are you crying?" Tweek asked worried and gripped my hand. I wiped my face with my sleeve. "It's so beautiful. I just can't help it." The stories I was told were false. There weren't millions of stars but trillions of stars.

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