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"Harry? Harry, where are you? I know you're in here. Right now is really not the best time to be playing hide and seek with me."
Snape said as soon as he walked into the kitchen.
"No. I just hit my foot and it hurts. Besides you don't care anyway. You called me 'mr. Potter' like you always did when you hated me."
Harry said while he sounded like he was under the table.
"Harry, baby, I'm sorry. Could you come out for daddy?"
"No, you are not 'daddy' anymore if I'm 'Mr. Potter', Snape."
"Watch your tone with me, young man, before I do punish you in public."
Said Severus while he was bending down and looking at Harry. Harry read one thing: heartbroken. He even had tears in his eyes and was pouting.
"Baby, no, I didn't mean it. A promise is a promise and-"
Harry screamed and flew out the kitchen door and into the living room and stopped and looked at the three confused griffindoor's for a split second and ran into the hallway and to his room. That's when Severus walked back into the living area sighing and rubbing his face.
"I have him. We've been getting along so well for the past few days, he's angry at me because I threatened to punish him in front of all of you when I just promised him that I would not punish him publicly not even a 10 minutes ago. Plus I called him 'Mr. Potter' and I've been calling him Harry....And other nicknames."
To say that Ron, hermione, and professor mcgonagall was surprised was an understatement.
"You-you care for Harry?"
Ron said skeptically.
"I do, Mr. Weasley and always have. I just thought he was like his farther, who I never got along with when I was your age. Now I know my mistake and apologized to him, and we've gotten along ever since."
"This is wonderful! Now Harry has a farther figure to look up to without the Dursley's misguiding him!"
Hermione said in a rush.
"Wait-Mrs. granger, how do you know about the Dursley's mistreating Harry?"
Snape asked.
"He's told us snippets when we bugged him about it."
Hermione answered, fidgeting slightly under Snape's glare.
Minerva drawled out.
"Don't worry, I'M not going to hurt him like those vile creatures."
"Let's hope not. Are you gonna be adopting him or..?"
"I need to talk to Albus first."
Snape said tiredly while rubbing his hand over his face. He still had a very upset child to deal with.
"I guess we should take our leave then. Mrs. Granger, Mr. Weasley."
"Yes, yes. Goodbye."
Severus bid them farewell, and then quietly strode off to Harry's room. He knocked lightly on the door.
He said very quietly. He heard mumbling so he knew that Harry wasn't asleep.
"Harry, please child."
Snape almost sounded desperate. Almost.
"Don't wanna talk. They know and they'll think I'm weird. This is all your fault. I never would've stayed to apologize about your stupid potions. But I was trying to be nice."
Severus had to admit, the child's words stung. Especially since he thought of Harry as his own, if he didn't none of this would've happened.
"Harry, harry, harry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt that way."
"You promised."
As soon as Harry said it, Snape knew exactly what he was referring too.
"I know, and I let you down so much."
"No, you gave me so, so much. New things, new clothes, even a new dad to love. One that I actually met, one that cares for me and doesn't hit me unless I do something stupid. I love you daddy, so much."
Harry said above a whisper and as soon as he was done, he bounced off the bed and ran towards Severus.
"Harry, child, look at me."
Snape said while lifting Harry's chin up.
"Professor Snape will never, ever, punish you in front of anybody. Even if you do something really naughty or bad, we will deal with that privately and together. Do you understand?"
When Severus was finished, Harry had fresh tears in his eyes. At that moment, he let out a heartbreaking sob.
"Harry, what am I to do with you, child?"
Snape said as he cradled Harry to his chest and started humming, patting Harry's bum in a way to comfort him. A few minutes later, when Harry's sobs slowly turned to sniffles and hiccups, he sighed in the comfort of Severus's arms. He didn't realize what he was doing until Snape pulled him away to revel a huge wet spot on his chest.
Harry shrieked and tried to jump away, but Severus was too quick.
"Now do you admit that you need diapers?"
Harry shook his head no vehemently. He was not a baby. He did not need baby things.
"Harry, if this keeps up and you have accidents on a daily basis, your going to have to wear them."
Harry pouted. He was old enough to not wear diapers.
"I tried regular underwear with you baby, but it just isn't working. You have an accident almost every day now."
Snape set him on the bed and proceeded to change him into a pull-up and some footie pajamas. Then he did an extra freshening charm to make sure Harry was clean.
"Tomorrow, we can try underwear again, but you have to promise daddy you'll ask or go potty when you need too, okay?"
Severus said as he sat down on Harry's bed and levitated Harry on to his lap.
Harry hummed when Snape was running his long fingers through his messy hair. He leaned into the touch.
"Harry... I thought we agreed.."
"We did, but I don't wanna call you that. It makes me sound like a baby. Draco doesn't sound like a baby when he talks to his farther."
"I know, But I want you to call me 'daddy'. Please?"
Harry hrmped.
"Fine. I guess I'll call you that in potions too.."
"You wouldn't dare."
Severus gasped.
"Well then, two can play at that game. I'll just call you one of my nicknames I have for you.."
"You wouldn't!"
"I would if you call me daddy in the classroom."
"Then I just won't call you that in front of people then. To save both of our embarrassment."
"Good boy. Now how about we go read a bedtime story, hm?"
Harry nodded. Then Snape said,
"Accio a history of Hogwarts!"
When the book flew into his hand a minute later and not even to the second chapter, Harry was already fast asleep.
"What am I to do with you, child?"
Severus whispered. Then gently laid him down and tucked him in. After he secured all the blankets, he laid a gentle kiss on Harry's forehead.
"I love you, baby."

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now