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Snape heard a slight hissing sound and felt Harry's bottom grow warm. 'He's not gonna like it, but I have to'....
"Baby.... Wake up. You went pee-pee."
" 'nape.. Harwy wanna 'sweep.."
A loud boom woke him up immediately and he started to cry.
"Dada! Dada! I'm gonna dieeeeee!"
Harry screamed.
"Shhh, shh bug, it's okay. It's just a loud noise. Dada's here to protect his Harry."
Severus said while standing up and cradling Harry to his chest. He started to hum.
"Wet, daddy. Please change to c'ean one."
Harry whined. So Snape proceeded to change him and after he was done, he sat Harry down on the floor with his toys.
"You play here while dada goes and gets some blankies for us okay, baby."
" 'Kay daddy."
When Snape came back with an armful of blankets he stayed hidden by the door frame and watched Harry as he interacted with the stuffed toys.
"Harry be bad.. Now pro'essor Snape's gonna have to spank your naughty bottom!"
Harry said as he held the bat up high and did his best impression of him. He stiffed a laugh.
"Noooooo! Harry didn't mean it! Professor please.. Harry be good boy!"
Harry said as he moved the deer and voiced himself.
"Well, if you put it like I'm the bad guy, I guess I am going to smack your naughty little bum.."
Severus said from the doorway. Harry shrieked and tried to escape him, but it was no use since Snape was quick. Severus grabbed Harry, put him under his right arm, turning him around so his bottom was facing his front.
"Little Harry has been a very naughty little boy lately..."
"Ohh nooooo, what will Snape do to itty bitty Harwy?"
Harry said sarcastically.
"Being cheeky, huh? We'll see what Snape's got up his sleeve.."
Severus said while patting Harry's bum, he started to wiggle and try to get down, tangling them all up. They both ended up on the floor. Harry tried to escape, but Snape grabbed his foot, causing him to fall back onto his chest and scream.
"Not so fast, potter. I think you need a smack for every time you disobeyed me today..."
Before Harry could muster another word, Severus said sitting up and flipping Harry over on his lap.
"One for not doing what I tell you to do."
"One for having attitude about it."
"One for running away."
"Last but not least, one for falling asleep on me!"
Harry sat there for another minute before rolling off of him.
"I cannot believe you just spanked me on your lap, out of all places, like a toddler."
"That toddler, Is you. And you had padding. And it serves you right being embarrassed. "
"Why? I'm still mature adult-"
"Child, you know."
"Mature?! Your funny if you think your mature. Having hissy fits left and right, flat out refusal to do- or wear - anything I tell or give you, sucking on a pacifier and playing with toys. Hmm.. Sounds babyish to me."
"First, you cause me to become angry. Second, I don't wanna look like a sodding toddler, and lastly, you gave me those things! What'd you expect me to do with them? Display them?"
Harry said while crossing his arms and holding his chin up daring Snape to say another word. Instead of speaking though, he came over to Harry and turned him him around, and smacked his bottom. Hard.
"Owwwwwwww! What was that for?"
Harry said whining.
"For not accepting that I care about you. And for having attitude about it."
Harry whimpered.
"B-but... You- you-"
Another loud boom rang through the house, making Harry scream. And wet himself..
"Harry? Are you-"
"I'm going. Now."
Harry said as he stormed out of the room. He went to his bedroom and changed himself. What he didn't know was Severus was standing on the other side of the door, listening. Harry mumbled to himself.
"Stupid bladder... Bad timing, especially since me and professor Snape are having an argument.... always thinks he can smack my bum anytime he wants...isn't faaaiiiiirrrrr!"
Harry finished his little rant with a stamp of his foot and a loud sob.
"He's way better than them.. I don't know why I'm acting like this... Maybe it's because we hated each other all year? Not even a month ago, he adopted me... I guess it's just weird.."
Harry said calmly while crying. Severus slowly opened Harry's door. When he quietly walked in Harry was facing the wall, clutching to speedy and his deer. Snape walked quietly over to his form and gently placed a hand on Harry's back. As soon as he contacted Harry's back though, Harry shrieked and jerked his head too fast and into the wall, causing him to get a bloody nose.
Harry glared and screamed at Severus while holding his bloody nose.
"Child, calm down. I heard you crying and I-"
"You were spying on me?!"
Harry yelled and Snape looked down.
"How much did you hear..?"
Harry asked.
"All of it." Severus replied quietly."why don't we get your boo-boo cleaned up shall we?"
Harry hrmped but looked down at his hands to find them covered with blood and screamed.
"Fix it! Fix it, Snape!!"
Snape picked him up and they went to the bathroom. He sat Harry down on the counter while wetting a wash cloth. He ran the cloth along Harry's hands first then nose.

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now