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Harry was cradled in Snape's arms. Severus was reading the daily prophet when Harry started to awake.
" 'Fessor... "
"Harry want down.."
Snape set Harry down gently. Harry waddled over to the spot where Severus put he stuffed animals (which was on the armchair, bc he didn't want to get them dirty). Harry grabbed speedy and waddled back over to Snape. Severus eyed Harry critically. The way he waddled..
"Harry, are you wet?"
Harry blushed and that was the only answer he needed to know he did.
"Pottttteeeerrrr... I don't like being lied to...come here."
Harry slowly came towards Snape looking like he was about to faint.
"I'm not going to bite. I'm just want to check your diaper."
Harry relaxed but he turned a bright shade of red from embarrassment.
"Come here, Harry. If I ask again, you will be over my lap."
When Harry was right in front of Severus, he turned Harry around and put 2 fingers inside of the underwear.
"Potter. I thought we talked about this.. When I get you changed, you will sit in a corner for fifteen minutes."
When he said that Harry looked like he was about to hit Snape. If fact, he did attempt to. When he swung his arm at his face, Severus was quick. He swatted his bottom and said,
"15 minutes isn't good enough, I suppose. 20 minutes it is then, with just your diaper and pacifier, young man."
Harry glared at Snape while he changed him.
"Glare all you want potter, but I'm not changing the punishment."
Harry hated that word. Punishment. He shivered. That brought back some awful memories from Vernon.. Before he knew it, there were tears running down his face. Severus wiped them away.
"Shhhh little one, it's okay. It's only 20 minutes."
Harry silently cried. When Snape sat Harry down in a corner, he put a pink fluffy blanket around him.
"Don't want my baby getting sick."
Harry was still crying, but now he felt bad. He startled when their was a knock on the door. When Harry heard Lucius's voice talking to Severus, he turned around immediately.
"Face the wall, mister potter."
Snape said. And Harry faced the corner again.
"Severusssss.. Don't you think your going too hard on him?"
Lucius asked while heading over to Harry.
"No, not when he attempted to smack me. I swear to Merlin if you pick him up blondie, I'm gonna set you in a corner."
"Okay, okay. I just wanted to help him out."
Lucius said with his hands up, but winked at Harry.
Harry's blanket fell behind him, and he knew if he turned around again he'll get yelled at by Snape. So he just sat there with only a diaper on and paci in his mouth. He felt so exposed. To make things worse, He started to get cold too. Uggggh why can't he just let it up already... Harry thought as it ticked past twenty minutes, but he was scared to ask about anything. After all, he was in trouble.
"Harry! Child, I'm so sorry! I left you here for.. 30 minutes! Baby, daddy's so sorry.. "
Harry just glared. His bum hurt from sitting so long, he was cold, and he was Hungry. When Snape walked into the kitchen, Lucius was sitting there.
"Looks like time escaped from you, Severus."
Lucius said while Harry squirmed in Snape's arms. He set him down gently and when he did he walked over to Lucius and climbed on his lap. Lucius gently helped him up. Harry winced as soon as his bum came in contact with Lucius's knee.
"Uh... Severus.. I think his bottom hurts. Maybe you left him on that hard wooden chair for way too long."
Lucius said while shifting Harry into a rocking position, with one hand on his back and the other under his injured bum.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry, Harry..."
Snape said while coming closer to Harry, which only made him glare harder and snuggle more deep in Lucius's robes.
"I think he wants his uncle Luc, right now. Don't you, child?"
Lucius said while tickling Harry slightly. Harry giggled, booping Lucius on the nose. But soon coughing afterwards.
"I messed up big this time."
"Just earn his trust back, Severus. It can't be that hard."
"It can when Harry's been abused for eleven years.."
Snape said regrettably while rubbing his temples.
" 'nape be bad. Harry punish 'nape?"
Harry suddenly said, sounding very hoarse. He looked up with big green eyes at Severus.
"If you can forgive what Snape did, I guess so.."
"Harry forgive you."
Harry carefully climbed down and walked over to Severus and kissed his hand.
"Corner. Now."
Harry said after kissing his hand.
"Surely you can give me..."
Snape stopped short when Harry have him a hard glare. If looks could kill, Severus would be dead right now. He looked up when he heard Lucius laugh.
"It would be wise to go to a corner, Severus."
Lucius said while holding back a chuckle.
"Easy for you to say, blondie."
Nevertheless, Snape got up and sat in the same corner he set Harry at. Lucius came over and picked Harry up.
"Think he got what he deserves?"
Whispered Lucius.
"Yeah, but I wish no one would treat me like a baby anymore."
"Maybe uncle Luc Can talk to your daddy and let him treat you like a slightly older toddler, okay?"
"Thank you uncle Luc."
"This is ridiculous! I am NOT the child around here. I should be stirring potions and reading! Not in a corner like a baby!"
"Now you know how I feel Snape!"
Harry screamed at Severus. He jumped down from Lucius's arms and fled to his bedroom. Once Harry was out of earshot, Lucius and Snape looked at one another. Lucius was the first one to speak.
"Maybe you should listen to his opinions, Severus. He's sensitive. If he acts like a small child, treat him like a small child. If he acts like an older child, treat him like an older child."
"It's going to be difficult, but I'll try and do that, Lucius."
Snape said, while Lucius patted him on the back.
"I should be going. Draco's probably wondering where I am."
"Alright. I'll see you later, Lucius."
Once Lucius left, Severus went and leaned against Harry's door he could he crying and coughing. Once he opened Harry's door, Harry was on the bed crying his eyes out. Once he noticed Snape though, he threw pillows at him.
"Get out Snape! Get. OUT!!!"
Harry screamed while throwing his stuffed deer at him, but clutching speedy for dear life. Severus easily caught the deer.
"Harry, we need to talk."
Snape said calmly while walking towards the angry and upset child.
"No! NO! Don't come near me!!"
Harry yelled. Severus was right at the end of Harry's bed when he jumped at him and started punching him in the chest. Snape grabbed him Quickly and sat down with Harry on his lap.
"Fight me all you want Harry, hate me even, but we need to talk about things. Things you might not want to talk about."
Harry stopped fighting eventually, leaving himself in a sweaty, crying mess.
"Are you finished?"
Harry blushed when Severus had to ask him that. He nodded.
"Alright, I'll say this first, It all depends on what you do and say Harry."
When Harry looked up confused, he continued.
"I'm going to treat you by the way you act. That means if you have a tantrum, like you just did, might I add, I will treat you like a child. But if you do a more mature thing, like helping me with potions and reading out loud a really hard part of a textbook, you will be treated more like an adult."
Harry drew his brows together (which Snape thought was quite adorable). He was thinking when he quietly said this,
"Will it also depend on what I wear too?"
Harry asked while looking directly at the diaper shelf.
"That's your decision, but no I will not treat you like how you dress. Even though it would be a funny story if I treated you like an old man while your wearing a diaper and overalls. Again that's your decision."
At this, Harry turned around, jumped on Severus causing him to fall on his back with Harry on his chest. Harry snuggled deep into the black fabric that smelled so much like potions and cinnamon.
"Thank you professor Snape."
Harry said without venom.
"Oh? Back to schools terminology? Okay mister potter, I thought I heard you calling me a-"
"It was in the heat of the moment!"
"If you say so..."
Severus said while flipping Harry over on his stomach and patting his bottom. "If you have another tantrum again, I won't be so easy, potter."

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now