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Once they were home, as expected, Snape did collapse on his bed. Harry put his comforter over him and gently kissed him on the forehead. It seems like the roles were reversed tonight.
"I'm sorry you had to suffer vernon's wrath.. On the bright side, you only got a small fraction of it."
Harry said to Severus's sleeping form.
Then Harry decided to make him breakfast in the morning. Then with a fresh pull-up, pacifier in mouth, and with speedy and his deer, snuggled up in his bed.
When the morning came, Harry climbed out of bed bright and early and went to see if Snape was still asleep, in fact, he was. 'He looks so peaceful when he sleeps' thought Harry. He went downstairs to make breakfast.
Severus woke up to a delicious smell. So he followed it all the way to the kitchen and when he saw two plates at the table, he knew Harry made them breakfast. But where was the little tyke? He went into the living room and sure enough Harry was reading a picture book with speedy on his lap.
"Your up. How was your sleep?"
"It was...good. Do you recall what happened last night for me, bug?"
Snape couldn't for the life of him remember what happened last night.
"You came and got me from uncle Luc and told him Vernon hit you. Are you okay?"
Ohhhh. So that's what happened. Everything slowly came back to him.
"As soon as you hit your bed, you were already sleeping. So I kinda tucked you in and did my nightly routine by myself.. I hope your not mad.."
He said while Severus was raising his eyebrows the entire time he spoke. 'Oh how the roles were reversed..'
"No, no. I'm not mad. It's just.. You got ready for bed all by yourself?"
"Yeah.. I changed myself and everything!"
Harry said with a bright smile.
"Daddy's proud of you!"
Snape said as he grabbed Harry and threw him up in the air.
"You are?"
"Of course! You even tucked poor old professor Snape in bed..." Severus joked. "How did you like being a daddy for last night?"
"Easy peezy, lemon squeezey!"Harry said with a giggle."I made breakfast for you, I thought you were going to be asleep longer, though .."
"Well, I'm up now, aren't I? Let's go eat some of that yummy breakfast!"
Snape said while tickling Harry's tummy. So they went to the kitchen and ate. 'This is one of the best meals I've had in a long, long time' Severus thought when his eyes met Harry's. Harry immediately looked back down and said quietly,
"Do you like it?"
"Harry. Would you look at me please?"
Harry slowly looked back up.
"This is one of the best meals I've had since my own mother cooked for me. I don't even think I can cook as incredible as you, child."
Harry beamed at the praise. No one had ever completed him on his cooking. Rarely he would get to eat it. He was just shoved into his cupboard and screamed at. He shivered at the memory.
"Are you cold, baby? I can get some blankets, if need be..."
"No, no I'm fine, just.......thinking."
"Baby, you can talk to daddy about anything.."
"Seriously daddy, I'm fine. I don't want to be a burden that you have to stress about..."
With that sentence, Snape got up, walked over to Harry, stood him up, and swatted his bottom twice.
"What did I say about speaking of yourself so lowly, Mr. potter?"
Harry looked up and glared and snatched his arm away from him.
"I am. Admit it Snape, you HATED me before. What changed? Now that you can put me in diapers and spank me? Is that it?! You want a little kid, an actual baby, and not just me. You'll probably just throw me out once you've had enough of the famous Harry Potter, won't you?!"
Harry sobbed. 'What did those monsters put in your head, baby boy? I'm sorry..' Severus thought as Harry sped off to his room and slammed the door. Snape went to the living room to think when he noticed Harry left the picture book and speedy. He picked up speedy and went over to his chair and started to treat the little bat like he would do Harry. He sat and thought for  about half an hour and when there was still no sign of Harry, got up and walked quietly to Harry's room where he then knocked quietly on his door.
"Harry? Can I come in child?"
When he opened it, he saw Harry in a sweat covered bed and a huge wet spot on his pillow.
"Harry, baby, I shouldn't have treated you like that."
Snape said to the sleeping form. He then went over and picked up the small child and cradled him to the bathroom. He then washed him up and the tear stains on his face. He then layed him down to change him. When he was all finished, he went to the rocking chair in the living room and rocked him while putting the child over his shoulder and patting his back.
Harry woke up to humming and the smell of potions and cinnamon. He knew that smell anywhere.
" 'fessor? That you?"
"Yes child, it is."
Everything suddenly came back to him. The yelling, the swats, and Severus calling him mr.potter. But didn't he storm off and end up In his bed? When had the professor come and got him? More importantly, why? He whimpered.
"Why what, Harry?"
"You came and got me. 'Thought you didn't care no 'more."
"Harry,Harry,Harry. I still have lots to teach you. I still love you. I'm your daddy and I'm supposed to go out of my way to make sure your safe, have the things you need, and to be disciplined. You are to be a good little daddy's boy, alright?"
Harry nodded against his shoulder.
" 'm sorry I stormed off like that, daddy."
"It's alright. But next time it'll end up with you in the corner, understood?"
So they rocked for the rest of the day.

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now