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Harry woke up in the middle of the night, coughing his throat out. Severus heard him and knocked quietly on his door.
"Potter? Are you alright?"
Harry looks up for a second and he starts to cough violently again.
"Snape..*cough* need.. 'Water..*cough*" Harry choked out.
"Okay, Snape  will be right back. Don't. Move."
Harry was still coughing when Snape came back holding a sippy cup of water. Severus sat down on the bed and lifted Harry's face up and tipped the cup in his mouth.
" Potter, do you need anything?"
Harry was crying and he sniffed loudly. Snape conjured a box of tissues. He held one up to Harry's nose.
Harry did. He was still crying though.
"Hurts. It hurts. Wet, daddy. Fresh one please."
Harry said through teary eyes. Snape layed Harry down and changed him and then proceeded to give him a throat soother.
"You want to sleep with daddy, bug?"
Harry nodded.
"Sleep 'wif daddy."
Do they got Into Snape's bed and snuggled together and Harry soon fell back asleep. The next time he woke up he was feeling better, but he was embarrassed he called Severus daddy again... 'Damn I need to get used to Snape again...' Harry didn't move though. If fact, he snuggled deep into Severus's robes. Snape could feel Harry scoot closer to him.
"Potter, do you need anything?"
He asked quietly. Harry shook his head and doing so made him cough.
"Up you get. You need medicine in you."
"Come on potter.." But Harry refused. Severus patted his bum playfully. "Harrrrryyyyy..."
Harry poked his head out of the covers for a split second and stuck out his tongue.
"Oh you little-!"
But before Snape could grab him he rolled off the bed.
"Not so fast now, are you Snape?"
"I would hold that tongue of yours potter, before I chop it off and use it for a potion ingredient."
Severus heard a hoarse gasp on the other side of the bed and walked over before he saw Harry roll over as fast as his little body would take him to the other side and stood up. Before he bolted for the door, he stuck out his tongue again, but this time making wet noises with it.
Snape was not so far behind him. Harry was coughing and laughing, which was never too pleasant on anyone's ears.
"No! NO! Ahahahaha!*cough cough*"
Snape grabbed one of Harry's ankles, making Harry scream. He was laughing so hard by now.
"I would advise you not laugh mister Potter, as I don't see what's so funny."
"I-you- AHAHAHHA! *coughs*"
Harry held his head back and laughed. Snape yelled out something, but over his laughs and coughs, he couldn't make it out.
"ACCIO book!"
A book flew into Snape's hand.
If you won't shut up on your own, I will make you."
Severus said playfully as he held Harry upside down by his ankle and brought the book back and walloped it against Harry's bottom. Harry jerked but he was still laughing.
"Me! Am I clear, mister potter?"
Snape said while patting the book against Harry's bum.
"Yes-your clear.*laughs* I think- you smacked me so hard I wet myself.."
Harry looked at his pants, and sure enough, there was a wet spot on the front.
"Let's get you into a bath, potter."
"That would be lovely, Snape."*wallop* "Owie! Hey!"
"I would watch your attitude mister potter, that's why you got spanked in the first place."
"That was a spanking?! Holy shit-"
"Language potter! Before I spank you like that in front of the school."
"You can't do that! Not with me acting like an eleven year old, so haha!"
"Watch me."
"Okay, I'll be waiting for it."
Severus sighed and then flipped Harry over carrying him on his hip.
"Your difficult today, you know that?"
Harry coughed in response and leaned against Snape.
"I think I'm getting worse.."
Harry said hoarsely.
"In both your behavior and sickness, I Agree."
Harry just glared at him.
"Not funny."
Severus chuckled.
"To me it is. And who is it to you to speak? You almost died from laughter when I flipped you upside down. Most kids would be terrified they were in your position."
"Stay awake, Harry."
Harry stayed awake, but he was very drowsy. Snape gave him a bath and put him in fresh clothes.
"What am I going to do with you, child?"
Severus easily picked him up and put him over his shoulder patting his back like he would a baby to burp them. He soon did, but then he was coughing again.
"Water... Please.. "
"Alright, sh, sh."
