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Harry screamed. Well, he had an early wake up call this morning. When Snape told him they have to talk to Dumbledoor today, he panicked. What if he finds out about the Dursley's? And Snape? And what happened over the course of the weekend? It would be so embarrassing....
"We have too, Harry. Wouldn't it be better to get off your chest?"
"It already is off my chest! I talked to you. If Dumbledoor finds out, he'll pity me and he'll ask me why I didn't come to him sooner. Your different, you-you.."
"Took it well?"
Severus finished for him.
"Yeah, plus you make sure I'm cared for."
Harry said while blushing. He still had to get used to that.
"Don't worry, I'll be there the whole time. Then after our little talk, we'll get you to your classes. There's only a week left anyway, before summer."
"Fine, but I swear if he finds out anything about us.."
"Harry, he visited earlier that morning when we went to hogsmade. Trust me, he won't make fun of you, he'll most probably make fun of me."
"What?! Why you?"
"The fun joy of parenting jokes."
Snape Said sarcastically.
"Oh. Okay. You'll be there the whole time, right?"
"The whole time, I promise."
So then they proceeded to go to Dumbledoor's office and tell him about all of Harry's past, and to both of their surprise, he took it very well. Yes he was regretful, but he ended on a high note saying,
"I'll guess you'll have to take good care of him from now on, Severus. I'll put the adoption papers in."
So then Harry went to all of his classes, and was bombarded with questions from Ron and Hermione.
"So is the git your dad now?"
Ron asked In a rush, earning himself a punch from Hermione.
"He's not git, Ronald! He's nice! Or to Harry he is, right Harry?
"He's still can be a git sometimes, but other than that yeah, he's nice. And way too overprotective of me."
"That's wonderful!"
Hermione answered.
"Told ya he was still a git."
Ron mumbled, then a worried expression came over his face and yelled,
"He still let's you play
"Um, I mean he acts like he would allow it. I mean he bought me some posters with quidditch players on them, but I haven't been on a broomstick since I've been with him."
"Oh nooooo..we have to go ask him right now!"
"Ronald! We'll be late for classes if we go now, especially since it's Harry's first day back since Thursday!"
Hermione yelled.
"Okay, okay. We'll go after our classes, sound good?"
Ron compromised.
"Sounds good."
Hermione and Harry said together. As the day wore on though, Harry got more and more worried that his daddy wouldn't let him play. So after the last class, he almost ran to the dungeons.
"Mate, wait up!"
Ron yelled, but looked as worried as Harry.
Once they were at the big oak door, they all breathed deeply.
"I'm sure he'll let you play, Harry."
Hermione said sincerely.
"Let's hope so."
Harry said and knocked quietly on his dad's door. When he heard a gruff 'enter' the three griffindoor's walked in.
"Ba-Harry! What brings you three down here?"
Snape said, while looking at the two of them and his child.
"We came to talk to you about me playing quidditch."
Harry said while puffing out his chest and doing his best not to shrink back from his daddy's gaze. Suddenly Ron blurted out,
"You have to let him play, professor Snape!" Ron said desperately. "Please."
Ron said after a minute of realizing who he was talking too. Snape thought for a moment. So that's what they were all here to discuss with him? Quidditch?
"Please daddy?"
Harry said so quietly he didn't think Wesley or granger heard it.
"If you take necessary safety precautions, I don't see why not."
All three griffindoor's said at the same time.
"IF you take safety precautions. No dangerous stunts, Mr. Potter. And if you do, you will be sorry."
"Okay. Thank you professor Snape!"
Harry said gleefully.
"Mrs. Granger, Mr. Wesley, I bid you farewell as you should probably go to your common room. Mr.Potter, a word please."
As soon as they left, Snape came over and stood in front of his ward.
"Care to tell me what that was all about?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would get mad. I'll go too.."
Harry stated heavily while headed towards the door.
"No, your not going anywhere. And I'm NOT mad, Harry. I just wanted to know why it came up out of the blue."
Severus said while coming over to where Harry stood now.
"Okay. At breakfast, Ron brought it up and he was wondering if you would let me play. I've kinda been stressing about it all day."
Harry said tearfully.
"Baby, I'll let you play as Long as you be very careful for daddy, bug."
Snape said gently while picking Harry up and rocking him. He started humming and then Harry slowly but surely pulled away from him.
"I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to make you worried."
"No, no. You didn't make me worried. Not yet, anyway."
Snape said as he gently set Harry down.
"You best be heading to your common room before weasley thinks I've made you into potions ingredients."
Snape said while turning Harry around and gently patting his bottom towards the door.
" 'Kay daddy. Wait! One last thing-"
Harry said while running at Severus and hugging him.
"love you daddy."
"Love you too, bug. Go on now" Snape said while placing a kiss on top of the messy hair. So Harry went to his common room and sleep through the night. The rest of the week went pretty good. Thus came Friday, and Harry waved all his friends off the platform wishing them a good summer.
"Are you ready to go?"
Severus asked while coming up behind him.
Harry answered and then the pair apparted away to spinners end and severus's summer home.

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