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While Snape was getting Harry cleaned up, Harry was silent. They went to Harry's room and Severus sat the small child on the bed.
"All better?"
"Thank you."
Harry said quietly while looking away.
"You know, I'm always here if you need to talk...about anything."
Snape said sincerely.
"You heard all of it."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
"Sadly, I did."
Snape replied.
"You probably do think all of that's true now, don't you?"
"You think way to little of yourself, Harry. But to answer your question, some of it is fact, and some of it is not."
When Harry looked up confused, Snape sat down beside him.
"It is true that I did not like you, I did not hate you as you put it, and I did want to make your life miserable, at school at least. I thought you were a pampered little prince and acted like your farther. But I soon discovered that was not the case, at all. What I did find when you told me the truth is a scared boy who never had a childhood and who now plays the biggest role in the wizarding world. The golden boy."
"I don't wanna be the boy who lived! I just want to be Harry.."
Harry exclaimed.
"I know. That's why I want to make it up to you. I want you to have the best childhood. A do over, perhaps. I never thought about what you wanted..I just did what any other guardian would do to their toddler child. But you, your special. You grew up abused," Harry flinched.",and that affects what I have to do treat you right. I'm sorry Harry, That I made you feel that way."
"No, no! I like everything you do it's just..... I'm still an eleven and a half year old and although it is fun act and be treated like a baby, I would still like some older affection to."
Severus looked at him curiously and moved his hand to go on.
"I- can we have, like, toddler weeks? Like a week or two each month, to 'ya know do babyish stuff, and like the rest of the time I can act my normal age?"
Snape instantly smiled.
"Of course, if that's what you want?"
Harry thought about it for a moment.
"Yeah. Yeah, I would like that. But I would still wear pull-ups full-time and you would have to cuddle me full-time."
Harry said while giving Severus a pleading look.
"Alright, but you gotta wear pull-ups all day then."
Harry laughed.
"You would still use your sippy cup, but on 'toddler weeks', as you call it, you will be using a bottle."
"A bottle?"
Harry asked. Snape transfigured a fake plant into a blue baby bottle.
"You have to go all out for toddler weeks."
Severus stated.
"Oh..okay."Harry said. "does this mean you will rock me like a baby?"
"You'll just have to find out. Your punishments are the same, though. Eleven and a half or not."
"Okayyyyy professor."
"When would you like to start?"
"Does next week sound good?"
"Of course. Let's go get your dirty bottom in the bath."
"Okay, Snape."
"Another thing... It's 'nape when your eleven."
Harry crossed his arms at this. Severus simply just raised an eyebrow.
"Is Potter being defiant?"
"You called me potter! That's not fair!"
Harry whined.
"I'm sorry, I thought I was the adult and you were the child. I make the rules and you follow them."
Harry crossed his arms even tighter and tried not to pout.
"What did you just say?!"
"I said no!"
Harry said, emphasizing the no. Instantly realizing what he had done, he slapped his hand over his mouth.
"Go stand in a corner and take off all your clothes except for your diapey."
Snape said sternly, using baby language. When Harry removed all his clothing except for the pull-up, he went into a corner.
"For being so naughty and defiant towards me, your toddler week will start tonight. That is perfect, as today is Monday."
Snape said while sitting down in Harry's bed once again and watched the child squirm under the glare that he was giving to the child's back.
Harry squirmed cause he was almost naked and Snape was glaring at his back, he just knew it. He whimpered.
"Come here, you naughty little child."
Harry waddled over to Snape. He opened his arms and Harry fell into the soft, velvety, black robes, where he started to cry. Snape patted his bum, which made him cry harder.
"Potter, potter, potter. You are too much."
Harry clung tighter at these words.
"Pott'r be *hic* good boy now! P'ese no leave me 'nape!! I know I'm a fail're!! P'ese no leave.."
"Harry! Calm down child!"
Severus nearly shouted at the child in his arms that could barely breathe because he was crying to hard. Snape pulled him up on his lap and placed one of the child's tiny hands over his heart.
"Follow the beat of my heart and breathe, potter."
It almost took a full two hours for Harry to calm down. And when he did, he flushed. I CANNOT believe I just acted like a complete baby in front of Snape.. On his lap out of all places! Harry thought while Snape was rocking him and humming. He's so generous though...Harry thought again. Snape shifted him, pulling him out of his thoughts. When Snape looked at him though, He looked away.
" 'nape."
Harry replied. Two can play at this game.
"I take it you feel better?"
"Does it have to do with me calling you potter?"
Harry nodded his head at this.
"Well you called me Snape, so I guess we're even, Harry." Severus then layed his chin on top of Harry's head. "I'm so sorry I scared you like that. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but your my child, and I'm gonna keep you no matter what."
"Wasn't scared... I was just sad. And... Really? You don't think I'm a disappointment after all we've been through?"
"Harrrryyyyy... " Snape picked Harry up and gave his bottom a warning pat to remind him not to talk about himself like that. "Again, yes. I'm going to keep you no matter what."
"Forever and ever?"
"Forever and ever, always."

The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed it!! If you want I can make some more stories like this. Like prequels or something like that. I don't know. You can comment and suggest stuff and I'll try and write it! I'm not the best, and this is only my second fic, but hey. I tried.

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now