Snape gave him milk this time, but mixed in some potions too in a baby bottle. Harry protested it at first, but soon gave in, as Severus wasn't gonna let up. Snape set himself in the rocking chair with Harry's blanket and stuffies and put him in a rocking position so he could feed the bottle to him more easily. He started to hum and eventually they both fell asleep. Harry woke up due to snoring. Harry looked down and noticed that he was on Severus's lap. He looked up and saw the man sleeping. He quietly slipped off his lap and covered him with his blanket and tucked the deer in with him. "So you can have your own Harry." He Thought. He turned away and went to his room. He stuck his pacifier in his mouth and colored on an old piece of parchment he had.
Snape woke up to the coldness of his lap. 'At least his bum keeps me warm.."
Thought Severus. He was covered Harry's blanket and he had his deer too. 'I'm starting to think of this deer as a symbol of Harry..' He thought again. He thought the child went to the bathroom, but when he went there Harry wasn't in there. He then went to Harry's bedroom. He was laying on his side. 'Probably asleep.' Snape went over and checked Harry's pull-up. Not even letting Severus put his fingers in, The child squeaked and quickly turned around, making him gasp and fall on his behind.
"Sweet Merlin, don't scare me like that!"
"I'm dry! You don't have to check my diaper every five minutes! Jeez."
"I thought you were asleep.."
"Nope. I got up this morning and wanted to color."
"You..wanted.. To..color..?"
"Yes! What's wrong with it?!"
"Nothing, nothing. I just was surprised. That's all." Harry glared at him. "Don't look at me like that, you brat."
"Can I please get back to coloring now?"
"Of course. I'll be in the kitchen."
Harry just hrmped and muttered,
"Evil bat."
Snape heard it and decided to hide in the closet and freak him out. 'Just so he'll admit he needs me.. Maybe I am evil. Mwhahaha!'
"I'm here! Professor?"
Harry looked around. He didn't see Severus. Didn't he say he would be in the kitchen? Well, he's not in the kitchen.
"Snape this isn't funny. I'm not laughing."
Severus had to hold back a laugh from THAT statement, but when he heard Harry whimper, he wasn't smiling no more. But then he heard little footsteps come near the door. He swung the door open and grabbed Harry pulling him into the closet. He screamed then began to sob.
"Daddy.. Don't *hic* scare me like 'dat..*hic*....."
"Awe.. Maybe I am the evil bat you said I was."
"I was playing! You didn't need to scare me like that!!"
Harry yelled while rubbing the tears away from his face. Snape scooped him up and held him close to his chest.
"How bout we eat, hm?"
Harry nodded. So they went in the kitchen and Severus sat Harry on his lap.
"You want to feed yourself or do you want me to do it?"
"Potter, potter, potter. Are you gonna sit on my lap in the great hall when we go back to school and let me spoon feed you?"
"I might. Just to ruin your 'evil git' reputation. And to prove it to Ron."
Harry looked down and thought for a moment. Maybe it was worth a try.
"Oh no- then the whole staff will make fun of me with their idea of 'dad jokes'. Can't wait..."
Snape said sarcastically.
"That's a small price to pay to the whole school body making fun of you.."
"Then don't do it."
"But I want it.... No one can hurt me when I'm with you. And if they do, you'll kill 'em."
Harry whined.
"Okay, okay potter. And you're probably correct."
Once they were finished, Severus stood up with Harry beside him looking at his hand pleadingly. Snape got what he was implying and held out his hand. Harry gladly accepted. So they walked into the bathroom. Severus gave him the certain potions he needed to heal.
"While we're in here, do you have to go potty?"
"Already went.."
Harry said blushing and looking down.
"Hey, it's okay. Your supposed to use them. Sh, sh baby, it's alright."
Harry sobbed into Snape's chest. Snape worked quickly but gently at Harry's sensitive skin.
Severus carefully picked him up patting his bottom.
"You want more?"
Harry nodded. Snape patted his bum all the way to Harry's room.
"You wanna try and sleep in here, tonight, bug?"
"I'll try.. Can you read me a bedtime story? Please?"
"Bedtime story...?"
"It's okay.. I shouldn't have asked. I know better..."
Harry said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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