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"Welcome home, Harry."
Snape said, hoping the child would like it.
"It's so pretty!"
Harry exclaimed. Well. Severus was not expecting that, at all.
"I tried to fix it up before you got here, but-"
"No, it's perfect! I love it! I thought it would be more dingy and dark, not at all fancy."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Snape joked light-hearted. "I'll show you your room so you can get settled in."
"My room?!"
Harry screamed.
"Before I loose my hearing, yes. Your room. why would you not have your personal room, as you did at Hogwarts?"
"I'm sorry- it's just, I usually slept with you, and you don't have to waste space on me..."
"Child, it is my decision to make sure you have all the necessary items in your life. I don't want you to talk nor think about yourself that lowly and if you do, you will be standing in time out. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
"You can be less formal here, again, this is your home too."
"Follow me, alright? I'll give you the tour along the way."
So Severus gave Harry the tour and showed where everything was and let him settle in. 'It's gonna take a while to build up confidence in that poor child. Thinking he's not worthy of a room! Those muggles will be sorry..' Snape thought to himself. So he went downstairs and called a house elf to make them dinner.
Harry was shocked when Severus gave him a room. Not just any room, his daddy decorated with all the stuff he bought in hogsmade, so that made it his room! So while he was unpacking he was so happy he didn't realize he started humming.
Snape was walking upstairs to go tell Harry dinner was ready when he heard humming. It was quite beautiful, actually. Snape knocked quietly on his child's door. When Harry looked up startled, he reassured him.
"I didn't mean to startle you, I just came up to tell you dinners ready."
" 'Wasn't scared."
Harry said while pouting.
"Of course not, let's go before our food gets cold."
" 'Kay"
Harry said then walked out behind his Severus. So they went and ate.
"Yes child?"
"Can you teach me how to swim?"
Well. That was random. When did Harry get the time to think about lakes and bodies of water out of all things?
"I can. When did this question come up at?" Snape asked the child.
"All the muggleborns were talking about going to pools over the summer. I went once with my cousin, Dudley, but I just stayed in the car. I don't think I'll ever sweat as much like I did in that car..."
Harry said quietly. But Severus heard it all the same.
"They-left-you in a very hot car?"
Snape said, anger boiling inside him. How dare they! Leaving a child-his child-in a probably 100 degree car in the summer, no less. But when Harry looked up with terrified eyes, he decided to calm down a little.
"It's fine. Really. They said only 'good boys' get to have fun. And I certainly wasn't a good boy. I was only five."
At this Severus walked over to Harry, picked him up, and hugged him so tight.
"Daddy's here. I'm so sorry that happened to you, baby."
"Daddy-can't breathe-Uggh"
Harry choked out while laughing and giggling.
"Now, I want you to go play in your room while I make a floo call to someone."
Snape said angrily.
" 'Kay"
With this Harry ran off and Severus vanished the dishes off the table.
"Merlin help me."
Snape said, getting ready to call Albus.
"Severus! Just the boy I wanted to see! May I step through?"
"Of course."
Snape said while rolling his eyes.
"How's Harry?"
"Good. But I wanna discuss my most recent discovery."
"Oh-and what would that be?"
"They left him in a scalding car while his cousin and wonderful family went to a pool. He asked me if I could teach him how to swim, Albus!"
"What?! They just-left- him there?!"
"Mm-hm. I think I'm going to pay them a visit tomorrow."
"Agreed, my boy, agreed."
The headmaster turned to leave, but right before entering the green flames, he turned around and said,
"Be reasonable."
"I always am, headmaster."

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now