Chapter 6

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We stood atop the wall for some time. Before Tweek noticed the sun coming up. He looked down and smiled at me before stepping off the wall. My eyes widened and I reached out taking his hand and falling with him.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice. The wall sped by us as if it was growing. I squeezed my eyes shut and hugged Tweek to my chest.

"Craig open your eyes." I shook my head as I clung harder to him. "Please, for me?" Tweek pleaded with me. I slowly opened them. The wall wasn't moving.

I looked up realizing Tweek had pulled a parachute. I look at Tweek who was giggling at my expression. "When?" I questioned confused and still full of adrenaline.

"Just about a minute ago." I sighed and looked up. The stars now dimming thanks to the suns radiant light.

The parachute landing was a bit rough since I dismissed the words Tweek said about landing. I apologized but he still lightly slapped my arm.

"Okay this time listen!" Tweek said a bit of anger in his voice. "The rest of the way we can walk, but these are the woods so we gotta stick together." I nodded as he tested out the clamps we still had on.

I looked up at the tall trees I had only seen in story books. In the dystopia there was only fake plastic nature and stories told by our parents.

In the dystopia there were no elders, no gays, no mentally ill, no uglies. In truth the city was ugly in a whole. Robots patrolled the streets every hour on the hour. Plants were plastic, trees were metal, the sky was a plastic blue, and the night sky was pure black.

The worst part were the masks. The masks they had us wear were all smiling. I would always take them off as a child, but I would be scolded when I did. However that didn't stop me. I took it off and dropped it.

They saw one day. They saw and were displeased. They grabbed me and ripped me from my mother. She screamed and pleaded, but they didn't listen and dragged me to these holes. They forced me to look inside.

"Wh-WHAT IS THIS!?" I screamed seeing bodies upon bodies in the holes. On the horrid masks were words. Words like old, disabled, gay, stupid, etc. But the one word that was everywhere was ugly.

I screamed again and we pulled back from the hole. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO THOSE PEOPLE!?" I screamed at them there true expressions hidden behind the masks. They tossed my mask at me and said "Don't be a defect kid." Before leaving me there. Next to the hole.

"Craig? Craig!" I jumped a bit at Tweeks voice. "Sorry what?" The sun was up a bit more by now and I could see Tweeks worried expression. "You alright? I'm surprised your not looking around or something."

I shook my head yes as I looked around. Now that I think about it. I didn't have to worry now that I was here. I had Tweek here, who is alive and well as far as I can tell.

I looked around me and noticed we were deep into the woods. It was frightening but amazing. The trees towered over us like giants as we walked. The smell of the woods was so foreign to me it hurt my nose a bit but it was worth it.

I bent down and picked a yellow flower. I didn't know what was brighter the flower or Tweeks hair. I decided both. I stopped Tweek and placed the flower in his hair. "My flower." I said to him. His cheeks went bright pink before he reached for my hand.

Our hands fit like a puzzle and we kept each other company in this comfortable silence. The woods was more than what I dreamt about. It was bigger, and more pretty than anything I'd seen inside the dystopian hell.

Tweek stopped and let my hand go. He bent down and gestured for me to as well. "This is your new home. Always follow this mark." He pointed to a star within a star within a circle. I nodded as Tweek pushed the symbol. It was a button that opened a hatch in the tree trunk.

"Just sit and slide. That's all you gotta do." I nodded and watched as he slid down. I sat next and heard the hatch automatically close once I pushed away.

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