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Authors note: I know the leaky cauldron might not have chicken nuggets, this is far from canon so I think it's okay. Tell me what you think though, it would mean the world!

"Harry, I expect you to be on your best
behavior for daddy, okay?"
Snape said to Harry.
"I will, I'm not two! I can act like a proper adult."
Harry said.
"Mm..sure you can. But in this case, your way shorter than an adult and you need to be daddy's baby, when we go into town."
"Please Harry? Maybe I will give you a treat when we're, don't you wanna be daddy's good boy?"
Harry thought of severus's words for a moment. Good boys always got rewarded. Or at least, Dudley did.
"If I be your good boy, can we cuddle when we get back?"
Harry asked.
"Of course, baby!"
With that, Snape picked Harry up and they were off. When they got to hogsmade, Harry was very overwhelmed so he clung tighter to Severus.
"I'm guessing you don't want down?"
But Snape didn't sound annoyed, he sounded amused. Harry shook his head 'no' rapidly.
"Okay baby, I get it!"
Severus laughed. The first store they went into was a bedding store. Snape picked out a toddler bed for Harry. He's way to small for a normal bed, and too big for a crib. Anyway, it didn't upset Harry any. Severus also bought a desk and a small table. And of course, bedding. Harry picked snake green for all the sheets and blankets though, which surprised Snape.
"No Griffindor colors, bug?"
When the words came out of Snape's mouth, Harry made a face.
"When the colors are everywhere in your common room and dorms, it gets overwhelming. Plus, I always thought of green as calming, despite it being a slytherien color."
Harry stated quietly. Maybe Severus didn't like it?
"It's okay, Harry. I was just surprised, that's all."
Snape knew Harry was a sensitive child, so he didn't want to upset him on his first trip. The next shop they went into was a decorating store. He thought Harry might like some quidditch posters to hang up. And he did. So after Harry picked out some posters, they both were pretty hungry, so they went to the leaky cauldron. He ordered Harry a sippy cup with milk and some chicken nuggets. Harry made a face at the cup but he still drunk it. After they ate, Severus took Harry into a toy shop. At the sight of so many toys, Harry's eyes lit up with wonder.
"Go pick some stuff out, Harry. I want you to actually have a childhood. You didn't think I wouldn't include toys, did you?"
With that, Harry ran off. Snape kept a close eye on him of course, but then a witch walked up to him.
"Are you his farther?"
The witch asked.
"Well, I'm adopting him from his old family."
Severus nearly growled the word.
"I take it they weren't very nice to him?"
The witch asked.
"You would be correct. Not at all."
"Well he's adorable and I think you make the perfect daddy for him."
The nice witch said.
"Thank you, ma'm."
Snape said. At this moment Harry ran into him holding a deer plushie.
"Daddy, daddy! Isn't she beautiful?!"
Harry asked Severus. Wait-wasn't he too old for this shit? He rethought his decision..but those cuddles seemed so heavenly to him. Maybe if I be good for another hour, I could ask him if he could treat me like an actual adult-
"She's beautiful, bug."
Snape said, snapping Harry out of his train of thought. 'I also love the nicknames he gives me.. Plus he might not be nice to me anymore and start calling me potter again.' Harry thought, frowning.
Snape saw Harry look up at him and frown. Maybe he's thinking? Well daddy can help him get through any challenge that comes his way, but unless he talks about it, I can't do anything. Severus bent down to Harry's level and whispered,
"What are you thinking about, baby?"
Harry looked up, startled. Snape knew he was thinking! Worth a try, right? But not until they get home.
"I'll tell you when we get to Hogwarts."
Severus was doubtful, so he said,
"Promise daddy, bug." And stuck out his pinkie finger. Hopefully Harry got what he was implying.
Harry looked up to his daddy making him promise to tell him and him sticking out his pinkie. A pinkie promise! He saw Dudley do it when he was younger, but never got to himself. How did Severus know?! So Harry locked pinkies with his daddy.
"I Promise, daddy." So Snape picked him up and saw that his baby only had the deer.
"Are you sure you don't want anything else, Harry?"
"I did see some pretty cool rubber duckies and a boat-"
"Well, let's go find them, shall we?"
"No- "
"Harry? What's the matter? I thought you wanted them?"
"I do, but I don't want you wasting all your money on a Fr-"
a light smack on his bum made him stop mid-sentence.
"Harry. I thought we talked about this?"
Snape said. But when he saw fresh tears in Harry's eyes, he instantly regretted it.
"Wanna go home now, please"
Harry said through tears.
"Baby, no daddy's sorry. He didn't mean to make your first trip out this awful."
Snape said while bouncing Harry gently.
"Wasn't awful, d-daddy got so much for me. Best trip e-ever. Harry's sorry. Harry was b-bad and now Harry wants to go home."
"Well daddy's going to get the rubber duckies now, then we can go home."
Snape was feeling awful. Harry wouldn't talk to me now, good job, Severus. Your baby is probably gonna cuss you out when you get home. He went up to the cash register to pay. He sat the rubber ducks and deer down.
"Aw, poor thing. He's probably tired." When the witch at the counter saw Snape holding Harry while rubbing his back.
Severus replied dully.
Harry was about to fall asleep when a sharp jolt in his stomach stopped him. That milk had finally caught up with him and he started squirming. Merlin, if  he'll actually treat me like a normal kid, I could use the normal bathroom instead of this damn nappy, Harry thought angrily to himself. When they left and apparented in front of Hogwarts.
"Baby, what's the matter?"
Snape asked when he felt Harry squirming.
"Have go potty."
"You already have your potty on, baby. Just let it go and daddy will change you."
No way in hell was he gonna let Snape change him when he was fully awake. So he did the only thing he could think of, whimper and pout while he went to the bathroom.
Severus could hear a slight hissing noise and felt Harry's bottom get warm.
"Good boy! Daddy's proud of his baby! I know that was very hard for you, so I'm gonna give you an extra special treat when we get home!"
Harry didn't say anything. He was still sad about Snape punishing him in public. What would he do in class when Harry did something bad? He would never hear the end of it from malfoy if Snape patted his bum or set him in time out. Then he would be a baby.

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