Chapter 21: Past Part 3

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It stopped in front of where we were.


It took a step into the tiny fake woods.


It was now ten trees away from us.

Thump, nine trees away.

Wendy and Bebe clung to each other.

Thump, eight tress away.

Butters and Pip stood pulling the girls behind a thick tree.

Thump, seven trees away.

Gregory grabbed Eric and helped him climb a tree.

Thump, six trees away.

My dad looked worried but confident at the top of the wall.

Thump, five trees away.

My legs gave out beneath me inches away from my dream.

Thump, four trees away.

It's white eye clear in the darkness of the night.

Thump, three trees away.

It stopped and stared at me.

No thump came but a click did. It's eyes faded from white to red. It's claws clicked and changed to a saw. It's other stayed as a claw.

Thump, thump, thump.

One inch away from my trembling body. It knew I wanted out. It knew and it had a new command. It wasn't to throw into the pit or over the wall, but to kill on sight.

It's claw reached out and clamped around my throat raising me into the air. I squirmed and fought kicking at it's metallic chest. I pleaded for my dad to come, Gregory, Wendy, Bebe, Eric, Pip, Butters, Craig.

The saw was raised and brang down straight for my head. I closed my eyes. I knew it wouldn't stop it, but it would prevent me the temporary pain.

Nothing came or maybe I was already dead. I felt it's claw around me but no pain. I opened my eyes. The sight before me was truly horrifying.

"G-GREGORY!" I heard Bebe scream. Gregory's stomach spilled out before him as a branch lay beside him. The robot fell back the saw cut off its own head. The red eyes dimmed and finally turned completely off. The claw released me giving me a chance to breath after what seemed like hours.

I caught my breath and crawled to Gregory. "Wh-y?" I coughed as I stared into his dark brown eyes. He smiled and cupped my cheek. "Y-ou need t-o s-ee the st-ars. I lo-ve you Twee-k." His eyes faded away his bloody grip loosened. I hugged Gregory's body close to mine.

I stood up angry. Angry at this stupid place, that robot, but most importantly my dad. I turned around there beside my dad were three more people. Cloaks around them as well. I walked up to them "He believed in you." I said to the rebels.

One rebel a girl around sixteen scoffed "kid was stupid to have thrown himself in like that." The two other rebels and my dad glared at her, but before they could say anything I gripped her hair. I pulled her down into the grown.

"Ah! You little brat!" I gripped her head and slammed it into the bloody mess around Gregory. "Apologize."

She said nothing.

I gritted my teeth "APOLOGIZE YOU STUPID SLUT!"

Again nothing I kicked her side and picked up the branch Gregory had. "You have five seconds to apologize!" I slammed the branch down next to her. Her eyes wide stared at me before she turned back to Gregory's still body.

"I'm sorry. I just...I'm sorry." I slammed the branch down and sat down next to Gregory's body.

I felt everyone's eyes watch me as I tried to put everything back inside Gregory. Soon Eric sat on the other side of Gregory and began helping. Bebe and Wendy soon joined as well cleaning up the blood as best they could. Pip and Butter came next saying prayers that Gregory definitely would've loved to hear.

We all stood staring down at him afraid that if we touch him he'll fall apart again. Then a cloak was draped over him. We backed up and watched as the girl wrapped Gregory's body into the cloak and hosted him up. "Tie him to my back PC." She said as one of the other rebels did as told. She walked up to the wall and tied a rope around her waist before beginning to climb.

"She feels bad." We turned to the rebels and my dad. "She'll get him safely across. Right now that robot alerted the main factory. We need to get everyone over that wall right now." The boy named PC picked up Wendy and Bebe and tied them securely to himself before heading to the wall.

My dad hosted Eric and me onto him and made his way over to the wall. The last rebel took Pip and Butters and soon joined in climbing the wall.

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