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Snape swiftly picked Harry up and set him on his hip because the nearest bathroom was by the slytherien common room. Halfway through the walk though Harry started to squirm.
'Down, please' Harry mumbled.
'If you could just wait a few more minutes potter, I assure you we'll be there.' Snape said getting a feeling Harry was about to wet himself.
'No..It's coming out.. Professor..'
With those words, Snape set Harry on his own two feet and indeed, he had an accident. Tears were streaming down Harry's face. He just pissed right if front of the stupid git.
'Let's get cleaned up, Mr.potter. I guess we'll just have to hide you so none of your classmates see you.'
Hide me? What was Snape thinking?
'Alp!' Harry startled when Snape picked him up again.
'Hush. I'm going to hide you in my robes, sit still, you foolish child!' Snape whispered. Harry stopped squirming immediately and found himself in the blackness of Snape's robes. Snape held one hand under his wet bum and the other hand on his back. Harry blushed but smelled something comforting.
Potions and cinnamon. Professor Snape smelled like potions and cinnamon. It was relaxing. He didn't even know he fell asleep.
Snape felt Harry's head gently fall on too his chest. 'Oh Merlin, I killed Harry potter' he thought, but when he looked down he was only asleep. Soon, they were back at the classroom and Snape decided to give him a bath. So Snape stripped off the wet clothes and gasped. They're were angry red and purple bruises all over potter's back.
"What in Merlin's-" Snape whispered to himself. Those didn't look like any normal cuts and scratches- these looked like they've been pourposely done. By a belt buckle. Snape knew all too well what it was like to be abused, (plus, didn't the child say something about beating him?) he would just have to get answers when the boy was awake.
Harry was awakened by someone taking off his shirt.
"HEY! What the he-" potter started.
"I would advise you not to say the next word, potter."
"Why are you taking off my cloths?!"
"I needed to give you a bath, since your little- accident happened." Just as the words left Snape's mouth, everything flooded back to him. The time out, the potions, Snape carrying him on his hip like a baby. 'Shit shit shit' Harry thought to himself.
"I-I-" Harry stumbled for the right words.
"Quit babbling potter. We'll discuss things after I give you a bath"
"I'm perfectly capable of giving myself a bath, sir" Harry responded.
"Like you know how to ask how to use the bathroom? I think not, potter." Harry blushed a deep scarlet, but still had the little control he still possessed.
" I was in trouble, you slimy git!" Harry screamed.
"Get. In. Now." Snape said in his no-nonsense voice with a glare at the child. Harry knew better than to disobey. Harry climbed in and before he knew it, Snape had cast a spell that didn't allow Harry to move.
"What?! Undo it Snape, now!" Harry yelled as soon as he figured out what Snape did.
"Not a chance. Next time, you think about what comes out of the little brave mouth of yours." Tears started falling from Harry's eyes.
"Your no better than them" Harry stated In a very low whisper that Severus could barely hear.
"No better than whom?"
"The Dursley's! They beat me, and starved me. I lived in a goddamn cupboard for 11 and a half years of my life, Snape! I was a slave to them, no more than a house elf!" Harry's voice has raised throughout his little rant and by the end of it, he was sobbing.
"Po-Harry, hush child. Shh-it's okay. Deep breaths" after muttering a weightless charm on Harry, he lifted the too-small-for-his-age child to his chest with a towel secured around him. Then Snape brought them both to his private chambers. Snape slipped over a shirt and a pull-up -just to be safe- on Harry and changed himself into pajamas. Harry was fully awake when he came back into the room.
"I'm sorry, sir" Harry said sincerely.
"Harry, I understand. I went through it too."  Snape told him quietly.
"You-did?" Harry looked up shocked.
"I admit that my farther-" Snape surpassed a flinch-" could get very violent with me and my mother, but nowhere as bad as your-family." Snape drawled out the word like it was a curse word.
"Professor..I..I'm sorry that you went through that." Harry looked down at the now padded underwear he was wearing and looked confused. When he looked up again Snape was holding up his hand not to be interupted.
"Enough of the abuse talk- your probably wondering why you have a nappy on, hm?" At the question, Harry nodded. "I don't want to deal with you having anymore accidents-"
"I'm not a baby, Snape!" Harry suddenly yelled. Snape gave him a glare that told him any more interuptions, I shall treat you as such. But Harry didn't listen to the logical part of his brain that told him that and kept talking.

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now